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Posts posted by friends78

  1. So, where do I park if we're meeting at MRT station? Or should I head to Friends78 first, then drive over to yours? (can probably only fetch 2 others as our car is small :( )

    This is going to be fun - so many of us! Sleek, Friends78, Sng28, Ugene, Mae, footprint, Marsh, Kobelala (maybe) :)

    No kids here, and am not going to antagonise you with Maxey, so it's just going to be The Husband and I. Should I bring something (food/wine etc)?

    See you Sat!!

    - Ely

    U can park in the City View Carpark Blk 8C (if I remember correctly) which is free... My block is just next to the carpark:)

  2. Thanks May!!!!,

    Btw I am deciding to get the sharp inverter system 3 with the plasmacluster technology.. any feedback where to get

    GainCity quoted me at

    2799 for 1 x 12 btu and 2 x 9 btu

    add 120 to upgrade to amaflex 0.5 inch insulator

    379 for 5 yrs extended warranty

    FOC 3 yrs workmanship

    Plus match any other lower price i see outside if not refund!!!

    How is it????

    I had Sharp system 3 for my previous flat. The compressor very noisy leh ... But I installed it five years ago so technology might have changed for better :rolleyes:

  3. Sleek also coming with her hubby and young son. Ugene will be coming as well so we have 11 so far. It's better we consolidate all food at 1 place then see can have free delivery from qi ji??

    Kobelala still haven't find a way to "keng" his way out of company event. So if he not coming with wife then we only left with 9 leh.

    Okie... meet BK at 12.45pm, proceed to my place...chop chop then to yours can stay longer to chit chat... So 'jiak' at my place or yours?... As long as I only need to pay and no need to prepare/cook, I'm a happy woman. Kekekeke... :thumbs up:

  4. This sat, meet at boon keng mrt at 12.45pm? Then we go over friends78 beautiful house then only to mine. :)

    Hello... I'm back to this thread... Received whatapps from Maydream last nite and Mae jie this morning. Big Hug to Maydream for trying to coordinating this coming sat meetup and Mae jie for the morning greetings :sport-smiley-004: So my place will be the regulars, meaning Maydream, Mash, Mae jie, Kobelala, Ely and ???. As u guys know that I don't cook but as one of the host, i think I need to at least order something lah... Maydream was saying popiah party...maybe at her place on the super swee white long island (Let's make it dirty..Ha! Ha! *scram*) For mine, you guys okie with 933 golden pillow curry chicken? Two enough or something light or any suggestion? Quick tell me so that I can plan during PH :sport-smiley-004:

  5. Looking at the list of stuff u got and will be getting...it's really Wow! Wow! Wow! :thumbs up: So rare to see so many designer and Expensive stuff all under one roof...Camping here to see your update... :yamseng:

  6. Same place as u.... My COV is 50k... That's why little left for reno.

    Welcome to T-blog! Don't be bothered by your COV anymore... cos you still got another owner who paid more than yours for a 4-room flat. :sport-smiley-004: That's me! Anyway, nowadays I don't really post in to T-blog cos very busy with work...only can pop in to read a few threads during lunch or break :rolleyes: But your topic on the COV caught my attention...

  7. May, nice ceiling fan? What brand and how much?

    I was going for KDK but the electrician is giving me some BS that KDK fans difficult to balance :unsure:

    Anyone have this issue of unbalance?

    JCase, mine is KDK v60. Got it from Everjoint and also paid them another $60 for installation cos my electrician also not comfortable to install when he knows it's KDK. The installation was good :thumbs up: Firm and steady.

  8. Review only, no need $$$. will not spend a single cent more on reno if possible. hahahaha... i just have to live with those little problem for now.

    You have FS to talk in your blog... now my reno are done, other than pic of final result, also nothing else to talk abt liao. hehehehe.....

    Yah loh... Me same same... Nothing to post liao... Anyway, I'm more interested in other people's threads than mine. The kaypoh nature of me :) how's your unpacking? Week ending soon... Not much time left liao...

  9. Contractors usually are OMO or just have one or two staff under them. Hence, it's usually first-come-first-served basis, unless one put deposit to 'reserve' a slot. Anyway, as long as no $$$ or confirmation via the dotted line, customers can also sign with another company. So I guess no matter how one seems to be interested, it's still $$$ afterall. Whoever pays first get it. Mr Y**k did rush out my quotation within a few days and even emailed me in midnight due to the tight deadline given by me. Even sent me sms to inform me that he had email so that I can check my inbox immediately. Although I did not select him in the end, he came across as someone who is very sincere, honest and helpful. Maybe he is very brought down this period hence the harsh tone. Hope you can find a suitable one soon. Have a smooth reno journey.

  10. Hi Maydream, thanks for your kind invitation to your house. It's great to see that you have successfully moved into your very own sweet home. :thumbs up:

    Guys, shall not hijack Maydream's thread...So won't be posting the little details I luv.. Will let her post photos to let u guys know how nicely the place is :dancingqueen:. My sneak review...Luv her masterbedroom... It's indeed big!!! And her WIW is very big too! :sport-smiley-004: Hubby now regrets not hacking our bedroom.. Luv her cosy corner that she has in her masterbedroom and I'm sure it will look even more beautiful when her purple wall is up too...

    Looking forward to visit the place again on 21 May...when her barang barang are nicely packed too:)

  11. I had already cut and left with the basic items... even forgo my HTS cum Study room (Leave it till future) :( What initiatives did he made, please share with us

    Think Mae jie covered most of the points why she is so pleased with her ID... The incident that touched me most was the leftover wallpaper.. He actually noticed some leftover wallpaper stuck in the cupboard during hse warming and offered to get his guys to paste it up! Actually, it may sound trival to most lah.. but I think to engage someone with the personal touch really make a lot of difference.. For me, I'm into interpersonal thingy; Chemistry and relationship... But these are my views only hor.. U best know what you want. Keep searching... Maybe u can buy another one who is good and can do all the stuff within your budget... Have a smooth reno journey... :yamseng:

  12. Still few Ks away from my budget... :(

    Drexter, wld u be able to cut a few items so as the amt can be customised to your budget? Although I have not engaged or met Mae Jie's ID before, I just feel that it's kind of waste if you are able to connect with him but to give it up due to budget. And the bonus is...the ID has so much initiatives and good points! Just sharing my views... Sorry for being kaypoh...

  13. Sis Friends78, people give food, ur hubby give Ang Pow ! Now I also know why your place so nicely done ... LOL

    Hi bro, no lah.. The amt inside very nominal niah... Cannot be compared to Mae Jie chocolate and pizza hut delivery... Just sharing on the stuff we have done... So fun to read that everyone has their way to bribe the workers... Ha. Ha. We owners r actually at their mercy cos we r going to live with it if anything goes wrong... So u shd continue with your coffee and bao so that your hse will be super swee!!!

  14. Cellini has been having good feedback on RT. my bed and sofa are good, and their service has been great :good:

    so far i think only one complaint on wrong delivery... ask friends78 :P

    Yah loh... When I first saw the question, I was about to copy and paste my side of story regarding Cellini... But decided not to as my episode with them was quite trivial... Must learn to let go....So far I'm the only one who has not so good review but they still delivered the correct cushions within a week.

  15. But i still prefer to have rubbish chute inside the house leh. can throw more frequently instead of keeping until you feel like walking out.

    High five.. Same, I prefer to have rubbish chute inside the hse...

    continued from the resale flat featured here:

    The floor plan:

    - Look at where the rubbish chutes & wall dividing the Dining area.

    - See also the red lines which I drawn & see how it 'cut' the owners sleeping on the bed in the Master Bedroom.

    - See also how many missing and sharp corners in the house.

    Now you have 'learnt' from what I mentioned here, Will you buy this house?

    NO! NO! Mae jie, your audit findings are more frightening than the haunted hse stories in the forum... Anyway, your sis already got the funny feeling when she reached home...so she and the hse not fated. I always believe in my own's instinct..not comfortable means no good. Money lost can be earned back... But the decor really very sayang to give up.. Rare to find this kind of A1 decor.. Does the seller mention anything on the reason for selling?

  16. Oh i see..... my painter told me cannot kena my purple wall cos once kena, cannot touch up a small area only. have to repaint the whole thing. so, he will paint it last....together with the rest of the touch up.

    the white one is ok? only the black one having problem?

    Yah white one still look very good and nice.. The black one gives the 'dirty' patchy look... Shd have selected other colour..

  17. CSI

    Solving the Mystery.....

    2nd Victim ~~~~~ the rubbish chute! You see, neighbours carry rubbish to your house every day!!! Can die or Not?? Sure Mati if met with bad annual influence star no matter how good the stars are at door steps.

    Stay tuned...I will upload the floor plan later.

    Aiyoh...y the structure like that...Everyone will need to pass by this unit to throw rubbish... Somemore the passageway like quite narrow...Imagine, the 'unclean' stuff that we women need to throw mthly... :jawdrop:
