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Posts posted by Nex

  1. Hi Nex,

    Thks thks, thks for the info.

    I went BT oso then Kenneth serve us. Say he is one of the owner,find him abit cocky. He dun direct ans to my quest. and kept tellG me how experience he is. AwaitG his quote.

    No prob BukitB... if i m not wrong, kenneth is the shorter guy... cos i onli know there r 2 guys there onli... haha... from the way u say ken... like very different from Nic... haha... but no matter wat, if he can give u wat u wanted, then its fine lor... if not, who cares about how many monkey years he is in this line... haha... :dancingqueen:

    actually one thing i like is that my ID allow mi to make last min changes.... not in the sense of, nw want to do then i say no la... but in the sense that the contract has already been signed, but i still make changes... and he is ok wif it... haha... thats y i say he is good... :good:

  2. quote name='Lin & L3x' post='292027' date='May 6 2008, 11:08 AM'

    Wow.. both of ur giving me hope tat its within means again. Kekek.. :D

    I do some calculation 1st..

    -Gas Heater c/w. gas pipes installation=$148

    -Water pipings for the hot water=??? (how much both of u r quote?) i was quoted $200 per bathroom (this amount include chill water and hot water for the mixer, so it will b $400. but in the end i ask my ID to quote mi for the whole hse, which is $850. cos tis amount will include all, chill water (to kitchen sink, W/M, toilets) and hot water (to both toilets shower points) pipings... cos our present hse r run using PVC... (most of them told mi after 5yrs, will start leaking here and there, due to the water preesure) so better change nw than regret later...

    -MBR mixer & shower head=$300??? so far, i saw the cheapest mixer was $45, at hardware stores, but not nice one lor... haha... :notti: then shower heads, juz a simple one, w/o the rain type one, can b anything from $40 to $200... depend on wat u r looking for... those that can massage one is around $60 to $100... oso depend on the model... :unsure:

    rain type one oso depend on wat u wan, cos got juz a 1)rain shower, w/o any other things, or 2)with an additional attached shower head, or 3)rain shower, plus addn attached shower head, plus tap. or 4) all in no.3 plus mixer... tats y MLR is saying the price range is very big... so look carefully when u r choosing... not all same same one...

    -Common toilet mixer & shower head=??? (simple one roughly how much??) a simple mixer, $45 and a simple shower head, $35. total $80 :notti:


  3. hi Nex,

    I am oso thinkG of getG Urban, how you find their workmanship? And who is you ID?

    Hi BukitB,

    The co. is ok la so far... cos i check wif my ID, he say they have their own carpentary workshop, so indirectly we, the consumer, will benefit, cos cut down one "middleman", tats y in the end i decide to let them do. cos majority of the works r carpentary...

    Anything that is non-carpentary, my ID allow mi to go n look for my own contractors, but ofcos u have to do ur own coordination, so its quite tedious and taxing... but so far most of the things i ask him to settle one. so i no need to get so vex... haha... :dancingqueen:

    workmanship wise, i onli can say those contractors that he got to lay my floor ones are good... (i juz completed my flooring onli) others got to give mi a bit of time to update u. cos this wk then they put up my "L-box" and false ceilings... haha... :yamseng:

    my ID is Nic... he is the tall guy... most of the time at BT one... very friendly... very easy-going... very accommodating... and can give mi the advise that i needed.... get a quote from them bah... :good: Juz to quote an example: I told him i wanted white laminate for my wall feature wif TV console, and he got the designers at their Co. to design, mix, and match the colour until nice nice... :good::good:

    I tink the trunking is still laid even though theres no wire in it, cos HDB tink its weird with 1 side of the wall wif trunking & the other side of the wall without trunking? :dunno:

    But I try to remove the trunking as much as possible if dun require. :notti:

    I'm shortlisting for rack aso, stainless steel one.. :sport-smiley-018:

    Duno we can get a better price wif bulk purchases..

    Dun like tat leh..

    Made my heart sway to & fro. :rofl:



    I oso tot of tearing it down... but after so considering, i decided not to tear it down, cos i got false ceiling to cover it up le... if, and a very big IF, i ever were to tear down my false ceiling, then no need to put new trunking le... haha... :notti:

    as for the rack, do let mi know if u got any good quotes... haha... then count mi in leh... haha... :yamseng: but first, think muz find some time to go up and measure the area which can be utilise... then call up to ask for quote... :sport-smiley-003:

    for the heater... i think on the long run, its really saves u on energy bills... but the chances of it spoiling... dont think anyone here can ans... cos tis kind of products r still quite new... but wont b as fequent as the storage type one... cos it cant store water, which after a period of time, will start leaking one, which a few of whom i know kanna it le... :o so i think u really got to give it some serious thought... :sport-smiley-004:

  4. Hi Nex

    For Stainless Steel (SS), 304 is the common grade that is offered, it is a low grade that rusts over time. The acceptable grade is 303(won't rust), highest grade is 316... but price unacceptable though (about 2-3 times more than 304).

    Hpes tis is useful.. :yamseng:

    Thanx for the info... really helped a lot... haha... ;) after seeing ur post, i quickly called my ID to confirm use copper, cos think tis wk they r installing it le... heehee...

  5. Ok, dun compare wunt :bangwall::bangwall::bangwall: . Heheh..

    Both of them serve the same purpose, rust-resistant.

    But stainless steel is exp dan copper?? :dunno:

    Cos stainless steel nicer..



    eh... true la.... but my friend's brother told mi to use copper better, and he is a contractor, so tat is wat he advise mi... hmmm... many pple, many different advise... :( dont know wat to do... sianz..

    oh yah, yesterday my uncle went up to help mi settle the electrical works... then i realise that a few wiring trunking on the top r empty one... dont know is it for our future use or wat... hmmm... :dunno::dunno:

    so have u tot of who to get for ur bomb shelter rack?? cos i really no idea... thinking of DIY... but heard my friend who did it say, DIY he onl save less than $20, and it took him one whole day to fix it up... so he say might as well let other pple do... take it as the $20 as their labour fee... haha...

  6. :dunno:


    If u nvr buy the mixer, how the tingy work??

    Nex & MLR,

    I decided to drop the ideal of gas heater. :~ Heheh..

    Not cheap xia.. No more M power..

    I went to c the shower head & mixer, 1 set can easily cost 300??? :dunno:

    Mayb u can go Royal Franco take a look, cos when I bought my taps & basin. Can c the price diff frm HK, SSC.

    Ya, btw I read frm Applefreak's blog & noted tat she install Gas Heater aso. Mayb u all can tk a look but alot of pages.. :notti:


    eh... i bought the things le... :jawdrop: better not go and compare price le... if not later c le then :bangwall: hahaha.... anyway, nw last min then i decide to change my whole hse water pipings...

    anyone any idea copper better or stainless steel better?? :dunno:

  7. Hi L3X & Nex

    My apologies for causing some confusion here. To clarify:

    1. Citygas hving promo for $148 for the 8L Rinnai Gas heater, $100 to run gas pipe to the heater, which will be outside the common toilet, next to kitchen window.

    2. U will hv to get your contractor to run hot water pipes from heater to toilets/kitchen sink/wash basins/washer.

    3. U can use rain shower/bathtub with this heater.

    i jus check wif Citygas today and stock for the 8L is only available in 2 weeks time. Jus for info, the current available 5L model was retailing @$250 +/- when we were in the showroom a mth ago.

    Nex, I also got the rain shower from Hoe Kee for MBR bathroom. We jus get the $140 set w/o mixer, some sets costs as much as $500+. Which model did u get?


    ok ok... I called up Citygas juz nw, the gas pipes r 2 separate things, meaning, they will run a gas pipe to ur stove area. then another to the heater. the gas heater they r selling is $148, and installation of the gas piping to tis heater is FOC... tis is the promo thingy...

    So, that means its not $100 for the piping to the stove then another $100 to the heater... its ONLI one $100...

    Think its a catch... anyway, i confirm install le... hehehe... :notti:


    I got the "all-in-one" thingy... Comes wif the rain shower head, an additional shower head, a "tap", and the mixer... model is ROZ EE168, cost $364... bought tis model cos match my basin tap! haha... Tis is for my MBR.

    For my common toilet, i bought a normal mixer and a shower set... cos dont need so nice one for tis toilet... next time got kids, they use until spoil, need to change oso wont heart pain... haha... :sport-smiley-004:

  8. If have, only applicable to new sign-up huh? Cos tml public holiday mah, he cant wait to knock off & happy hour.. :)

    Do let us noe on Fri. :sport-smiley-004: Thx..

    Like tat ah, den must ask my ID liao.


    Yah, i think so too... hahaha...

    I checked wif my ID le, he say its free... then they r actually charging us for the installation of the gs piping onli... hmmm... strange... anyway will still call up Citygas to double confirm, but no matter wat, i have decided to install it le... haha...

    Then today i went back to Hoe Kee and ask abt the rain shower head, whether can be used if i put the gas heater, he confidently say can... so i bought the rain shower head le... haha... but need to buy mixer then can use la.... oh yah, if u oso intend to get a mixer, even is u r installing the storage type, do rem to ask for the "bracket"... cos our hse the water pipings r not concealed, so definately need the "bracket" one... it cost abt $16 each at Hoe Kee... (FYI)

    Will update here after i call Citygas tmr! :seeya:

  9. If its really as per wat u explain, den its worthwhile to buy it. Made me interested aso.. :notti:

    But Citygas website nvr announce any intention of the freebies, how u noe it?? :unsure:

    I aso wana noe the charges for the gas piping leh.. :sport-smiley-004:

    How abt the water pipes?

    Eh... the freebies is i heard from my friend who juz completed his reno one...which is abt 2-3 wks agao, but i think he heard wrongly oso la, how can it be to give tis kind of thing free?? where got so good one, rite?? :unsure:

    I will call up city gas on Fri to confirm wat exactly r the charges like... cos today i called quite late, then he like no time to entertain mi, like rushing to hang up... so i juz say, "ok, thankx... will call again" hahaha... :D

    as for the running of those water piping works, i got ask, he told mi i got to get plumber or contractors to do it... they dont do water works... :sport-smiley-018:

  10. Hi L3x

    According to wat i understand, gas heater is not tank storage, its like the instant heater, xcept a little bigger and the 8L capacity means dat it can heat up 8L of water flow. it wil take a while like instant heater to heat up, as for consumption...once u turn off the tap, its off. We r using it for both toilets and the kitchen sink. As for rain shower, we are getting the mixer separate from the rose wif a regular shower spray for a quick shower. The usual storage tank is an eyesore and also may hv leakage from the tank after a few years.

    Info from Citygas: http://www.citygas.com.sg/index.php?option...=58#product_div

    Hi MLR,

    hmmm... juz checked wif Citygas... he told mi installation for gas piping to my stove is a standard $100 charge. Then i ask abt the Heater, he told mi its $148... but i suppose its juz the heater w/o the installation bah... :dunno: so u know how much r they actually charging to run the gas piping to tis heater?? is it another $100??

    Hi L3x,

    The "Instant Heater" by Citygas one and wat u buy outside that kind one, and definately not the same as the storage one... no same same de!! :D I analyse for u:

    1)Citygas one (Rinnai) is heat water using gas, not electric. (U save on elect, cos gas cheaper. dont worry if gas will go up anot, cos if gas goes up, elect sure go up oso one... its all related!) :notti:

    2)Its not a storage type, tats y its onli 8L (looks nicer, not bulky) :good:

    3)When u turn on, it takes the same amount of time u take to heat up the instant heater. (in abt a min from my understanding, definately not 20 - 30 mins tat kind) ;)

    4)It can be installed away from toilet (but i think tats the onli place since our hse got no service balcony) :(

    The water "inlet" (to the heater) installation method is exactly like how normal heaters r run. same goes for the "outlet" (which is to ur shower head). (nothing complicated, except for an additional running of gas piping to the Gas Heater. :bleah:

    Think tats all bah... :sport-smiley-004:

    Pardon mi if there is any mistakes... this is to my best understanding among "Instant Heater", "Storage Tank" and "Gas Instant Heater".... Pls feel free to correct mi if anything wrong... :bath:

    Thankx... :yamseng:

  11. I put the blower at the Living area, cos dun wan to cool my food in the dining. Dining not so hot as compared wif Living even in hot afternoon these few days..

    Ya loh, no choice. Those 20bucks, forget it loh.

    Ya, buy already dun look back & compare. Hahha..

    I aso looking for heaters leh, instant??? Any particular brand u looking at?

    So excited to c ur reno progressing aso.. :sport-smiley-004:


    hmmm... i oso dont know wan to get wat brand... but confirm instant heater lor... my in-laws r using Amasco... they say really very hot... cos hot until spoil!! :bow: wahahaha... dont know how they use one... but its proven sure hot thingy lor... but my wife say buy a more established brand, like 707... then i ask around my friend who juz completed his reno, he told mi that Citygas is giving FREE water heater!! :notti: the kind that uses gas to heat up water one... but he say that was the promo at that time la... which is less than a month ago...

    so i plan to call them up n c if they still have any promo on tis... cos its quite interesting... haha... :yamseng:

    how abt u?? wat brand u looking at?

  12. Hi Nex,

    ok. :good: Den ur reno really worthwhile.. :yamseng:

    I went to (HK, SSC, Asia Excel) at IMM, PJ, RF. I find tat RF's basin & taps r cheaper. But nw aft tinking, duno worthwhile for all the effort/time/petrol spent. ;)

    :fire: LG

    Hee.. Personal preference.. So which brand & model u taking?

    Seems like Kun Seng having sale, mayb u can call & check..


    Quite true on the part of "effort/time/petrol" thingy... cos tats wat i told my wife oso... haha... :P cos if those few places r dirty cheap, tats a snatch... otherwise, no point u can save a few bucks, but waste ur time and petrol to get there... anyway, currently i m living in jurong oso, so might as well go IMM and purchase these stuffs... :sport-smiley-018:

    Base on my rough calculations, i could have saved abt $50, but if there is anything wrong wif the product when it is delivered, i dont think i wan to travel to so far, juz to get it changed. If dont change, in the end, compromise this, compromise tat... end up, not happy... :curse: and after deducting the petrol, i think i onli save probably $20!! :bow: so forget it... haha... :yamseng:

    So, Today finally got my precious off.... then i went to HK and SSC to place my orders for all those toilet acc, and kitchen items... the price that HK quoted mi was actually quite good... :jawdrop: cos i ask for a bit of discount, and surprisingly they r willing to give mi!! haha... :notti: so i dont wait le... juz buy, then dont go other place to compare le... haha.... if not later :furious:

    nw i think i had got most of the stuffs ready le, onli left my heater... which i abit headache... hai... :( oh yah, and my fridge and W/M.... dont intend to rush and buy TV and Audio set... cos can wait for BIG BIG SALE!! :notti:

    oh yah, my ID called mi to ask mi to go up and check the floorings this thur, c where not happy, then still got time to rectify... hmmm... seems like he got do his work one... :thumbs up: those workers r very efficient... use onli 8days to complete it!! Think they oso wan to collect money faster... haha...

  13. MLR,

    I hav studied n jus installed my trunking today. Very problematic :furious:

    Actually, mainly cos of our building structure(beams & pillars). Very difficult to advise. Like me, I jus use a 18k for living.

    Stick to Mitsubishi, Daikin to b safe.

    Either 1 blower or 2 blowers, we can only choose to install on the toilet wall/dining wall/living wall loh..

    Jus dun get (L6), frm my study, tink someting wrong wif their aircon. Leakage, etc. Even Hong Tar has to replace 1-for-1 for them, & didnt use back L6.

    Hoped got help u in some way..




    I tink its Hafary. Better clarify wif him again, later ask u top up. But I tink if teres a need to top-up, he shd hav informed u earlier.

    Second wat u hav said. We all go Chinese Garden easier. Save all the trouble. Btw, I bought my lightings today. $$$

    Mayb u can try Poh Joo, Royal Franco. RF's sanitaries quite cheap, but not for stove etc..


    :seeya: in blog


    yah... i check wif him le... he assured mi that there is no top up... cos i sign on the dotted line le... everything is fixed le... even if he miscalculated anything, i still do not have to top up anything... heehee... :notti:

    So u went Poh Joo and RF to buy sanitaries?? hmmm.... i went tat area today... but to Hoe Kee.... actually wanted to get my Kitchen sink, and some others... but after tat went to Sim SC... then realise that the accessories sold at Hoe Kee is cheaper... but Sink sold at Sim is cheaper... hahaha... :dribble: but still deciding where to get wat... but since u say PJ and RF things r cheaper, then muz c when free to go and c again... :D

    anyway i didnt do anything to my bathrooms... BUT since u say things at RF is relatively cheap... mayb go there c their basin.... cos buttock itchy!! hahaha... :P

  14. Yo L3x,

    he brought mi to a shop at balestier one... the shop name starts wif "H" and ends wif "Y"... sorry, not convenient to spell it out.... but my ID nv mention wat size or restrict mi to choose wat kind of tiles leh!! haha... :unsure:

    anyway, i last minute wanted to change my kitchen flooring oso... heehee... 8| cos i left see, right see... abit ugly... so i decided to change it in the end... :bangwall:

    in regards to my reno blog... eh... i no time... haha... cos have been v bz wif work, then reno... then some other personal stuffs... 8| sianz... but i will try to set it up asap... haha... then we all can share share lor... 8|

    then went to look for lights le... at the Chinese Garden opp there one... cos no. 1) its near... 2) its v competitive to Balestier, which most ID recommend (Balestier)... (but i found out, over here its either the same price or even cheaper) 3) if the lights got any prob, i can go back to change easily... (no need to travel so far) 4) their service was good... very patient... cos i ask a lot of Qns!! haha.... (bo bian, i like to know more before deciding to buy things one..) :(

    ok la, got time need to look for my stove, heater and those small stuffs... any suggestions where i can ask a lot of Qns w/o the salesperson feeling irritating?? :~

  15. hi L3x,

    erm... the company is called urban interiors, its at Bt Timah SC one... so far, onli can comment on the service... its superb... not pushy, and very friendly... :dunno: I mean the guy that is handling my project one... cos i dont know abt the other guy that is in tis Co. one... haha....

    tmr go choose my tiles le... hehe... but actually i alr went to another one to see see look look le... so have a rough idea of wat i wanted le... :dribble:


  16. hi all!:dribble:

    wah, this thread like a bit quiet... :lol: anyway, i juz concluded my reno items and such... total bill is abt 24K...

    includes sys 3 A/C... but wont b doing the window grilles... cos if got grilles, like a bit not very nice... :lol: haha...

    both toilets left untouch... onli add acc lor... oh yah, havent add in the electrical works...

    My ID was very accommodating :dribble: ... really gave mi a lot of ideas, bcos initially i went to him w/o any ideas.... :P and from wat i compare (of the price) with 2 other companies, it was indeed reasonable... except for my kitchen cabinet, which is slightly higher, other than that, the rest were very good price. :lol:

    anyway, will get him to start work once "Qing Ming" is over... n tis wkend will go n choose tiles le... :lol:

  17. Hi Nex,

    I believe ur quote is the cheapest. 20k including all the carpentries. The cheapest quote I got aso needed 24k. Anyway, now deciding on ID. 2 options only, both r recommended by forumers here. Quite torn apart. :dunno:

    Anyway, r u able to share the haulage charges quoted.




    they r actually charging mi 1.2k for it... normal outside is i think 1.1k to 1.2k... which is wat my ID frankly told mi la... anyway, i dont want to waste the trouble to go around wasting my time to look for a haulage co. separately, so i told my ID ok lor...

  18. Hi all!:dancingqueen: Remember a few months back, think in Oct 07, i posted tis topic.... but that time really is no one reply... or mayb in register in the wrong forum!! haha....

    anyway, i got my keys already, but havent start to renovate... currently had an ID le, and still in discussions... so far, i asked around for quotations le... and the one I had nw is one of the best quotes...

    its around 20k... includes homo tiles for living and 3BRMs... and all carpentary works,

    like feature wall for house hold shelter,

    tv feature wall, with console...

    and ofcos wardrobes for all BRMs....

    false ceiling for the main entrance foyer...

    L box for ceiling...

    Painting for whole house, includes gates, and all BRMs doors...

    and many other small items... :)

    actually spent quite alot on my carpentary works... the rest was actually quite little... less than 40% of the 20k i m quoted...

    oh yah, BTW, i m at blk 183... #17.... my neighbour start works on his reno le... envy sia!! haha... :bleah:
