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Posts posted by friends78

  1. Hi everyone...

    Been a long while i didnt update my blog... Been busy with course... still manage to monitor my update of my house... no time to upload pics.... now my house is 95 % completed... Left Acid wash and 2nd round of repainting...

    Tv console with wall paper


    Dining area with wallpaper together with cheesecake lighting

    I like your wallpaper. It bring out like an art piece in the room. I have been to countless trips to Goodrich PS to search for the 'perfect' wallpaper but in vain.. Either too loud or too plain... Sigh...

  2. Crazy week... So many things waiting for me to clear when I returned to work after 1.5 weeks of leave... As promised, here are the short reviews of the companies that I bought my stuff....


    Got my roller blinds from MGL Curtains. Installation was pretty smooth, fast and clean. The drill came with a holder so no debris was flying around when the guy was drilling the wall. Heng ah… Initially we were quite worried that they might dirty the place cos my furniture all black leh. They only need 1 week to fabricate the blinds after the site measurements. The process of selecting the fabrics, site measurement to installation was about 2 weeks. All blinds came with the rubber guard so lesser noise when it’s windy. Luv my blinds to bits!


    Sigh. Wrong delivery of the cushions for my sofa. Flow series came with 4 cushions and 3 cushions were of a different material. Even the delivery guy was shocked when he opened the package. He asked ‘I don’t think this is correct hor? I take back, can?’ I told them to bring back the correct ones to exchange instead. No sound no news from the customer service or the delivery side after that. I had to send emails to chase. No apologies offered. Then suddenly, one guy called my hubby to inform him about the date of exchange. He said he didn’t call earlier on cos they need to wait for the confirmation of delivery of the correct cushions. But shdn’t someone call us to acknowledge the wrong cushions delivered with a simple apology. I think I have made history by complaining about Cellini here. So far have yet see any negative comment about them. Disappointed…


    Wide selection of lights. Price comparable and they are quite easy going. Prompt delivery and correct items. No defect item, lights are in working condition too.


    Bought Study desk, wardrobe, office chair and bar stools. Prompt delivery and assembly of the stuff are only done upon delivery. Installation of everything took about an hour. They cleaned the mess when they leave. Items look quite sturdy.

    Got to catch movie with hubby ...so that's all for the nite... Sweet dreams guys!

  3. I'm unable to do all this, you can ?? Haha, talk is easy in forum. ;)

    U also said it yourself... 'U are unable to do all this'.. That's the reason Marsh said 'not useful to talk to someone who didn't even engage Henry'. For us (ex-customers for Henry, we can at least call and chase for Martin mah)

    Pardon me again hor... I know I said I shdn't say more in my last post... But can't help leh... Woman always like that..must end the conversation with her last words wan...Anything after that will spark off a new argument... Bad habit of mine... That's the reason why I said that it is morally impossible for us to remain neutral in this conflict...

    In any case, I believe Henry will try his best to rectify everything if it's indeed his faults. This is based on my understanding when he was handling my reno. But will take time, not immediately the very minute that Martin wld want. Even I, the above $50k customer and sis of Simon also no priority leh.. Just to share that mine was attended to within a week...Rectifications also need a few days of waiting leh... Reason being, Henry needs to contact the respective parties involved to attend his complaint. Contractor also sometimes held ransom by the companies/suppliers if it's peak period...I'm pretty sure he will attend to his case at the earliest possible time... To be honest, who don't want to solve it asap if he can... Better to solve it quickly than to let the person continue to jump up and down... right? I really need to stop now...or hubby will say I KPO again...

  4. Hi,

    Just received a private msg from poor Martins and asked for my help. dunno why he choose me, haha.. He have been bann from forum for 1 month maybe 1 of you guys must have complaint him to the moderators. Haha, you guys are so powerful and scary.. =P Anyway spare him la, he is so poor thing already & apologise and just showing his grievances for meeting a lousy contractor. But for what I have known, alot of things happened and Henry play "taichi" to push away the responsibilities thats why he is so piss. Anyway it is also good, no one will complaint you guys beloved Henry contractor anymore for this 1 month.

    Lastly 1) I'm not related to Martins in anyway

    2) I have already since moved on

    3) Pls don't complaint me too~~, world peace !! =P

    All along i thot the moderator only removed posts that are directed to the sponsers. Glad that we have a neutral party coming in to stop the language/words used. It is morally impossible for Simon, Mash, me (being the customers of Henry), Martin (the angry customer), MayDream (great friend of ours who met us all) and Waikwok (the rejected potential customer who thanks everyone for negative comments) to remain neutral in this conflict... Oh yes, must remember to say the following: No, I also wasn't the one who complained too.

    I also believe it's the word used. Forum is for all to raise the awareness of the good and bad points.. Not an avenue to vent frustration on other forummers who are trying hard to help ... Bad choice of words or analogy (Martin called it) to direct to a lady...even worse if it were to direct to a man... Sure kenan direct confrontation from the man wan cos my hubby said it's like implying to the spouse if it were to direct to a man and he will be very angry ... Okie...Enough said... shd stop here... shdn't say more or will start another hot debate...

    Let's move on and huat ah! Happy TGIF and weekend too!

  5. wanted to buy honda jazz back then in 2009. hesitated over the pricy tag of $57k for the 1.3L model. but now even worse! haha.. more than 70k liao... no choice but to stick on with my 2nd hand 4 years old latio...

    Understand the feeling.. Cos bought our Honda Civic 1.6A at $66000 in 2009 when COE only $4k plus. Salesperson told us to top up $4k for 1.8..Hesitated and bought 1.6..Now looking at the the 1.8 price...Heart super super pain... Shd have topped up...

  6. Renovation Day 3 (6 April 2011):

    The photos were taken this morning.

    Woke up early to walk over to my new place to take a better look when there's some lighting...

    just came back from my evening class; popped by the place again... hoping to see some more work done...

    Not much work done though...

    1. Balcony grilles still there

    2. Main door entrance still not hacked; though main door & grille removed, and replaced with make-shift doors

    3. More materials loaded... place slightly tidied up....

    Hopefully they will start with the plastering tmr... will go take pics tmr morning again...

    oh well... tiring journey... exams are coming (21 to 28 April)... will be taking leave from 17 April onwards... seems very fast... totally not prepared for my exams this semester... like never study much...

    busy with ROM preparation, house renovation, wedding package, etc... and more work and responsibilities in office... deliverables and deadlines due...

    it's going to be a tough few months ahead.. can't wait for everything to end..

    Doing Reno and wedding at the same time can be a very tiring event. But look at the brighter side… Hey.. U only tired once! Unlike me, ‘Shiong’ twice for the two events…

    Reading thru your posts, your reno journey is rather smooth sailing… except for the drop thingy… Your contractor cld be over caution over the ‘what if later on…’ scenario… Not a bad thing also since he’s trying hard to ensure everything works out swee swee after handover

  7. we have the same microwave oven, same kitchen tap, same blue colour wall....

    and same contractor, of course :P

    your place is so pretty!!! i wish mine is as nice!!

    Shows that we got the same taste! Ha! Ha! My stuff mostly bought from Royal Fanco...so not surprise that we have the same tap.. But water flow very slow hor? I prefer tsunami leh... Anyway, u r the one who convince me that the Panasonic Microwave is a good buy...So I just called Everjoint to order..To lazy to source anyway... Hee..Hee...

  8. Hihi .. remember me ? gt henry contact from u and at the same time ur bro also reply me .. hee.. i kasu ask from both of u .. heee

    ohh... hi simon too .. *wave wave* hee..

    urs place very nicely done up !! and simon's pic make it look like a 3d design lo .. very pro .. I love ur sofa man .. look diff from the pic which u took initially with the white outlay .. feel that full black nicer =)

    anyway my hubby will be meeting henry this noon for the first time for discussion.. im working cant be there =( hopefully it will be a smoooth wan with henry ... btw was ur hse 'design' by henry with ur concept given to him? and do you mind sending me ur quote pls ? wanna roughly know how much will henry quote me..

    I hv gotten a quote from a id liao it came up to be 23k not including electricty .. find it ex lei .. bcos i nv touch my toilet at all...

    Hi, thanks for your compliments:) The design is based on the 3D designs by Henry. But prior before the 3D, he did check with us which type of laminate we prefered. I told him as much wood as possible. When seeing the pics, my hubby and I like it so much without making amendment and tried our best to select the laminates as close to the 3Ds as possible so as to be exactly the same. Do source around for more quotes to make a fair comparison. Select the ID that you are most comfortable with. Most important is the chemistry. If ID cannot 'connect' with you, don't understand your preferences even after hrs of discussing...no point even if he offers the lowest quote.....Good Luck and Happy renovating....

  9. My Samsun side by side fridge but start to regert buying this cos cutiecat's Hitachi fridge looks **** cool !! T.T


    This is my first choice...Don't worry lah... It's a good choice.. But I switched to Hitachi fridge cos it's cheaper... $3K for 1 fridge is over budget for most ... Don't have to regret wan... it's for the same purpose; Storing of food and drink ... :D

  10. yes... i'll show the guidelines to him.

    actually, i think he knows..., but just finding excuses...

    coz the wash area, i'll need to do a raised platform, so that can install the WC...

    and i think i saw that he got the extruded polystyrene foam (EPF)... but maybe it's for the WC area.

    TMD... i'll insist that he does it... and does it in the proper way...

    Don't wait liao... Just send him a sms that u want the drop and if no drop, he will redo the flooring at no additional cost. It's better to state it down black and white. Have to act fast since he is going at a fast speed... He might now say: 'aiyah...now want to do also cannot do already cos my tiler already doing the flooring halfway...' Don't pek chek okie? It's part & parcel of life that we will encounter some funny characters along the way. No good for your health.. Just 'counter attack' when it comes...

  11. I like your kitchen too! :) the wood laminate looks gd.

    btw, what's the name of your laminate? which company one ah? :P

    and of coz, the photographer also very zai... to capture the photos of your interiors so nicely... :D

    I don't know the brand of the laminate... Henry's office only got 2 big boards which hold rows of small pieces of sample... We just chose from there. My bro will be very happy to know that u guys like the photos...

    nicely done up man!!! :thumbs up: chio bright red kitchen stools, i like...

    Thks. We wanted black and white but no stock. So we took the red & white.. Quite surprised that the effect looks good.

    The common toilet, the shower area so near the toilet bowl? When showering, the toilet bowl will be all wet lor?

    Btw, very nice and cosy reno :good:

    I think sure wet lah... Haven't try but toilet so small...I also don't know where to put liao....

  12. Sian... My contractor just called. He said the HDB officer says can do the shower drop, but cannot exceed 50mm height.

    My contractor said quite impossible not to exceed the 50mm as he still needs to connect the 2nd floor trap to the main one.

    He said even if he applies HDB will not approve.

    He also said, he told me not to ask HDB so much qns, if not, they sure come and check one...


    I also did the drop but ours not EM like yours so don't know whether it is true about the exceeding 50mm to connect the 2nd floor trap. Yes, contractors are very scared about we, owners finding trouble with HDB on reno thingy...Cos Henry also mentioned that HDB might want to check those units...

  13. I like the bar stools - shopping around for a set myself. Where did you get yours?

    I like the color scheme, very masculine I feel. My house colors give a more feminine vibe perhaps cos my wife chose most of my colors.

    Ps wah Simon can do my house photo also? Hahaha

    Hi, the bar stools are from vhive! only $89 each:) My hse got no theme ...we don't like to be restricted by it...we just incorporated whatever we like into it... Most of the colour are selected by my hubby based on the Fengshui report also lah.. and personally I luv woodgrain laminate... that's y the kitchen are mostly brown.. I'm old fashioned lah...
