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Posts posted by prodriver6

  1. in case anyone is keen on the reply from URA to submit lodgment for Lift protrusion, here you go (maciam got say like never say):

    Generally, we are prepared to consider lift overrun which protrudes slightly beyond the envelope control (i.e. 0.5m as indicated in the landed housing e-advisor). However, this is subject to evaluation based on the specific design of the proposal on a case by case basis. As a general guide, the lift protrusion should be limited to the lift shaft only and should not be overly extensive overall.

     As long as the proposal complies with the lodgment criteria and the prevailing development control (as indicated in our handbook and e-advisor), the works can be submitted as a lodgement application.



    on a separate note, my Prelim Soil test just came back - they terminated boring at ~27m as they have hit STP 100 blows @ 210mm at about 24m (Kallang Formation on top and Old Alluvium at the bottom)

    curious if anyone know if this considered deep or still ok? with such results, what does it typically mean to piling depth and estimated rough order of magnitude costing for the piling efforts? 

  2. in case anyone is keen on the reply to URA to submitting lodgment for Lift protrusion, here you go (maciam got say like never say):

    Generally, we are prepared to consider lift overrun which protrudes slightly beyond the envelope control (i.e. 0.5m as indicated in the landed housing e-advisor). However, this is subject to evaluation based on the specific design of the proposal on a case by case basis. As a general guide, the lift protrusion should be limited to the lift shaft only and should not be overly extensive overall.

     As long as the proposal complies with the lodgment criteria and the prevailing development control (as indicated in our handbook and e-advisor), the works can be submitted as a lodgement application.


    on a separate note, my Prelim Soil test just came back - they terminated boring at ~27m as they have hit STP 100 blows @ 210mm at about 24m (Kallang Formation on top and Old Alluvium at the bottom)

    curious if anyone know if this considered deep or still ok? with such results, what does it typically mean to piling depth and estimated rough order of magnitude costing? 

  3. hi all,

    my architect was hoping to submit a Lodgement for my unit as it will be cheaper and faster.

    however, will require an additional lift protrusion to cater for the lift Overrun since our attic floor is not that high...



    is anyone familiar if we can still perform a lodgment?
