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Kitchen And 2 Bathrooms

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Hi, anyone recently just reno kitchen and 2 bathroom? any recommendations and pics , estimated cost and advise? thanks!! thinking of reno but we are still staying in the flat. low budget. thanks!

The consumer-smart way to go about finding an accurate answer to your question. It's important that you get a local estimate and not rely on guesses found here on , as a lot of factors really bear on the cost of such a project, including the following: The cost of material and labor greatly varies by location.


Bathroom remodeling cost


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Your contractor charge u $130pfr....what type of hinges he providing? Cos normally if I was to charge house owner this amount, I'll be providing Blum hinges already.

Hi Jaskel, so you mean your own coy doing the reno works? so i can ask u for quote also?

if yes, can PM me w yr email & coy name? kam sia ! :yeah:

Edited by noobhouse

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We have a package for kitchen & 2 toilet @ $10,980. Special promotion for 20ft kitchen cabinet @ $1,488.

Further details do PM me.

Hi, can PM the details. tks alot.


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Hi, anyone recently just reno kitchen and 2 bathroom? any recommendations and pics , estimated cost and advise? thanks!! thinking of reno but we are still staying in the flat. low budget. thanks!

Hi all i also doing my kitchen and 2 toilets again.. so far contractors quote roughly 16K


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QUOTE (eagle @ Mar 5 2010, 02:35 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

We have a package for kitchen & 2 toilet @ $10,980. Special promotion for 20ft kitchen cabinet @ $1,488.

Further details do PM me.

Hi, can PM me the details too. tks alot.


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QUOTE (eagle @ Mar 5 2010, 02:35 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

We have a package for kitchen & 2 toilet @ $10,980. Special promotion for 20ft kitchen cabinet @ $1,488.

Further details do PM me.

Hi, can PM me the details too. tks alot.


Please PM me your package details for kitchen and 2 toilets promotions. Thanks


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There are always a good reason for difference of words if you mentioned ID or contractor. Main difference of the both I can think of...

Downsides for ID

- more costly then contractor

Downsides for contractor

- does not give professional advise eventually creates more problem to redo thus delay of work

- does not provide design which designers are graduated from years in school

Nevertheless, I always thought of owners have natural talent in design of designing their homes and willing to spend their time running up and down to coordinate construction issues(if they know), choosing contractor would be a right choice.


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QUOTE (eagle @ Mar 5 2010, 02:35 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

We have a package for kitchen & 2 toilet @ $10,980. Special promotion for 20ft kitchen cabinet @ $1,488.

Further details do PM me.

Hi, can PM me the details too. tks alot.

What material do you use for the kitchen top and is the cupbinet door is soft closeing type?


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There are always a good reason for difference of words if you mentioned ID or contractor. Main difference of the both I can think of...

Downsides for ID

- more costly then contractor

Downsides for contractor

- does not give professional advise eventually creates more problem to redo thus delay of work

- does not provide design which designers are graduated from years in school

Nevertheless, I always thought of owners have natural talent in design of designing their homes and willing to spend their time running up and down to coordinate construction issues(if they know), choosing contractor would be a right choice.

Well, alot of the so-called designers might not have good knowledges and alot of times come out with designs that is not practical or lead to maintenance problem.

in the end, its really a matter of luck if u meet the right guy and give u the right price.


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my mum n sis did their kitchen n toilets with a contractor who is starting my reno works soon. average prices and work is quite good. my mum did her overhaul toilet around 4k. pm me if you need the contacts=)

Hi Tracy,

Appreciate you could pm me the contact.

Thank you.



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