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Posts posted by OnePostWonder

  1. Hi all,

    Aiyo.. didnt realise that the house worksmanship so bad...

    Coz so far mine ok..

    Think have to call them up to fix and also can lodge a complaint etc....

    quite bad i feel...

    Btw any neighbours here know where is the nearest laundry?

    Thanks in advance


    Can check out the laundry shop at Tiong Bahru Plaza. It is currently located on the 5th floor but i heard that they will be shifting to another floor soon :)

  2. Allo...need to know how to do your clothes management lor. Don't have so many railings then don't wash so many clothes. Just like don't have such a big house, then don't put so many furniture and ppl.

    maybe they wanna save water... wash a lot of clothes at 1 go... not smelly can liao

  3. is there such gate?

    home insurance covers internal as well?

    my wife got locked in, of course there is such a gate... I'll find out more if there are people interested to know.

    home insurance covers thefts... but compensation has a limit to a certain amount. I was advised to keep my receipts which I duly did :D

  4. The gate I'm hoping to change comes with an internal & external lock. I'm referring to a 2nd level of security lock on top of the normal keys used.

    Lock from inside, ppl from outside cannot enter the house even if they managed to unlock from outside.

    Lock from outside, ppl inside the house cannot come out even if they managed to unlock from outside

    How good is it? My wife got locked inside her house b'cos her parents locked from the outside.

    i see no point in changing gate ... cos' if these people aim at your unit, that's it... they are capable to go in...

    maybe a good alarm system will helps...

    alarm? so? banks also can get robbed... how secure can our house get with an alarm system?

    like you said, if the people wanna steal from you, they'll do anything :)

    buy home insurance is the best...

  5. Hi all,

    I think the burglars dare to strike is mainly because the corridors are very dark without the lights on during day time. This makes it difficult to see their face clearly and recognize their face. And most residents are working couples, this makes it easier for them to strike too. Hope that the police will patrol our area more often.


    I've seen police cars driving around... but heck! the thieves are upstairs stealing things...

  6. What about security locks???




    Guys, last nite 5mins after i got home at about 7pm, two guys opened my shut but unlocked wooden door!!!! The gate was pad locked but not the wooden as i was expecting my hubby to come home around the same time. Those two guys looked kinda shocked initially and started explaining that they were told by "my" contractor to fix the water heater....etc, etc. However they're not able to tell me what is the contractor's company name! Made a report thru 1800-3779999.

    So guys, beware!

    By the way, why are the lights at our door not on around that time!!!!!!!!!

    this is even more scary for you as a female... they opened your padlock? :jawdrop:

  7. The centre at 27B is still there arh... Hubby juz went there on wed to report more defects... the metal gates hinges spolit.

    yours also spoilt? when deliverymen come, cannot open the gates wider for them... gotta squeeze my items in

    Hi Kelvin...seem like few of us here have this problem.

    My metal gate ledges (bottom) snapped, unable to unlock or lock!

    i'm luckier... mine didn't snap, just cannot release...
