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Regarding Brick & Tungsten...

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Hello Everyone,

After getting my keys last September. We decided to go with Brick & Tungsten as my principle id, taking a leap of faith that they are pretty new on the market and have not done much work. After speaking with the person in-charge and giving them our budget. We were sent off floating out of their chic office.

That was probably one of the worse choice I have made in my Life.

Nothing much went for the next few months considering there isn't much to be done to begin with.

On our part, as a new home owner, I made the CARDINAL mistake of telling them to take their time believing that they will produce better work. Trust me. If there is one thing you should NEVER EVER say to an id/contractor. THAT would probably be it.

Bad Time Management:

We didn't see much until December when some work was... Half-done and it seems that they could not deliver on their promise of allowing us to move in by X'mas 2011. The deadline got stretched to New Year 2012 and we only moved in slightly before Chinese New Year 2012... Where everything seemed rushed last minute based on the quality of work.

Very Bad Sense of Design:

We later found out after extensive grilling with our principal facilitator (they refer to themselves as that as we basically gave them the whole design) that they weren't around to make sense of things and everything was left to their workers. Only after installation of the fixtures did they come up with excuses and expect us to accept the flaw... (they aren't very generous with apologies either) Seriously, wouldn't hurt to call us or check before installation, would it. They can't or won't make any suggestions on a better way to place things exactly because they aren't there in the first place...

Limited Material Sources

We simply could not accept the choices they provided and did plenty of the sourcing ourselves. The main feature of our Home is the wood-flooring and we had to use another wood specialist for that because the choices they provided was not up to our expectations.

Disasterous Capentry Work:

The two wardrobes are full of little holes and the kitchen laminates started warping only after a week or two. The holes are covered up with some rubber-like mask/sticker sloppishly. I have no idea where they get their contractors from but I can tell you those are definitely not known for they quality.

No Eye for Details

Everything looks pretty acceptable on the whole but I can guarantee you that their strength are totally not in the fine details, in fact, very far from it. Sharp tile edges and very rough laminate corners. stray plaster everywhere.

Zero After Sales

After cutting them the final cheque. I tried contacting them on two occasions to polish up some of the work of which no reply was made and I have not heard from them since...

This post serves NOT as an attack but an advice based on our personal experience to those who might be considering them as your id.

Even if you do go with them in the end. Please make sure to check on the project as work are being done and if you're not bothered with the finer details then I guess they would be a pretty decent id company... Good Luck!


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