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Posts posted by Nex

  1. ok guys!! Now after seeing the process of my Living, its time for my Kitchen!! :P (Unfortunately, its still not fully done yet... cos the Cabinets r not fully done while i m podting these...) ENJOY!!

    This is taken before the start of reno... Original Kitchen Floor tiles... didnt like it, so HACK!! :sport-smiley-003:


    This is taken after the hacking of the old tiles, and after the Cement is laid... dont ask mi y the shape like tis... i oso :dunno: ... hahaha...


    This is taken after the Kitchen Floor tiles has been laid!! NICE NICE le!!! :good:


    Another close-up of the drainage area... the contractor very nice, c the pattern??... very special rite!?!? hahaha... dont know y he did tis... looks nicer mayb?? or better drainage?? But it definately looks better... :notti: :dunno:


    Got a brighter colour so that the Kitchen wont feel smaller compared to dark colours (initially wanted Black... but give in to my honey!!, but oso luckily i did... cos it turns out quite nice too... heehee...)


  2. Hi NEx,

    Just curious, do they have stocks for 8litre gas already? I just called citygas less than 2 weeks ago and they say only have 5 litre. So it means 8litre gas water heater arrived liao?


    I m not sure if it has arrived, cos the last time i called them, the lady told mi that earliest date is mid-May, but forecast date is mid-Jun... so i suppose its still not here yet lor. cos i told her to get back to mi when it arrives.... unless she sisnt work on it!! 8|

    The one in my pic one is they install wrongly one. cos they THOUGHT that i wont mind settling for the 5L one, so they install it for mi. but i told them to change it to the 8L one when it arrives... :notti:

  3. how much is the 8l heater? nice pictures by the way! :)

    Thkx... the 8L one is $148, inclusive of running of gas piping to the heater, thou the Citygas guy say that the gas piping is FOC. think its already added in le... ;) but when i called them up, they didnt mention that the 5L is how much, cos they base the price on the 8L one, so why should i accept a 5L when i can get a 8L one, rite?? :o

    anyway, i heard that if u manage to get the 8L one outside, it will cost u probably on the higher side of $300, cos i heard pple whole bought a gas heater of Rinnai 5L one for abt $280, which is 2yrs ago... think bcos it was still quite new at that time... :notti:

  4. finally, got the time to explore how tis thing works... :sport-smiley-003:

    And by some requests, nw i can post some photos... :dancingqueen:

    Pls pardon mi for the blur pics... cos i was using my old viewcam to take still pics, so it looks blur... ;) bo bian, camera spoil... and nw bz wif my house, no time go n buy... (not really no time, but i mean dont wan to waste time go there and listen to the sales-person story...) haha...

    Living Room before the reno...IMG_0265.jpg

    Living Room after laying of tiles... but tis was taken when the skirtings r still not done yet...IMG_0283.jpg

    Nw, tis is the completed Living Room... wif the platform sitting there...IMG_0317.jpg

    ok, nw, tis is the stupid Gas Heater by Citygas.... but they gave mi the wrong one... tis is the old, 5L one... but i wanted the 8L one.. so they r going to tear it down for mi again.... :notti:


  5. Oh ok.. Den 'An Chuan' how huh?? Can anyone enlighten me..



    eh.... sorry ar.... but wat is "An Chuan"?? is my hanyu pinyin half pail water or u typr wrongly?? hahaha... :bleah:

    Hi Nex

    Do u hv a reno blog? Post some pics to share leh.... so I can poach some ideas.... : P

    heehee.... seriously, i dont really know tis system very well, so i didnt set it up... haha.... :dancingqueen:

  6. My cents worth of advise is to get wat you NEED 1st, we make a list of stuff dat we need to function normally and a list of things we want to get :deal: . So dat everytime we save some $ on the things we need (from warehouse/clearance sales), we can get something we want too. ;)

    Do accept whatever gifts you'll receive and maybe can trade them in this forum or sell them in yahoo/ebay... think Reduce, Reuse, Recycle. :sport-smiley-004:

    ALAMAK!!! r u an ambasssador for saving GAIA??? haha.... :P juz joking... hmmm... ya, tats wat i did alr... haha... but bo bian... new hse really got to buy a lot of those "needs" things... and a whole lot chunk of "wants" hahaha.... :dribble:

    and although its "needs", i still wan to get something i feel comfortable one, like a nice sofa, a comfortable dining table... cos u will b seeing it everyday... so muz really get something that u really like ones... if not everyday go back see that "junk" sofa or that "unmatching" dining table, see long oso sian ar... haha... :D

    Juz my tots!! zz

  7. Y ur wife dun wana move in as soon as its done?? Wasted.. ;)

    Ya, true..

    All of u still not bad, got furniture to bring over. Mine mostly buy buy buy.. :wacko::blink::~


    Bo bian leh... my wife very conservative type one :bangwall: ... haha... cos she say havent customary.... hahaha.... :sport-smiley-004: dont know la... c how things go lor... :bleah:

    ya, MLR is rite, they moving hse one, last time got those things le... so can spend lesser... not like us... :help: need to buy so many things... hai... SIANZ!!! zz but my MIL say she got some appliances that she can gave us one, and its brand new ones!! haha... but a bit redundent... cos cooker leh! haha... think most of the time will "da bao" one lor... haha... unless wkend lor... :good:

  8. Good loh, got 'gao ren' guide u.. :D

    Ok lah, I read somewhere other ppl aso took 2 days to wire up. Can save abt $1000++ in electrical works.. So when u plan to move in??


    yah, cos i got pple to quote mi, and the lowest quote i got was $1300, the reason was always "copper price going up and up and up... expensive" (including installation of lights), then i oso got too many changes le... haha... :dancingqueen:

    I wanted to move in as soon as its done, but my wife say, ask mi to stay myself!! :( wkend then she come over... so i say then might as well we wkend then go over and stay... haha... :sport-smiley-004: cos if i go over there stay alone, scared next day cant get up to work... nw at my parents' place, at least got my mom to wake mi up wat!! haha.... :notti:

    so conclusion is, i wont b moving in "full time" la... mayb happy happy then stay lor... or if next day no need to work then stay lor... haha... anyway, havent bought the furnitures and electrical appliances... so go there is really slp onli lor... haha.... bo bian, the whole reno nw comes out to b $30k... :deal: tis includes my air-con, all accessories (toilets), all lights... and ofcos all my water pipes, (which was not quoted in my reno contract one), and some other small items... (oh yah, i bought the glass toilet basin for both toilets :notti: !!) so the furnishing got to wait and buy slowly lor... :(

    hopefully the GSS got something that we can buy!! :notti::sport-smiley-003:

  9. Ya, saving money is very impt.. :notti:

    I aso wana DIY my DL, but felt it troublesome n duno how so drop the idea. Can save alot.. So u did all the wiring ursel? Very :sport-smiley-003:

    U have some electrical knowledge aso?? :notti:


    Eh.... not really i did the whole wiring thingy la... but my FIL, my little wife, and her uncle lor... her uncle is an ex-electrician, so he guide, i do lor... haha... :notti:

    I got the basic knowledge onli la... cos last time i study mechatronics... so got learn electrical oso... but onli "pi mao"... haha... i onli know got Red/Brown , Black/Blue, and Green/Green & Yellow... haha...Live, Neutral, Earth respectively.... tats all i know... the rest return to teacher le... 8|

    but we not pro, and first time do this kind of thing... end up wasting 2days... argh.... :( cos i know DC circuit more than AC circuit.... :bleah:

  10. Hi all... was "wondering" around the topics, and found tis...

    I had bought my lights from Chelsea aka Chuan Seng, opposite Chinese Garden MRT. I was served by a lady, Amy... she was friendly, and NON_PUSHY (which i hate most :furious: )... but one thing I told her straight when she approach mi was "dont tell mi the price that is listed, juz tell mi the best price u can offer mi" cos i dont wan to waste time bargaining... hahaha.... :sport-smiley-004::sport-smiley-004::sport-smiley-004:

    The after-sales-service was very very :good: too...

    1) although they gave mi the wrong colour bulb, they have no prob exchanging it (even thou it has been delivered to mi for abt 2wks alr) :deal:

    2) when i finally opened up one of the box 2wks later, i found one of the glass broken :( ... ofcos i went back. And again they have no problem exchanging it for mi... (unlike another Co. that i bought something from... 5days onli they say cannot change le... cos the person should b i break it one... :furious: piss off) Good exchange policy!! :good:

    3) The kind of price they can offer mi is as good as wat u can get if u keep bargaining at Balsetier/ Geylang. (ofcos, indirectly i save on my time to travel to thses areas, and ofcos the petrol...) :notti:

    to quote an example, I bought those square DL for living for $23 (but i think after i bought it, the price went up to $24ea) :notti: but its still cheap, cos i dont have to travel so far... :bleah:

    Total I spend on lights for my 5rm is abt $1,100.My list: :)

    3 (1 different type of light for each rm, 2 of them r with remotes)- $400

    1 (MBR passageway)- $48

    2 (1 for each toilet)- $100

    2 (kitchen)- $134

    18 (Square DL for living & dining)- $414

    all my lights r of glass material... so a bit more costly... so guys, u all might wan to compare... ;);)


  11. Me too.. :yeah:

    My ID said dun waste the door & money, use 2 yrs or so den decide wana change or not.. He changed the door knobs & do some simple design for my doors.

    I aso feel quite wasted to change it since nothing is wrong wif it. Furthermore, our doors shd not affect the outlook of the living & dining cos its 'hidden' at the common area.

    But its still up to individuals, unless u really loathe the doors so much.

    Mayb u can paint it 1st, den add some designs later on. If really still cannt make it, den change the door loh.. :D


    yah, tats wat i did... paint it first... if my drawing S**KS, then at most repaint it back then dont bother le lor... haha... anyway i m not good in drawing, not to mention painting... haha...

    Hi Nex, Thanks for the info. I think I wil get my renovator to go settle this.

    Hows reno coming along?


    oh... then good lor... ID settle everything... cos my electrical not "bao" by my ID one... i got someone else to do it... :notti: a bit troublesome la... but at least can save a bit lor... haha... :dancingqueen:

    Last 2 days i was doing my false ceiling "holes" for my down-lights one (and yes, i did it on Sun and Mon, PH, cos onli these 2 days free onli)... so tiring man... hai... bo bian... save money, so DIY... haha... :sport-smiley-003: dont say i neow hor!! I juz wn to save a bit n spend it on other things la... heehee...

    anyway, today my ID got his man to go up and wash le.... then for the rest of the week, all the carpentary works will b up le... :dribble::dribble::dribble: but i m wondering if this the kind of wash i should b expecting... cos still quite dirty... hopefully after the carpentary works, he will get his man to go up and do a better one... :bow:

  12. Hi all,

    Just like to check how many of you here changed your HDB room doors ah?

    If yes, what kind did u all change to? And how much??

    Still deciding... so need some comments...


    Hi there,

    I didnt change the rm doors... onli change the locks... and ofcos the paint... haha... cos decided to put some patterns or drawings (by DIY) on it... cos i feel a bit no point... in the end everyone the rm doors like the same one... so i opt for something different lor... :sport-smiley-004:

    hopefully it goes well... if not later will :bangwall::bangwall::bangwall: hahaha....

  13. Hi L3x

    :dribble: Thanks, appreciate dat, can save some $$. I also nid the double socket for an extra point in the kitchen (too many electrical apppliance :P ) So if Nex don't nid them, can give me pls. :sport-smiley-004:


    thkx L3x for ur give-aways... but i think u will not have enough double outlets... haha... cos i change a few of the singles to my extra doubles, n nw i m left wif 2 extra singles... haha... so i doubt u will have enough oso... ;) i bought the double one le. price is $4/ea, after GST is $4.28 lor... ok la... cos at least manage to find the same ones...

    MLR, If worse come to worse, (meaning L3x oso not enough), u can try to get them at Feng Sheng, its at Veerasamy Rd... near the HDB there one... they r stockist... and got many brands to choose from... like the Lagrand one, wif big big switch ones, older series single switch is selling at $1.80, (cos I help my Sis to buy, so i know the price, which she say she bought from those HomeFix shop for more than $10 each!!) its cheap... haha... tempt mi to change oso :bleah: ... but muz control!! ;)

    but before u but switches, rem wat i mentiones, if not when u get there, u will oso become :dunno: or :unsure: or :jawdrop: one... hahaha... the how many gang switch, how many single, how many 2-way.

    :seeya: Enjoy bah!!

  14. Hi all

    Finally..... hdb done with the tilings, jus waiting to fix toilet doors and sanitary works.

    YEAH...... can start wif the real reno liao :dancingqueen: . Met my neighbor facing us... they r done and moving in tis weekend. Very nice couple and both hb hv the same name! talk about coincidence :jawdrop:

    Hey L3x, tis the same racks @Jin Yu Tdg in Geylang. U got good lobang?

    Hey Nex, I may nid 2 of the switches. How much is each?


    how mang gang u need?? meaning how many switch per "board". and u need it in 1-way or 2-way :dunno: or u need something like my case: [4-gang (4switches), in config of 3switches in 1-way, and 1switch in 2-way]

    so it depends on wat ur electrician tell u or how u wan to operate ur lights... cannot anyhow buy leh... if not like my sis hse, buy wrongly, then the light "pop" then trip le... haha... :horse:

    i dont really know the price, but should be from $5 (for one switch) onwards bah, from wat i know is that ABB one not that cheap thats y outside very difficult to find oso....

    to quote u an example: the 4switches one, wif "special" 1 switch in 2-way mode, cost $9.50. when i go down then ask got better price anot lor... haha... cos i need to buy one TV point cover, and a door bell switch... :notti: cos original one not nice... haha.. :bleah: then see see look look whether got anymore things to buy anot... :yamseng:

  15. Hahha.. Cos my ID bao electrical works & switches, so change loh. Anyway, already charged for it.. :notti: I giv u mine loh, but must wait for them to change the switches. Duno when.. C if u wana wait loh.. :D

    Ever since spending money for reno, furnishing. Sourcing of curtains is the one I hate most.. Very sian one.. Now I have phobia for CURTAINS.. :D

    U go to curtain shop c their materials, all no pricing one. Den when u c someting nice, they said its a better quality type & have to top up how much how much blah blah blah.. How u justify the top-up amount aso very ambiguous. So good ur MIL settled curtain for u. :good: I signed up wif Jimmy Textiles liao. Duno is it reasonable or not.. :dunno:

    Btw, anyone here looking for this kinda storage racks?

    Can MO.. :notti:


    hmmm.... yah lor, since he alr charge u in the package le... but seriously, u can give mi ar!?!? haha... tats very kind of u leh... :sport-smiley-004: anyway, i dont need the switches, cos my lighting configurations nw cannot use those normal one-way switch, so that one sure need to buy one...

    but if u have the double outlet, (the one that is at the kitchen walls one, to plug in ur cooker and fridge ones) that would be good.... :sport-smiley-004: cos i need 3!! haha... :bleah: if i m not wrong, u can give mi, the 2 at kitchen ones, and the one in ur living... :yamseng: thanks in advance...

    BTW, i not in a hurry la... so let mi know when u r ready to pass mi lor... heehee... ;)

    talking abt the curtain, wat u say is very true lor... like any other stores, the person attending to u one, can tell u a lot a lot of reasons to convince u tat wat u r paying for is worth the price, but how much do pple like us know abt the origin and materials tat were used in the products?? haha... c nice nice then buy le wat, rite?? :P:P

    as for the rack... eh... i dont think i m getting the "metal" kind... dont know y oso... haha... thankx for the offer of MO... :D

  16. Hi,

    I'm back.. Was very busy sourcing & buying stuffs.. Y u wana use back the stock switches??

    Btw, anybody got quotes for curtains liao??


    wah.... bz spending money ar??? hahaha... :sport-smiley-003::sport-smiley-003:

    The switches r quite ok wat... u got change all ar?? wah... muz have cost a bomb lor.... :bow: cos the switches for our home is the ABB classiq series leh... not really designer, but at least not like those square square one wat... haha... :P

    can use, dont waste lor... changing one switch is cheap... changing for the whole hse and u will know the "smell" le... unless ur ID got bao or ur electrician got bao in the package lor... my electrician is separate from my ID one... I source myself one... so i got to get the switches myself oso lor... at least i get wat i paid for... wont become carrot head... :bleah:

    as for the curtains... eh... my mother-in-law say she will help mi do.... :sport-smiley-004: haha... so i got one thing less to worry... :good: juz got to go buy materials can le... she say Chinatown is cheap... mayb u can try and ask ard there bah... think they got help ppl sew curtain oso... unless u not getting those fabrics curtain... like roman blinb or roller blind...

  17. how come tis thread like going to die out one?? HELLO!?!?!? wheres everyone?? all buzy doing reno ar?? haha...

    recently read an article on the rise of electricity tariff... its going to rise again... hai... :bangwall:

    btw, anyone using back the stock switches that the HDB has provided us?? the ABB ones?? cos i had a difficult time looking for tis same brand, series, and the suitable "gang and ways", but manage to found one wholesaler of ABB switches and outlets today.... :dancingqueen:

    anyone one here who needs it?? then when i go n buy can help to buy... and hopefully its bulk enough to get a bit of discount... :notti:

  18. Hi Nex

    Dats nice of u... lucky u check, I think it was jus a miscom lah.... not dat they cheated u.

    About window grilles.... Do u plan to change the windows to other design or color some years later? If u do, then don't do grilles now. Also, if u plan to hv bb soon, then u wil nid it by the time bb reach 18 mths old, cos dats the time they start to climb 8| . But I hv got friends dat didn't install even though they have children, cos they hv discipline their children. Our boy is very active, so we decide not to take the risk.

    I was quoted $1100 for the bronze aluminium type for the whole house (200 square ft). It costs more if u get the powder coated aluminium or wrought iron type, also look nicer lah. Actually if u install it later, they can do it in 1 day, just dat if u hv furniture around then its inconvenient lor. Also must take into consideration dat price of aluminium and iron is on a constant rise= more $$ when installed later.

    Just my tots.... :yamseng:

    hmmm... ya, but its my ID who settled the heater thingy... but the pple at Citygas didnt tell him that its the 5L one... then when i told my ID he oso very surprise :jawdrop: , and say: no wonder they suddenly say got la... hai...

    ok, for the windows, i dont intend to change the original glass.. :notti: . and like wat u say, if got furniture all that then put, scared later very messy... tats y at least nw still empty, and havent done with the reno, and ofcos the washing part, so nw considering whether to put anot... at least if messy or dirty, during the chemical wash, can clear all.... once an for all.... :dancingqueen:

    agree on the part that raw materials r on the rise nw... so got to make a fast decision... hai... :help: but aluminium got many grades oso... so very difficult to know if i m being quote with which grade of aluminium... zz and ofocs how would i know which is the average ones wif the reasonable price... cos i dont think need the best and ofcos not the louziest ones....

  19. ALAMAK!!!

    Stupid la... guys, dont envy on my gas heater le la... i kanna cheated!! it was the old stock... not the new stock of 8L one... its the old stock of 5L... argh... :help: i still go n take down the model no. then the no. is REU 55CG... cos normally it shold have a no, tat indicates that it is 8L one wat... mayb something like 80 or 85. Than i check the sticker on the heater, it says flow rate is 2.somethingL to 5.5L... :furious:

    no wonder pple who have installed it says it is not hot enuff if both outlets r in use... cos judging by the flow rate reading... it can go tat high, but at that kind rate, the water didnt have the chance to get heated up b4 going to our outlets... so i think tis expain y the out-going model is not favourable... :(

    anyway, the CSO actually told mi that she will arrange a date for their technician to come down to take it down, but i suggest to her that, mayb she can get the technician to bring the 8L down then take out the 5L that is on my wall nw... if not they oso need to make double trips... and she told mi to play safe, she would say the new 8L will b coming in onli in mid-june....

    see... i so considerate one... hahaha :sport-smiley-004::sport-smiley-004:

  20. Hi Nex

    Theres no 3L gas heater, the available model is 5L. Check receipt, 5L still works well, most of my friends are still using them, just that if u use both toilets at the same time, the water not so hot lor.

    Hi guys,

    Thx for all the info for kitchen door. We r going to hv 1 ac in living and 1 in dining, so dats y nid to put door. Cos when u cook and ac is on....the smell will be trap in it for ages, also the heat from cooking and we cook everday.

    Me like full glass swing door, but with a 20 mth old around, swing glass is not practical. Dats Y the bi-fold choice, but now L3x mentioned PD doors catch fingers.... :dunno:

    Also, bcos me not using id...no 3d to help visualise, hv to try hard to visualise watever our choice will look like. :(

    haha... paiseh... i mean the previous model... i oso forgot is how many L one... but mine one definately dont look like one that can contain 5L to make it hot for use... n very funny lor, the bottom patr, all the pipings r exposed... hai... muz call them up to check... :furious:

    as for ur kitchen door... ok, so u have 2 a/c... hmmm... then confirm LL got to put a "separator" lor... if all the available ones in the market nw will hurt in one way or the other, i rather put glass... haha... glass nicer... but will mix transparent will some translucent... dont put whole thing glass... cos like tat very plain...

    my 1-cent tot.... :dancingqueen:

  21. i rather dun put if i have a choice... but my wife wants it badly

    yah bro... totally agree... i oso rather dont put... cos glass one, one whole piece then nice nice... bi-fold it, and it looks wierd... my reason is simple, when pple see a bi-fold door (regardless of material), the first thing i think of is, its a toilet... :unsure: and our hse the entrance to the kitchen is not really that obvious... so i dont feel there is a need...

    unless u got air-con... but i have some friends who installed air-con for living room, but did not install any doors... end result is: it is still cooling... but not cold... :bleah: and even u have an air-con in the living, u onli have one... not 2 (the other one for dining area)... so no matter wat, ur living is still cooling onli... wont go to the extend of wat u get (the temperature) in a room...

    and if MLR really wan to install it... then if its mi, i juz get a simple one... (the one that MLR mention is cheaper one) cos bi-fold doors will spoil some day... no life-time warranty one.... :o dont waste unncessary monies... (unless u got too much to spare)!! :notti::notti::notti:

  22. Duno y I feel so eager to look at ur reno.. :notti:

    Mayb his ID laise, faster.. :dunno:

    this coming wk, he is arranging for the carpenters to come up n install all the carpentary works... so i suppose by that time, at least can see more "clearly" bah... cos now still quite empty... so i feel a bit hard to visaulise the end result too... :unsure:

    as for the heater thing, actually i have a funny feeling abt it... mayb i think too mauch bah... :( cos the heater dosen't seems like a 5L one... looks more like a 3L one!!! :jawdrop: so i m afraid that its bcos the 5L not here yet, then Citygas gave mi the old stock of 3L one... thinking mayb i wont notice it bah... :dunno:

    Got to go and check on this first thing tmr morning... or mayb i really think too much... which hopefully i m lor... haha... :dancingqueen:

  23. juz nw went up to my hse and see wat has been dont for tis wk...

    1) my chill water pipes r up, but not the hot water one... ;) cos got to wait for my mixer to arrive on Fri...

    2) the gas pipe is up... oh yah, my gas heater is oso up le.... surprising... cos Citygas say got to wait until 15May one... :unsure:

    3) my false ceiling for the whole hse is up too... :sport-smiley-003:

    4) the platform for my MBR is still in progress when i went off... :good:

    5) platform in living is not done yet... onli have the wooden planks in place... :dancingqueen:

    quite efficient... today onli the 3rd day of the wk wor!! haha... :sport-smiley-004:
