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Posts posted by friends78

  1. Aiyoh..this brother of mine...do things only do halfway... Shd post everything for me mah... Ha! Ha! Sorry..Simon, just joking... Anyway, guys, don't expect this kind of standard when u come to my place to visit hor... In actual fact, my bed is messy, clothes on the floor/bed with newspaper flying all over the place too.. We are the lazy type and cldn't be bothered with housework... My bro was screaming at me when I reached home last nite: 'Hey, I'm photographer not maid leh.' Apparently, he was cleaning up the rooms while taking the photos cos it was too untidy... :P Ha! Ha! Here are you go:-

    Living Room:









    I am not sure how tiles selections are done by you all. For me, i need to make sure the colour matches my overall theme and i will put through the tiles through "stress test". What i mean by "stress test"?? LOL :D

    1) At the shop (soon bee huat / hafary), pour some water on top of the tile and use my feet to try to walk - to see whether slippery or not.

    2) Those that are not slippery, take samples from the shop

    2) pour oil, soya sauce (dark and light), ribena and whatever i can find in my kitchen

    3) leave it overnight

    4) use a cloth to wipe off the next day (gently, not scrubbing)

    5) if it can come off easily, then can be considered for next test

    6) use a marker and write on it

    7) use another cloth and try to scrub it off with a little soap.

    8) final test, use a little alcohol and rub on the tile. See whether the colour of the tiles will change

    sound difficult? well, i don't know any other way to make sure the tiles are slippery, easily cleaned and will not lose colour.

    After doing all these to 3 different tiles, i finally chosen the one for my living/dining/kitchen + bedrooms.

    BUT GUESS WHAT?? The tiles was delivered today and its uneven!!! So the tiler told my contractor then he called me to go down to have a look urgently. Went to see and really, the tiles are uneven... some are U-shaped and some are n-shaped. hhmmm.... was not really angry but stressed out. So quickly went to SBH again to choose another tile.

    This time, i only managed to do step 1... sob sob..... hopefully it will be ok!!!

    U really do all the above steps for your tiles selection? Wah... I really :bow::bow::bow:

    Yah, agreed with Cingseu...I shd have used your tiles too...

  3. if you have nice nails, how to pack? or... that's an excuse not to pack? :lol:

    got such good deal now mah!!? :o which maxonline plan you have?

    shouldn't have bought it last month................ :bangwall:

    I only do pedi...so still got to pack... :sport-smiley-018: My plan is about $70 plus mthly... Sorry, don't remember the exact name of the plan .. I'm bad at these things.. Only good in areas like bags, shoes and sales niah :thumbs up: Kekekeke.....

  4. already on leave for few days, good enough lah. hehehehe.... so good to get xbox from maxonline? i can only renew mine next march. i hope i will get something nice too... hehehehe.....

    This mth a lot of freebies to choose from... From notebook, direct discount on subscription to x-box...

    Hi, friends78

    Congratulations! You can finally move in to your long waited new place which is beautifully done up. :)

    Can't wait for your super brother to upload the pictures :)

    Thanks! Thanks! The feeling is great :sport-smiley-004:


    This is the most difficult part of getting my dream home. Everything was smooth until trying to get approval to hack my bedroom walls. I need to extend the bedroom into the living so that my bedroom will be bigger. Just enough to fit my walk in wardrobe plus a big bed....

    Even though the 1st application was sent in on 21st feb, only get approved on 28th Mar. That is after 5 weeks and 3 times of application. Still thank God that it was finally approved and today, i finally can see the hacked bedroom.


    Does it look big?? hehehe.... :wub:

    Your room is :bow::bow: So how's the progress today? Enjoy reading your 'live' update...

  6. Today's my last day of leave. :( Time flies and need to go back office to slog again. Thinking of being a SAHM but when I opened the letterbox and saw the 4 digits credit card bills...... :~ I think.. I will be a good girl and go back office on monday... Managed to sneak out for pedicure. Now I'm a happy woman... With pretty nails, I think my energy level for packing will be higher...

    See what we received when we extend our Maxonline for another 2 years:-


    Hubby behaved like a crazy man jumping up and down when he was testing the console... So funny watching him playing... Can't understand what's the hype of this console..but I think he's hooked! Well, it's always good that he enjoying playing at home then outside hor? Okie...got to arrange the stuff again...

  7. you left with 1 day ... lol

    Everyone , I promise the photo will be out on 2nd April before 2359 :)

    that's provided if your sis can finish packing on time~ :lol:

    I have a better plan now! Instead of packing, I shall dump everything in my storeroom since I have a nice rack now... ;)

    Congrats on your reno completion and moving in :yamseng:

    Thanks! Henry made it afterall! HO date was 1 day earlier than the agreed date :good:

  8. hmmm friends78 doesn't have "The Friend" profile... :o should change to warrior78~ :lol: okie la just kidding~ :P

    No lah....you will be surprised to know that she will stand up and fight for good cause when somebody bullies her friends! :lol:

    My next post happens to be the topic on 'Warrior' profile.......

    My nickname is friends cos that time I was crazy about the friends sitcom lah... as for 78... sigh, u guys shd know be able to guess right?

  9. U move in Le!


    The HHS rack looks good.

    Shall keep contact for my own too. :)

    Waiting for pro photos from ur bro hor... ;)

    Woooo, I might do this too - considering weird layout in the storeroom and was trying to configure some Ikea shelves to fit in nicely without obstructing the DB box.

    It looks great too! I might give them a call as well - thanks for sharing!


    The rack is MTM. You just need to give the uncles the wall-to-wall measurements and that's it. We thot of getting those wood ones from ikea or the plastic types from hypermarket... But all look unstable and still a lot of empty spaces at the sides... Wall-to-wall rack look neat too! I think it is my best purchase...

  10. Another update regarding the storeroom rack... Good! Friendly uncles, prompt and fast! Got the contacts from Renotalk too... Only need to call and they turned up the next day to install. Hassle free! The company's details as follows:-

    Yee Sin Repair & Installation Services, Tel: 64547335, 62800518. This L shape rack with the PVC board costs $190.

    Uncles at work:


    Final product:


    Uncle said each shelf can put up to 100 kg!!! :sport-smiley-003:

  11. Hi guys,

    Very busy. Only managed to move 30% of the things. Stay for two nites liao..and the feeling was great! So busy until I do not have time to complain to Best Denki or Samsung.... Now hse very messy.. Full of bags on the floor... Bro said he will only give me two days to pack... then he will come to take nice nice photos... Jialat.. only 2 days! Yesterday went to Daiso and Gaint at Vivo.. Spent about $200 altogether. Daiso alone about $90.. Aiyoh...$2 here and $2 there also can accumulate until $90! Hubby almost shocked when making payment... The stuff are still on the floor :sport-smiley-004: Anyone want to pack for me? Welcome! Welcome!


    My standing fans from Carrefour.. Also on the floor..waiting for hubby to put it up and bro to collect... :P


    See everything on the floor!!!!! :jawdrop:


    Another hurdle that has been overcome. I am so happy.... :dancingqueen:

    Finally after pending for 2 weeks, the 2 walls for the master bedroom can be hacked!!! My plan of a big big bed + big big wardrobe can be fulfilled. Although i think, 15.5ft is not that big after all especially there is also a dressing table.

    I also went to look at the tiling... will post the pic tonight. Starting to look very nice.... :good:

    Congrats! One more hurdle crossed! Your dream hse is coming to reality soon!

  13. hahaha.. you guys are really funny..

    by the way (thick skin abit), would like to drop by lazy bum, may dream & friend 78 's house when its ready..


    Anytime! Welcome welcome. Maybe we start from mine or lazybum then to maydream and to yours? Can have nice meal at the restaurant near your place. Marsh, Mae and cingseu can join in too if they don't mind the distance lah...

  14. all 3 items bought at same place... Howards Storage World!! Went to see their stainless steel rubbish bin but its not as nice as simplehuman.

    Just buy simplehuman lah... I went ikea last nite...their stainless bin also CMI... Anyway, I think we are just finding excuses to buy simplehuman bins. By the way, the simplehuman stuff in City Square seems to be disappearing from the shelf... Maybe there are also many silent readers grabbing it now?

  15. HHMm.... i think all of you are correct. Horizontal makes the bathroom bigger.... never mind, now it will makes the toilet feels higher?

    I like vertical. That's why my common bathroom with my fav tiles are placed vertically. Yes, it does make the ceiling look higher :)


    2) Ladder

    I am not sure how often any of you have to use ladders to climb up and down. For me, i always needed a ladder to climb to do few things like change light bulbs, clean area that cannot be reached by climbing on chair or even to climb to take items from the top cabinets (even though my new flat do not have top cabinets)

    Well, I would still need a ladder for cleaning. So when i went to buy my kitchen trolley, i saw this very sturdy ladder which will be good for me to do my cleaning, like my fans and fridge or changing of light bulbs.


    I have this ladder but only 3 steps not the four steps as shown in your pics. Very sturdy indeed!

  16. what??? what kind of nonsense??? how can the guy called so late and say such thing?? Aiyoh.... where does he work? go call his company to complain lah.....

    ya i second that...complain to samsung that their delivery is very rude!!!

    Yes, I will but can only do it after 29 Mar (My move-in date). They said that they will come between 10am-1pm and guess what? They only came 2pm and that was because my hubby called around 1pm to check on the status. Then the delivery guy made us pay $8 for a cheap TV cable cos they said the TV doesn't come with it. The other 40" Philips LED TV bought from Audio Hse came with everything swee swee. The delivery guys are from Sumsung. I bought the LED from Best Denki but it is Samsung who does the installation. Super angry... Ruined my weekend. I missed an important shopping event today somemore due to this delivery. I'm a angry bird now.

  17. We went around seeing many furniture over the past weeks...from west to east...from IFC, OM, Massimmo, Navinzi, Lush to Hommage...on few occasions nearly fished out my credit card but knowing that there's still another shop to visit, managed to fend off sales tactic like "today's sale price is last day or for this weekend only"...and zoomz off we go, kiv-ing the potential model...(fyi, 1 shop so called promotion price for that particular weekend lasted for many weeks when i noticed their newspapers advert...:bleah:)

    With the reno starting soon, it's time to confirm our furniture as we need to customise our sofa to maximise space...yesterday dropped by Hommage to look see...they have shifted a few shops away to 5 & 6 Tai Thong Crescent...spoke to boss, Eric of our design and amongst piles of catalogues, he showed us picture of similar design...knows the catalogues at the back of his mind man...

    will be full leather and seating cushion is just 1 piece...we were choosing between L-shape or ottoman...Eric advised for variations, ottoman is good choice...


    wifey chose round side table to go with the sofa...below can still put rubbish magazines :D ...


    initial plan for dining table is supposed to be like this...idea was from a fellow forummer...


    but if families come over for a meal then not enough seating le...so got to scrap this floating table idea and looking for extendable table...1st saw extendable table at ikea, thought that's a done deal le till...Eric shows us some tables...we picked this design with black tempered glass...


    was abit concerned on whether the extended glass can hold with just the screw-in design but Eric guarantee no issue...so gotta trust him for that...


    I like the furniture u have bought from Hommage! :dribble: And the total price you paid for is :good:

  18. Don't want to post anymore but cannot take it...Need a place to vent my anger... Remember that I ordered a Samsung TV from IT Show. The Samsung guy who was supposed to install the TV today, called last night at 10.30pm to postpone it due to a large no of delivery for Sat! Hubby told him cannot, cos we have ordered much earlier and shd be given priority and we need the TV to be up before the final cleaning. Guess what this joker replied? He said 'You shd be grateful that I call u now to tell you about the delay. Better than I call u after u waited for hrs, right?'

    Bloody id*** !!! I can't sleep just thinking about it...

  19. Hi

    I am a silent reader to this thread. All along I don’t feel the need to comment as I think it will make the matter even worse if I start to defend for Henry. There will be some funny jokers who are either Henry’s customers or someone who indeed been rejected by Henry ambushing this thread (just like the irritating umbrella lady waiting to summon car drivers) waiting for chances to pass funny or unwanted comments.

    By posting, I will also invite unwanted trouble as I’m pretty sure someone will later comment that

    1)I’m related to Henry

    2)I worked for Henry

    3)I’m Henry

    4)Supersimon and friends78 is the same person or whatever.

    Just to add, I don’t really care if Henry’s business will be good or not after my post. It is none of my business. I'm just sharing my views. So I will not be replying to this thread after this post cos it will be a waste of time arguing. I reply, people will say I'm defensive. I don't reply, people will say they are correct. No end to it so I will rest my case after this post. If you need have questions, please pm or post it in my T-blog. Thanks.

    I signed up with Henry on 9 Jan 2011. My reno has just been completed yesterday. The terms and conditions are the same as mentioned in the above post. It was almost the same as my previous contractor so I have no problem with it. ID Note is a small scale reno company unlike those big ID firms. Henry needs to make payments to the respective sub cons be it the carpenter, tilers etc for the material cost before the commencement of work. Having said that, I would still agree that one has to be comfortable with the payment modes. If not, don't sign. He is not the only guy in S'pore doing reno, just move on and find one you like and comfortable with. It's as simple as that.

    I only received my 3Ds on 24 Feb 2011, more than a mth after signing with him. Henry is a contractor not ID. He will recommend ideas and simple space planning and will only give you 3D on the carpentry work that you have confirmed with him. He won't provide 3Ds for the whole hse or plan theme or even select colours. You would have note that from my blog, there isn't any 3D on my dining area/common toilet/my baby's room. This is because I do not have any carpentry work done for this area. I hope this will set the expectation of Henry's potential customers. Please remember, he is a contractor. If you need intensive space planning or 'out of the box' showroom kind of design, please approach ID firm. Also, you would have note that there's a 3D on the study room in my T-blog that eventually did not materialize. It was because I found some ready-made furniture in vhive while shopping for misc items. Called Henry that I will not do the study room due to budget. He withdrew the two items (study table and wardrobe) from the quotation without questions.

    Also, there's no such thing as the perfect contractor who will do things right at all times. Aiyoh, even parents/child and spouses also have differences and will quarrel, let alone a business contract. There will be bound to have minor hiccups along the way. Henry, in my opinion, is a good contractor who will do the right thing whenever there's problem. As long as the problems we reported are attended to and rectify, we are satisfied. All my little complaints like hollow tiles, uneven laminated flooring were attended to. Still pending are 2 issues which is the painting and the window panel which was broken during hacking. Throughout my reno journey, Henry is contactable. Even if he was unable to pick my call, he will reply the very next day. For info, I don't just call. I will also take photos and whatsApp him the photos.

    The Electrician (Ah Liang) that Henry recommended is quite friendly and the cost is pretty standard. The cost of my rewiring and the points came out to be $3.5K. I had a shock initially upon receiving the quotation and was pretty sure that it was way too high. So I went on to PM two renotalk forum friends for their contacts and contacted the electricians for quotes. In the end, the quotations received were almost similar. I can’t comment whether Ah Liang is good or not as I have yet to move it. The real test will be when I start using my appliances. By the way, the sales person in Lighting.com and Citilights all laughed at the nos. of downlights that I will be having for my living room when I went to purchase my lights. Both commented too many. I have 25 downlights just for my living room (TV, dining and entrance) alone. But I went ahead. The end result is a just nice brightness for my TV and Entrance area. However, I still feel that my dining area which has 7 points a little too dim. Cos I bought 3.5 w LED downlights for the area.

    Last and not least to those potential customers who have been turned down by Henry. I wld advise that you guys move on. No need to feel sore about it. It is indeed Henry's loss for not taking up your business. You guys are pretty vocal in the forum. Had he signed and done a good job with you guys, I pretty sure that you guys wld also put a good write-up for him. It wld be free advertising. But there are indeed many reasons that he cannot commit. Just treat it that you guys are not fated. Don't keep thinking about it and feel angry. No good for your health leh. Reno is a stressful event. The process requires a lot of decision making. Channel your energy in building your dream home. You have a more important task to complete.

    I sincerely apologies if I have offended anyone by my above-mentioned post. Just sharing my views cos I have engaged Henry and my reno has just been completed. World peace, okie?

  20. thanks, friends78!!! Thanks for letting me visit your flat.... it is beautiful, especially the kitchen. Maybe because i like to cook, so i like kitchens a lot.... and yours is big and pretty!! hahahha.....

    and as for your dining lights.... ahheemm..... shall keep it a secret!! hahahaah..... :notti:

    I agreed that your plumber is very friendly and nice. even though i was there for a while only, he always smile and willing to do whatever you ask. :good:

    When my flat is ready, shall invite you over too...

    Aiyoh... I shd thank u instead. Thank u for making time to walk quite a distance to my place and staying inside a dusty and hot environment for quite a while... Looking forward for more meetups. Or when u moved, we have breakfast or lunch together!!! U r a great person to chit chat with!!!
