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Posts posted by friends78

  1. i like nest...

    Big bulb more modern type... Big flower more romantic... Nest are very classy... My choice?? Big flower!! Romantic at heart... Hehe...

    Thanks thanks... May, Big flower also my hubby's fave... But he is NOT romantic at all.... Now I regret asking for votes cos everyone's fav is different...Ha! Ha! Still deciding.. Maybe next week I also ask Henry to choose..

  2. Hi friends78,

    Came to check out ur blog cos of ur bro.. I like what i see so far!

    like ur common toilet wall and floor tiles too! How much are they?

    And why do u want the ballast bulb? what gd does it have? Any photos of the downlights??

    Really interested to know your total damage so far cos I also want to plan my budget and control it tightly. Would u be able to share with me your detailed quotation and the spreadsheet please?? Thanks...

    As for your dining lights, after seeing your Cellini package, the 1st one that jumps to my mind is big bulb.. but it does look a bit plain as compared to some others.. but somehow i tot it kinda match ur theme.. also its white colour.. dining lights usually orangy nicer?? Should be able to change ya? Of cos depending on ur preference...

    Oh ya... so ur Cellini package is 4K altogether? what was the promo like?

    My bro aka supersimon also like Big Bulb but my hubby finds it too plain & boring...Yes, there r warm orange light bulbs available..If we were to buy it, we will change it to orange...Sorry, I don't remember the price of my common toilet and floor tiles cos top up not required... When top up is not required, we can't be bothered to check the price anyway... But I think shd be less than $2.8 range lah... Don't think Henry so good, will let us have above $3 range.. Kekeke... We wanted non-balast downlights cos for our previous hse, we had a tough time changing balast and it spoilt quite frequently... As for the quotation, I think I can only pm u once my reno is complete perhaps?! The first quote is more than $50k cos we requested for everything, including changing of windows... But reality is harsh when we received the respective quotes... Like is one thing, $$ and whether we can afford is another issue liao...We need to cut items by items... Anyway, even if I forward to u also no use cos our layout, area and measurements are different.. I also didn't compare my quote with my bro.. I compared by requesting for 3 different contractors' quote on the exact dimensions and items for my reno.. Then like that more easy and fair also... As for spreadsheet, sorry hor.. My hubby got don't know what 'Macro enabled' thingy inside which also has our savings $$ details so he can also has 'real time' update on our bank balance and credit cards bills info.. Quite confidential, can't share.. Sorry Sorry....

    My Cellini Package shd be $4400..Items as listed in my post.. I think they have the standard TV console, Sofa and Bed in a lump sum promotion..I don't need Console so I requested for coffee table and Dining set..Then I top up a bit for side table...The sales person will take note of the items u like and work up a lump sum amt for u..Something like that lah...

  3. do you have a 3D for your dining area? that might help us 'visualize' hee..

    just looking at the pics you post alone, i like nest! the rest esp molecules looked too futuristic...

    Dining area, never do anything. Just put a long black tempered glass dining table and 4 chairs...so no 3D... BTW, nest is the cheapest:) Nest is our initial first choice too!

  4. Your kitchen looks so huge!!! :wub:

    All looks so beautiful!!

    That's the problem... My kitchen is about 30ft...In any case, i don't cook so I also don't know the big kitchen is for what... When I said I don't want island, both Henry and my bro said no.. Must do cos my kitchen big enough to do...or else very empty.. My bro said my flat layout very funny cos big kitchen, big living room.. 10ft high ceiling yet rooms small small... Carpentry and wall tiles all very ex cos of my 10 ft high ceiling...

  5. Finally got my 3Ds last nite...Luve the photos cos whatever we told him are all in the pics! Things like two tone for kitchen cabinets...use wood grain laminate cos we old fashioned type..cannot take bright smooth laminate like my bro... Anyway, my masterbedroom's photo not ready cos I went to Closet design last monday and wanted Henry to change the initial plan we had in mind on the placement of the wardrobe... Have yet to confirm the carpentry items cos on tight budget...Maybe do kitchen, Living room and Masterbedroom first?! In any case, these pics are only our first draft hor... subject to amendments...




  6. They are from a well established ID firm & they will live up to deliver their words to customers. Furthermore, I have good faith in my ID; he is reliable & very responsive person.:)

    In the evening, I got a missed call from an unknown number. Then, I got a missed call frm my son. When I returned my son's call, he asked if I sent 2 guys to repair the sink water pipe. I then realized that the plumber had came to attend to the minor leak at the sink basin of MBR toilet!

    As ID had also asked the tiler to touch up the groutings on Friday, I have to ask ID to postpone it as I am having housewarming for my colleagues on that evening.

    The Manager is also arranging the plasterer to return to do touch up to a wall which he spotted today! I'm happy that the manager came to my place & check the works himself. I really surprised by their initiatives to provide quality service to customers. Upto now, I remained as a satisfied customers of ClassicIdeas :)

    Mae, your ID really got good initiatives! Most of them wld have kept quiet if the owners didn't say anything about a problem error, let alone to rectify it. Thumb up!

  7. i plan to call him tml to remind him again...

    I think this is the peak period for most of the contractors/IDs. All starting work around the same period due to CNY break. You already reminded him twice... If I were u, I will move on to contact others... I dislike non follow-up... Sorry have to say this even thou he is doing my house now.

  8. Hi, I nearly bought that sofa too at IFC. Was quoted $2300 for that sofa. Quite comfy. only thing that stop me is the lack of armrest. It got the outstanding LOOK :)

    Heng ah! I'm kind of glad to hear u & lazybum sort of giving up the thot of buying the sofa... Cos we stay so near and imagine all using the same sofa... No surprise & sianz hor? Yah...I don't like it cos of the lack of armrest too and this sofa reminds me of a sofa bed not those conventional one that I like but now...the more I look... the more I like... Hope my reno can finish fast fast... My FS master gave me two dates to move in March; 17 & 29 Mar.. Don't think Henry can finish by 17 Mar so now targetting on 29 Mar... Praying hard.....

  9. You mean your sofa, bed, coffee table, dining table etc are less than 4k??

    Excluding bed, yes.... everything less than $4k. Include bed, less than $4.5k... I can't remember the exact amt. My hubby in finance line mah...so he got excel spreadsheet on the amt to spread on each room wan hor.. He quite strict and discipline when it comes to $$$.... Lighting cannot exceed $1.5k for whole house... Sanitary ware including the instant heater for both toilet cannot exceed $2k, Masterbedroom another $$, bedroom 2 & 3 another $.... Anything above budget cannot buy immediately...must go home discuss and deduct/ adjust from somewhere before committing... So we usually look at price first then talk about design...

  10. Wow... May, salute...U can go so many places to get your stuff... We only went 2 places and I have terrible headache after that...So tiring....Hoe Kee's sinks not cheap right? Their sinks a lot but prices also lot of differences..... U are faster mode than me... Your reno haven't started but u get most of the stuff.... My reno on going and I am like taking my own sweet time.... Kekeke.....

  11. Really love Yr sofa . This design was launch only last Yr. Still rem I was walking pass Cellini suntec with friends , I saw this sofa + side table, I was cursing y they didn't have it earlier ... It matches perfectly for the theme "retro space age" and feel I want to create

    U want to consider a swap :P I top u money . Lol

    However I got some comment on the coffee table Sis . Maybe u like to consider something white and round to have a perfect match ....

    For the bean bag , don't worry. If dun match Yr theme can pass to me. phahaha .... I anything Also can diy till match match my house one .

    The coffee Table's 'legs' is to match the dining table lah...Anyway u guys will notice that the pattern for the coffee table is something like snake skin... We are suckers for this kind of pattern... just like the toilet tiles... Ha! Ha! I check if I can buy another bean bag... if can, i buy one for u lah...

    Does the flow series come with a coffee table? Then will match perfectly.

    Yes, got coffee table but I don't like the flower print on the laminated surface so gave it a miss....
