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Posts posted by friends78

  1. can become even less visible if u want :D

    either a painting/clock....or maybe u can put skirting to fill the bottom.....well ur choice :)

    I think painting or clock will draw the attention to the trucking. For me, I will leave it cos your L box up seem to coordinate well with your trucking. Machiam like design...

  2. yalor we also headache with this. bangwall.gif

    I think most likely we will leave it like what u say and see how it goes with the curtains.

    Save the $$$ and use it to buy LV or Tiffany for your wife. Ha. Ha. Think u going to hate me... Anyway, good progress. Luv your tv feature wall;)

  3. yaloh. it is our bad choice :o. thinking to switch it to invisible grilles...

    Not bad lah. I will leave it as it is. Now you guys might find it not nice cos it is quite glaring without the furniture and curtains. Later on when u guys more or less settle down, u won't even have time to notice your grilles liao cos u will be busy with decorating your hse with photos, painting etc... Anyway, as long as there's grilles be it normal or 'invisible', it's ugly to me loh... :rolleyes:

  4. aiyo..noisy? ohmy.gif

    only cans of green tea and ice-cream? no need to cook meh? biggrin.gif

    :sport-smiley-004: Working mum plus an active baby and a lazy hubby, Must do laundry, ironing, mopping...where to find time to cook? We usually popped over to my inlaws' place for dinner or dine outside so no quarrel on who shd wash the dishes, clean the table/kitchen..etc. This is how we maintain our happily ever after marriage...Ha! Ha! :dancingqueen:

    wahaha.. is metalbone trying to hint me that i have to cook often since i got a big fridge? :jawdrop:

    Yes but u get him to wash after u cook:) (sorry metalbone, woman will side woman wan...*Scram*)

  5. haha. it was strongly recommended by the salesman.

    how do u find the fridge? energy saving or not huh? :P

    Swee... Energy saving or not, I don't know as my electricity bills r quite high due to many reasons like aircon, 2 computers on for 24/7 and instant heater maybe? I find it noisy but hubby said it's because it is quite empty. Our fridge only got cans of green tea and sticks of ice-cream.

  6. An abstract artpiece might do the wonders too. Erect a wall shelf along the top of the trunking to conceal (u may place few small ornaments on the shelf. Then a big artpiece on the centre of the wall. Juz dun overcrowd tt area.

    I am thinking of the same thing! A plain shelf just above the trucking.

    Our fridge, hood, oven and dryer is here!

    Due to miscommunication, the TV, home theater and washer will only be delivered on Tue, unsure.gif


    We have the same fridge! :o

  7. Simon! Getting better and better. :).

    You have any garden or flower theme collection for me? Hee.

    MM, high five! I asked before too! Wanted flower theme to make it into clock for my house but my bro more towards scenery, cityscape... which I declined... Then he said I do not support him -__-

  8. We regretted to have laminated wood for our 3 bedrooms. If I have a chance to redo, I will go for tiles too. My current laminated flooring is still in good cond and it's also kind of maintenance free as it does not trap dust and I only need the magic clean swipe to clear the hairs and dust. BUT somehow the phobia of water on it, is creating mental stress on our daily life. We will get worked up when one steps out from the bathroom with wet feet. Unneccessary tension-____-

  9. Hi All,

    Just an update on the IDs / contractors whom I'm (still) talking to:

    (1) Loyd Pek of D Home (a Renotalk fave): Had a facinating meeting with him. He really does have some amazing ideas! Still waiting for his final design proposal and quotation.

    (2) The Carpenter's: Still waiting for their final design proposal and quotation.

    (3) The Design Practice: Will be meeting them soon to discuss our design needs.

    (4) Brick & Tungsten: Just happened to pass by their office one day and fell in love with it! :D Will be meeting them soon to discuss our design needs further.

    (5) Free Space Intent: They seem enthusiastic. Still waiting for their final design proposal and quotation.

    (6) Interdesign: Will be meeting them soon to discuss our design needs.

    (7) Bara Interior: Will be meeting them soon to discuss our design needs.

    (8) k* Interior: Had a moderately interesting meeting with them. Will be meeting them soon to see their final design proposal and quotation.

    (9) Henry of ID Note (also a Renotalk fave): Nice 'uncle' type. :D Still waiting for his quotation.

    (10) Alan Furniture & Renovation (another Renotalk fave): Nice but slightly forgetful 'uncle' type. :D Still waiting for his quotation.

    The search continues... :sport-smiley-018:

    I'm surprise to see my 'uncle' contractor in your list... The idea of him doing your hse doesn't seem to gel:) He is pretty conventional... So did he ask "So, what look you want, ah? Modern? Black and white? Retro? Zen? Resort?" after u have tried explaining the look/style u want for your new place? Kekekekeke............. Jaskel is also one of the hot fave! Maybe can get him to quote too?

  10. Hi Neighbour... Welcome! But I don't stay in CV. My block is just next to CV separated by CV carpark and a playground. Guess u will know where it is... BTW, I luv CV's kitchen. Compact, just nice for people like me who doesn't cook... Hope u have a smooth reno!

  11. Sis Adi,

    If there is no issue after you move in, just leave it. My master always said this: "If it ain't broken, don't fix it." Unless there is something happened after you stay in the house, like one of our sister in this forum who sms'ed me for help, then we need to fix the problem.

    Yes, yes... And I'm the grateful gal who sought for Mae

    jie's help when my hubby encountered problems continuously after we moved in. Mae jie was kind to drop her work almost instantly and gave us some remedies to deal with my kitchen. Apparently, it is a no no in fengshui to have a open concept kitchen... I'm now considering whether to install a sliding door at the kitchen entrance. Thks again, mae jie:)

  12. We tried to call OpenNet and begged them :sport-smiley-004: to waive the charges. They told us that it is possible should it be less than a year from the date of the FOC.

    The lesson that we learned from here -- Should anyone would want to have fibre broadband and that the house is not wired yet, it is good to go through an ISP. OpenNet currently have a three-months' waiting list. Whereas with a contract subscription with an ISP, installation is much reduced to about two weeks.

    Yup, we had to pay for the installation :bangwall:

    Thanks for sharing! I'm happier on learning that the FOC thingy was indeed true :)

  13. aiyoh, your poor contractor!! do all these and in the end, it was not your unit problem.

    so many eyes seen it also thought its your unit that makes it leak.... hahahaha...... next time we all know lah. got leaking, try to off our own pipes first.

    Yah loh... At first I was still telling you that I hope it's my problem so that I can change tiles ...Thot the process will be easy.. Check > Hack >Replace... But it was not like that! The testings were too time-consuming and tedious for us and when they mentioned they might want to tear down my kitchen cabinet... I got frightened...

    I was so happy when I received the call from HDB and immediately whatsapp u the good news...

  14. HDB delivered a good news this afternoon. The leaking issue for my below unit neighbour is none of my business!! :sport-smiley-004:

    3 weeks back, my neighbour left a note claiming of water leaking from the ceiling at his service balcony... My hubby and I were super sianz on seeing it... However, we are kind of relief when Henry said that he will settle for us... Henry contacted my neighbour on the very next day and paid him a visit that night... KPO Hubby also went down to the unit to see the leaking issue.. True enough, water was dripping at the side of the wall.. As there isn't any water piping above that particular wall, Henry and hubby also suspected that it was caused by our unit since we are directly above his unit. Henry then arranged for the tiler to check on kitchen basin, washer and common toilet drainage points. Tony (Henry's site supervisor) went to the tiles shop to buy extra pieces of tiles in case the tiler needs to hack the tiles around the respective floor traps. 3 tilers came two days later and do a lot of stuff at the kitchen and toilet flooring.. Took them a total of 3 hours.. I wasn't around as I was very brought down with work.

    Hubby and I flew to Taiwan the next day for a one week vacation. Despite all the stuff they have done, my neighbour still smsed my hubby 3 days later that the water leaking didn't even stop and instead got heavily. We also received a lot of missed calls from Henry and Tony when we were in Taiwan. They were more anxious than us wanting to solve the water leaking issue.

    As the water leaking continued during my week of absence (there was totally no usage of water), Henry informed the neighbour to report to HDB as we are at wits end to solve this within ourselves. Finally, it was confirmed that it's his water pipe issue :furious: Henry is very angry now as he said that he spent about $200+ engaging the tilers for nothing...

    Following this incident, we are very grateful to Henry and his team for their prompt actions. Despite their busy schedules, they made frequent trips to my house (accomodating my 9pm timing as we work late) to ensure everything runs smoothly. There was even once Tony came to my house with blood stained shirt (he was involved in a minor accident earlier on that day which required 5-10 stitches on his neck) just to make sure that the tilers did install the 'long neck' in the floor traps... We later learnt that he came to our place directly from hospital.

    All these make us feel that we made the right choice engaging Henry for our reno work. It is indeed commendable that he is still responsive after half a year completion of reno and he took it upon himself to resolve the water leaking with my neighbour.

    Now just hope that he won't ask me to pay the $200 that he has incurred ;p ... Ha! Ha!

  15. On the contrary, when I was doing my house reno, there was no invitation for the FOC installation. One year after moving in, we received the OpenNet letter but it was kinda too late. Decided not to take up the offer, primarily because it would mean that I have to employ some contractors to open up the false ceiling.

    You are right with the 'hard to resist' part. Fibre broadband, somehow, has become more affordable and it is hard to resist to ignore its speed potential. Just as in your case (unfortunately for me, I have to pay for the installation) I have recently switch from ADSL to fibre and found myself happier. :sport-smiley-004: But, at the expense of visible trucking.

    Fortunately, OpenNet guys are good. They cater to my needs to minimize cable truckings. Click Here To View The Installation

    Agreed that the OpenNet guys are good. Fast hand fast leg and installation was completed within 3 hrs. U paid $250 for the installation? So it's true that they are very 'on' and strict about collecting the $$ when owners did reject their first invitation...

    So good leh.. so fast can have opennet already. i only will have opennet near the end of the year. but i did cater for a cable for the opennet although i am not sure whether it will work or not. if it doesn't i am not sure how i am going to handle that.

    Don't worry, Like what Mae jie said, things will flow when it happens...

  16. Hi guys...

    Not much of updates as life is now back to normal... Work, eat & sleep... and of cse paying off the debts from all the purchases... Walls now full of markings as my precious like to throw his toys anywhere anytime he likes... I'm no longer so bothered with housework too...from 3 days to a week and now maybe 3 weeks once? :sport-smiley-004: Aiyah heck care lah...

    Fickle-minded hubby decided that he wants to install optical fibre afterall when he received the OpenNet letter... Guess the FOC installation is hard to resist.... When we first started our reno... he was very sure that he doesn't want to install it...claiming that the current maxonline is suffice...So we didn't ask Henry to cater an opening in the false ceiling to cater for that ... Anyway the installation was completed yesterday. Not too bad... as they run most of the cable outside the corridor... So I only got a slim L trucking in the hse... Now waiting for my hubby to paint the trucking ... I purposely placed the can of paint and a small brush in the middle of the living room to 'hint' him to get off his butt to work on it... Let's see when he will do it...

    Here r the pics of the Open net trucking and the termination box:-

    The thin cable just above my windows...


    Then they drilled a hole to the wall and place the box just next to my powerpoint:



    So house owners, like me, who did not cater anything for optical fibre need not fear about the ugly trucking cos the installation guys really try their best to minimise the sight of the visble trucking in the hse....
