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About om8

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  1. selling a new Samsung 26 inches LCD TV (still in the box) for $630. Here is the model and specifications: http://www.samsung.com/sg/consumer/detail/...d=LA26A450C1XXS Saw it at Courts $899. BargainCity is selling at $750: http://www.bargaincity.com.sg/samsung-la26a450c1-p-857.html Cash and carry. PM me if interested. Thanks
  2. does anyone who use solar film has this "rainbow effect" on the windows during night time when the light is on?
  3. mine is also ceramic30, the darkest among ceramic 40 and 50. i m facing morning sunlight. from my neighbor they could see clearly my glass is darker. did some searching on the web about "rainbow effect", seems not particular to down light. trying to figure out whether mine is a genuine product.
  4. hi, Which type of Huper are you using? do you see any "rainbow effect" on the windows at night with down light on? i have this very obvious "rainbow effect" problem, looks rather uncomfortable. How to know whether the huper solar film installed is genuine? did you get certificate or warranty document? i found it is not so effective, still very warm and much better with window open. my windows is 10 x 6 feet.