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Posts posted by HSH21

  1. How often do u switch on the aircon and how often do u service the units? If u switch it on daily, it's advisable to service the units and compressor on a quarterly basis to prolong the lifespan. Starmex has 2 models - one with the inverter and the other without the inverter.

    My Aircon was on for the 3 rooms every night.... we did the regular servicing by the company and I clean the filter regularly too...mine was the inverter model...btw... the aircon was faulty after my girl on it for the whole day for her room... not sure was it because of that...

    I bought the MHI... but when the men came to install on Friday... there was a big problem... because there is a built in cupboard below the window... they need to remove the cupboard in order to remove and install the bracket of the compressor ... and the cupboard cannot install back after that....

    I dont want to remove the cupboard ... so I have no choice for just replace the aircon to Starmax... no change of bracket and piping...

  2. My Mitsubshi Electric Starmex System 3 aircon spoiled few days ago... just suddenly gave way in the middle of the night...

    today the service personnel came and said that 3 pcb faulty and the fan motor also faulty... he said as good as changing the whole compressor....only used it for 3 years... the company had yet to tell me the repair cost but said the cost will be very high... was thinking to change the aircon to Mitsubishi Heay Industries system ....

  3. Wow... so long never come in.... and good that the topic is still active.... recently get Ideal House to redo my mum common toilet floor again... but K was too busy for that... so Bernard Tan was taking care of it.. the same good job that they did.... no complaint form my mum....actally my mum a little thing also will complaint... but surprised that she said nothing... even I find that the floor tiles colour not that suitable .... but that is her house and she accepted it... so be it...

  4. Dear all from RT.... It was such a longggg time that I never enter into RT forum... hope that all are fine...

    Wanted to read all the post... but unable to do so... don't know why... only manage to recongise cheesecake as the rest are new to me...

    Just a little update on my dealing with Ideal house recently... my window got stuck... couldn't open ... and I called Mr K... and he still remember me... so he got the window contractor to solve the problem without charging any single cents...

  5. Hi HSH21 .. I was at IMM today ... went thu' level 2 and 3 but cannot find this shop :good: .. can trouble you to PM the contact info pls ..?

    PM U lor... I think their phone number never change... because those that ask for it...never come back to me again..

    when they was in the 3rd level is a shop by itself that quite easy to find... now at 2nd level is at an isolated place.. some more share with others.. very difficult to find...

  6. Hi,

    We have bought a resale flat and the keys will be handed over towards the middle of this month.

    When we asked the agent about the final inspection he says it will be done just 2-3 days before the keys are handed over.We never had an agent .This is the sellers agent who was doing the paper work for us.

    He said its the usual procedure to do the inspection at the last .Can anyone advise on this?Is this is the normal procedure?

    Thanks a lot

    I did the inspection the day before the 2nd appointment... after the inspection the seller handed over one set of keys to us... we use our lock to lock up the gate...

  7. HSH21, im sure we both got good deals, lol....im juz glad we quite lucky to get a reliable ID....else will reali have lots of headaches.....

    Ya... totally agree.... as one of the member said that what we want is just to complete the house smoothly and shift in with no problem... whether there is free gift or not that's not important...

    Glad that my house is handle by k...

    some owners dun like their ID to bring potential clients to their half-completed units.

    Is it ?? I don't mind if the ID bring people to view my house during reno.. but I won't allow after shift in lor... anyway... K had never request to bring anyone to view my house lor...

  8. Hi.. my house is done by Mr K too... I should claim that I am the 1st one here to get him as an ID... I shifted in for 1.5 years already ... so far so good... not much issue ....

    As for your questions...

    Is there any 'hidden cost' on the basic packages??? There's whole list of itmes from wet work, to kitchen, to plumbing, etc. Is there any things i should look out for? - I should say that there is no hidden cost... everything is written in black & white...

    Any problem cancelling items that's isted in the contract and reduce the total $$$ (after signing)? I will suggest those items that U are not sure whether U want to do... put it as optional... that was what I did... U can lock the price and make the decision later...

    Will the $$$ keeps adding up during the reno process? of course if U add items along the way.... U have to pay lor...

    Is the laminate design outdated??? Is there plenty to choose from? I choose the laminate from the booklet... if U are asking about the brand... I am not sure how many type... but if U are asking about the pattern/colours... I should say there are plenty...

    To be frank... I quite envy Cheesecake... I don't really have so much free things from Mr K hor... of course there were some small items I got it free too...

  9. hahaha. also, the fishes they served us had many bones! the fishes they eat are different from spore fishes. :yamseng: therefore, usually i would avoid eating the fishes when i was over there.

    Heard that fresh water fishes have many bones... may be that was what U eat there... and my HB doesn't like fresh water fishes because he said that's one type of smell...

    btw... the 2 friends that booked the tour to shanghai from Jun Air and 5* told me that they tours had problem... because not enough people... the one booked from JA suppose to be 2 departure.. now the company kept on saying the rest of the people wanted to change date asked my friend to change date too... but my friend insisted they said two can departure... he refused to change...

    The other company said they couldn't form a group... asked my friend help to look for more people ...

  10. the cranberry mooncakes look :thumbs up: leh. is it ice cream type? :yamseng: conrad also has mini cranberry snow skin mooncakes. :P

    btw, what's SDS? :dunno:

    don't think it tastes like ice cream... anyway I tried a small piece there and find that it is nice then I bought... haven't eat the one that bought... I mean may be if eat bigger piece that can really tell... they also have the snow skin type...

    SDS is 新利香...

  11. Went to JB - Jusco yesterday to buy mooncake... the Teochew yam paste... w/o yolk RM29, 1 yolk RM 31, 2 yolks RM 33...

    other than the yam paste... I like to try something that's special... so I bought the "secret in the Heart" which is make of cranberry ...


    the Nyonya sambal...


    I saw the SDS sold there too... but the price not much different ... so I didn't buy...

    btw... SDS is selling the 2 yolks white lotus for $20... I think is a good buy... the skin is very thin...
