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Our Oriental-Rajasthan Inspired Home

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Nice unique furnitures...where do u get them from?

Hi El Loco! Thanks! We've been collecting our furniture and pieces of decor over many years. So quite hard to list where the majority of the pieces are from. I usually like to window shop at places that sell these types of furniture like Lim's arts and crafts (but they're kind of over priced in my opinion). Once I see a piece that I love, I usually grab-especially if it's on sale and even when I don't intend to use it yet.

I also have a habit of keeping small decor items like candle holders, exotic carvings etc and just swop them around once in a while.

Edited by meeko

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Hot, lazy Saturday afternoon... made an early trip to the new place to take delivery for some pillows, my new ironing board etc, that I bought from the recent John Little Expo sale.

Things are starting to pick up, with Alan agreeing that we can have our belongings (which have been stuck in storage since June) moved over to the house in about a week's time. Hubby and I both want to slowly start unpacking and cleaning up before actually physically moving in to stay. Can't wait.

In the meantime, here are finally some pics of our place, taken last night. Carpentry is more than halfway done, electrical works almost there (just need some tweaking here and there, plus awaiting the installation of my T5 lights for my cove lighting in the living dining area, above my kitchen counter top, and my wardrobes) and backyard and kitchen doors need to be installed. After that it should be the final marble polishing, varnishing of my timbre floors and bedroom doors, plus some other miscellaneous stuff.

Here we go, presenting our humble abode...ta-dah! :wub:

Living room/ dining area:


(in the day)


Just love how my brass lamps look at night in my dining area. The lights are dimmable for a more romantic glow if we so desire :notti: (not that chances are that high with a 5 year old boy ruling the roost). We chose a sage-y green for our dining room feature walls to distinguish it from the living area, which, as you will next see, is a soft, muted creamy white. Our door frames were painted black and we got Alan to change the bedroom and bathroom doors to more modern looking ones that are almost black to match.

Edited by meeko

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View taken from the living area towards the dining, kitchen and entrance foyer.


Our entrance foyer and bomb shelter door, which we painted normal white. Lights throughout the house were kept simple- LED downlights and tracklights in black (to match our matt PVC black fans). Not a fan of white lights as I feel it gives the room a very clinical feel, so we intentionally chose warm lights for the main areas, except the kitchen and bathrooms (which combines a mix of both). We also liked the high ceilings and chose not to add any false ceilings or cornices. Instead, we had Alan create a very small L-shaped cove light that runs from the bomb shelter to the living area. T5 tubes not installed yet. Hopefully, it'll be brighter once it's been put in.


View of our living room and the windows (which overlook the swimming pool- we're pretty lucky in a sense as all our bedrooms have swimming pool views as well)

Edited by meeko

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Kitchen & backyard:


Our very clean-looking and bright kitchen. Hubby and I went nuts at the lighting shop and got 6 big LED downlights- 15w per light mind you!- we chose a white tone for the kitchen since it's a food preparation area and one would probably need to have better light to see with. haha. In any case, our T5 lights will be warm to add some glow to the kitchen cabinets. This is the view taken standing at my backyard entrance. Somehow forgot to take one from the main kitchen entrance :unsure:


Took this standing at the main kitchen entrance at the dining area. You're looking at the cabinets next to the fridge area, which will probably house my microwave oven. Can see our backyard entrance in the background. Alan was nice enough to have my rubbish chute cover changed to a brand new one as well.

shc1.jpg Another view, this time taken standing in the middle of the kitchen.


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More pics of the bathrooms, backyard, maid's room, and bedrooms coming up! Stay tuned folks!


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More kitchen pics:


This is the view from the main entrance of our kitchen. Our large, industrial sized stainless steel sink will be right where the window is. Installation for the hob etc should happen this Monday


The other side of the kitchen. Just love the clean lines and open feel :D


A closer look at the cabinets. Must say (again) that Alan's carpenters did a really great job. Everything was neatly done (they even cleaned up after themselves), and the main carpenter was very courteous and made every effort to make sure that his design really fit our needs. Great job! :good:


A closer look at our kitchen tiles. We chose a cream with greyish undertones, wood grain long tile. Feels good under the feet and I think it really looks nice. Very happy with the tile selection. Alan went tile shopping with us and gave us lots of really practical advice on what we should go for...so thanks again Mr. Alan!


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Bedroom Corridors & Our Bedrooms ZZzzz:


The entrance to our guest room/ home office (on the left), and our son's bedroom (on the right).


Corridor outside the master bedroom door (straight ahead), and the common bathroom entrance on the right. We chose warm LED downlights for both corridors.


Taken earlier this week in the day time. The doorway in the pic is our master bathroom, with the entrance to the bedroom on the right. We opted for the same feature wall colour as our dining area to keep things simple. I just love the celadon green, which I think will just go perfectly with our oriental stuff. It's also a very soothing and calming colour for the bedroom. My phone camera really doesn't do it enough justice.


Our master bedroom built in wardrobe (which is exclusively mine mine, mine! :jammin: ) Designed the layout myself as I wanted more compartments to put my bags, and less hanging space as I really dislike hanging up my stuff. Chose a fabric lookalike laminate that kind of looks like raw Thai silk.


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Thanks ProjectH! Will be posting pics of the bathrooms in a bit! Furniture due to come in soon as well. Excited lah!


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Thanks Retchlow! I guess, in this case, Alan really lives up to his reputation for providing good quality workmanship. Phew! His tilers were pretty good too. Very clean and exact. Pics up soon.


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It's a busy, busy Monday morning! The house is bustling with activity...yay! New kitchen doors, varnishing of wood doors and carpentry all being finished today :)


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