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Posts posted by cher

  1. WAH the condition really quite old and most things are going right? I can't wait for the transformation too! I'm sure it will be a great one!

    ext'g condition can say is like SxxT. heng didnt pay too much for the COV then. all walls will be replastered, all door flames and doors to be replaced by new one, even ext'g sliding wdws/grilles will have to go....and etc etc...too many things liao :deal:

  2. agent plays a v impt part in times like tis. cos i koe some agent dun wan 2 get involved in reno process lor. 4 my case, my agent helped us 2 set-up the date & time. then we meet the owners ourselves 2 let them sign on the forms lor...

    we also burst our reno budget. cos juz scrutinize the window & grilles tis evening, found tat we muz really change them. :(

  3. Hi Bubbli,

    nice 3d drgs.

    like wat angel81 suggested, u can ask the current owners 2 sign the idemnity form. cos my 2nd appt is 2day. but 2wks ago, i hv asked the owners 2 sign 2 the forms 1st. cos we wan 2 start reno immediately. dun wana waste time lor... :)

    u can hint 2 them & c wats their stand abt it....

  4. Hi pple,

    juz received keys 2 my unit this evening. went there 1st thing aft work. haha.

    view fr balcony: weather's a bit hazy. jurong lake & jurong west r in the background.


    view fr mbedrm: similar view as seen fr balcony. jurong lake & jurong west r in the background.


    views of the hse:

    living rm- curtains were left behibd by owner. but it wil hv 2 go...


    balcony- sliding door will hv 2 go 2...


    m bedrm- everything wil hv 2 go incl extg built-in wardrobe as its q old


    kichen- owner created lots of storage space. but 2 bad. our new kit wil nt hv tis much storage space


    2 bedrm- the 1 on the left wil b my girl's. no plans yet 4 the 1 on the rite


    basically, everything wil hv 2 go. it wil b a major overhual. :notti:

  5. Thanks luckable and cher!

    Haiz, we may not be able to start our reno as planned, as we still need to apply for reno loan and then the HDB permit. It doesn't seem like we can do hacking/tiling before CNY le. :(

    Hee, defn-ly will post lots of pics to share share with you all. :)

    Wah cher, u bot lots of stuff also liao! Post pics on ur tblog to show us! :P

    my id already got the hacking permit from hdb. date can start to hack is 15 jan. we expect to collect the key between 12 and 15 jan, so once get the key can start to hack liao :dancingqueen:

  6. hi,


    i should say tat u r fast or me & hubby r slow. cos our reno starting nex wk. but so far the items tat we hv bought r: brandt hob, brandt built-in oven, franke tap, suspended wc 4 mbedrm's toilet, sofa & hi stool nia. oh no! stil hv many many items 2 get thou. tink we wil b busy fr nw til mar.

    actually my reno's timing wil b abt the same as yours bah. i.e. 2 hack walls & tiles b4 CNY. then resume wif tiling & etc aft CNY. so 4cast completion wil b end-mar...

  7. We have now gotten all of our furniture that we ordered earlier.

    The Dining Set

    When we ordered the dining set in August, we were told that we could only get the set in November. Meanwhile, they agreed to loan us a temporary set. Haha, and see how ugly it is!


    Our dining area today:

    The dining set we ordered --> Dining1M.jpg

    View of our dining room:

    - with the sheer and dress curtains just up


    Still waiting for the acrylic box to cover the led lights along the wall ledges.

    Hi Reiki,

    u have a nice dining set! think saw it b4. is it from evov? if not, where u bought it? price?

  8. hi ahwee, thanks for the detailed explanation. At least now i gained some knowledge. I didnt signed on the last page but only beside the amount that I placed deposit.

    I just took back my chq and all those documents I signed alreadY! The deal is off. Haiz, waste of our time. Now back to square one.. must buy newspaper again. :bangwall:


    dun worry. times r bad. u sure wil b able 2 find ur ideal unit soon. alot of units r selling @ or below valuation nw....

  9. hi,

    tink my ID ever told me nid 2 wait 4 abt 1-2wks 4 the parquet 2 'settle dwn' if i m nt mistaken. during tis period, basically cnnt do much stuff lor. my reno wil most prob start in mid jan, so cnnt b in time 2 make use of the long cny break 4 the parquet 2 settle dwn cos 2 much hacking & erecting of new walls/partition liao. sigh...

    tobiko, hw much is ur reno?? cos my flr area abt the same as urs. but its a 20yrs old flat....

  10. hi ilmare612,

    my current hse has stainless steel kitchen wall backing. cos it was done up in 01, nw it has lots of stain marks & i m nt a heavy user. i only cook once a wk. b prepare 2 polish it on a regular basis.

  11. hi ahwee,

    actually if u want 2 do reno(eg. hacking of walls, erecting new ones) & the hse is stil under the previous owners' name, u can ask them 2 help u 2 sign on the reno form.

    tis is wat i wil b doing. the current owner is agreeable 2 it cos i wan 2 save some time. hope can squeeze in a little reno b4 cny long holidays.
