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Posts posted by friends78

  1. Eh why need so many times for all these ppl to come?

    The painting is mainly for touch up.. We moved our stuff around and kenan the wall..so asked the painter to come back to touch up... As for solid surface, it is the black island top lah, scratch marks very obvious leh... so we kept asking the guy to polish it.. But now we give it up liao...cos we know the problem is the colour... Black very hard to maintain... Markings/dirt very easily seen...

  2. :bangwall: if you get to see my house next time, please help me to think of some brilliant ideas on how to squeeze in more cupboards............ :help:

    Ha! Ha! Will try....

    Marshy, yours already can't squeeze in anything lah.

    Friends78, Henry willing go do just that small for u?? So nice of him.

    Niah...He just happened to be around the area so he came and see see look look...........Usually, he won't come..He will just send the guy down... To date, I have requested the tiler to come down about 3 times, solid surface guy to polish the stupid black island top twice... Painter to touch up about 3 times... All liaise/followup via phonecalls only.. :sport-smiley-018:

  3. hahaha me too but i bought them drinks~ hahaha~ :P

    No doubt I am a 'bad' & fussy customer, but I am a very nice house owner! I buy the workers lunch everyday! Even I can't make it back on time, I will ask one tiler to pay for the lunch & claim from me.

    Then, on Xmas eve, I ordered Pizza delivery for the workers as I had lunch treat with my colleagues.

    I even buy boxes of chocolates for all workers including the tiler Boss. So, until now, you visit my blog & understand why the tilers are willing to redo the groutings so many round, and the boss even came personally last Saturday!

    My hubby gave everyone 'Ang Bao' cos it was CNY period when they started work... Henry even asked 'How come, wo mei you?' Wah lau...earned so much our money...of cse don't have lah... Strictly for workers... :sport-smiley-004:

    Buy some for me too?? I sick at home and cannot go out buy food. :(

    Today u AMK or BK? If BK, I tabao on my way back for your dinner? :sport-smiley-018:

  4. i only have 5.5 ft of wardrobe for 2 of us~ :~ :~ i can only see all the big wardrobes here with envy sob sob....

    wah still wanna squeeze more things into MBR?? Henry will faint after hearing what you said LOL :lol:

    Ha! Ha! Henry came... then he asked 'Ah..U still want another cabinet? Put what?' :dancingqueen: But he still called his carpenter to take the measurements the next day... Hee.. Hee... I think my masterbedroom got no more walking space... We are basically lazy people... Want everything in the room.. :yamseng: Kekeke....

  5. Thanks for all your help! Let me say this again, your house is beauuuu-tiful! :D

    Our kitchen floor tiles are brown and toilet floor tiles are grey, so I guess the markings wouldn't show up much. I'm more concerned about the living room tiles which are sort of cream coloured....gah hope they don't throw the butts on those *cross fingers*

    Thanks thanks.... Don't worry so much..Just take photos when u see markings or mistakes and show it to your contractor as evidence... Sometime no need to talk..just show the pics and tell them to rectify.... :thumbs up:

  6. Hi Friends78, how's moving in ? Bet you're enjoying your nice new place :yamseng:

    Hi bro, thanks for asking. Yap, enjoying every min in my place... and still continue to add things in... Just called Henry last week to further add on another carpentry; another storage cabinet to be squeeze into the masterbedroom. :sport-smiley-004: Yes, despite having two wardrobes amting to 11 ft in the bedroom and hiding lot of stuff in the TV console...we still find space no enough...Hehehe....

  7. Hello and Welcome! Hope I'm not too late in welcoming u:) Re the cigarette butts on the new tiles, yes. i do spot one or two and even a coffee stain on the kitchen tiles! But after the acid wash, the tiles are as good as new... If there's still marking left, just get your tiler to redo. They created the mess so they will have to clean it. And on the white solid surface, I think it's maintenance free. I have white for my kitchen top and black for my island. My black island top looks dirty always...no matter how much I clean it. So white is still easier to take care than black. Have smooth reno journey :yamseng:

  8. Yeah!! its $45 actually... bought on impulse! after i paid i'm a little regretful cos like wat your hubby mentioned....

    its also the colour that caught my attention!


    Don't have to regret. So designer... Quite worth it. I bought my cultery set from reebonz too. The feel is solid like those WMF ones yet half the price!!

  9. eh eh, me, Ely and a number of us are around here are virgos... :P

    I'm a Virgo too! Marsh, we have so much in common!!!

    So our 'gahmen' also believe in fengshui??

    Sis Maydream1,

    Hooray! Our next gathering is confirmed your place on 21-May!! :)

    Sis friends78

    We can meet you :P

    The big day 7 may was the date for my intended hse warming... Sigh... Need to postpone again... Yah, 21 may reserved for u guys already! My place first? My place nothing to shout about cos no hacking done... So it will be a short and

    Sweet one... :) May_dream's one a lot to talk about... Got 2 king beds, swirl tv wall etc... Hee... Hee...

  10. Sis Maydream1

    When I mentioned I am partially to be blamed for my ID's resignation, you asked what did I do, and you said 'Scary'?

    May, I didn't do anything, but I am indirectly responsible due to my project which gives my ID lots of stress and he always got scolding from his Project Manager for spending too much time on customers' projects! Worst of all, my project is a lo$$ project and they are not making $$$ from my remo package!!

    As the caption I have chosen for this thread, my renovation is really EXTREME and I am a very DIFFICULT (or BAD) customer!!

    This ID firm has weekly meeting with their Salesman (IDs) and during the meeting, my ID would feedback the issues problems encountered. Remember the lousy group of painters? My ID has no choice but to 'obey' instructions to engage this group of their lousy inhouse painters which ended up with **** of complaints from me!! When I asked ID to repaint for 3rd time before CNY and before my move-in date, this PM does nothing!!

    In the end, my ID has to arrange his NEIGHBOUR to come to my house to do painting on a Sunday morning!!! I sent many text messages and calls to the Project Manager, but not a single reply from him!!

    Then, when they completed and hand over the project to me on 26-Jan-2011, the ID firm expected my ID to collect the balance of payment from me. But I want to hold back until I am 100% satisfied with all punch list items, especially the touch up after my PE inspection (silicon the TV cosole, painting the trunking for gas meter, etc).

    This further angered the PM and he reprimanded my ID for not able to collect the payment from customers. In an sms to me, ID said to me "Money is not an issue for him, but his company!), that is why I issued a cheque for balance of payment when he and that PM came to visit in February.

    There are more issues.....I will share here

    Mae Jie, so sad to hear that... How can they penalise your ID becos of one project? Hope your ID can strike out his own... Given his good service, he will have a gp of loyal customers in no time....

  11. Just to check with all the rest of the bros and sis, do u guys encounter such problems during ur confirmation of design with ur IDs? Like using the same design that was used on others and u get the same design? Appreciate all comments and advice.

    No right or wrong answer really. Personal preference I wld say. For our case, we are not willing to pay for 3D when we first start to source for IDs/contractors. So we are kind of prepared to receive duplicate designs and will go for it if we like what we saw... We even saved a lot of nice pics that are posted by owners so that we can copy the designs in case the 3Ds/2D are not nice...Anyway, as long as the designs are nice, hse owners like it... Why not? :)


    Ha! Ha! This is one golden rule that my bro has been stressing all along. Instead, he went with me to get the sanitary items and got mistaken as my contractor. :P My friend told me before that the comm can be a 4 digit figure :bangwall: So I abid to this golden rule serioudly. But going with ID might has its intangible benefits too... So can be a win-win situation lah... Paying for good service, attentiveness, extra mile of exchanging faulty items etc.... Since paid liao, just look forward:)

  13. Hi footprint

    glad that everything is falling in place for your reno. very nice !!!!

    My remote control is exactly the same as yours except for the word 'Sherwin'. Mine is 'Massive'.

    really interesting. everything the same except the word. :rolleyes:


    Same here. My remote control is exactly the same but brand is 'Beamish'...

    Footprint, good progress on your reno! I luv your foyer light!

  14. waha ya, we tahan, endure ..(whatever word you can describe it).. and tide over the reno last month (started since nov 2010!). :dancingqueen:

    Emobebe! this is a recap of what has happened throughout our reno. We hold till reno almost ended when this blog started. Had wanted to put in good words and give them chance, but can't seems to find!

    No worries! We are very perfectly fine ! :sport-smiley-018:

    Seems like our referral or further business are of no matter to them or maybe they thought we will just swallow in our stomach.

    These are nothing when compare to a big issue for our feature wall. Remember this sentence "we follow the picture" ~~~~ will update soon on what happened

    Hi Idealistic, I feel for u and you are indeed a very gracious man! No words can describe the pain and anger throughout your reno journey and I wonder if I'm able to remain composure & levelheaded if I were u. Since it's already over, just enjoy your stay at your new hse and make it a cosy place. :D

  15. oh... okie la... everything no matter how good, sure there will be some missed cases...... not perfect all the time.... ;)

    reminds me of your Cellini incident hahahahaha :lol:

    Yah, very true. Although my reno is shun shun but I can't say the same for my purchases... No wonder there's a saying 'U win some, U lose some.' My happenings for the past 3 weeks:-

    1) Samsung TV: Late delivery, no TV cable when delivered and somemore still force me to pay $8 for it.

    2) Sofa Cushions: Cellini delivered the wrong material! No apology...

    3) Aircon Piping: Water leaked out from the joint instead at the masterbedroom toilet. Lucky Aron (Imperial) solved it within hrs. He sent down his men to attend to me immediately upon my sms.

    4) 707 Princeton Instant Heater: Shower head problematic. Water leaking out. They send their man to do a 1-1 exchange on the shower head.

    5) Panasonic Washer: Keep on prompting same error message everytime we washed clothes. We need to on/off the washer and the machine will then continue the washing. Throughout the 1 hr washing, we need to on/off at least 3 times! Currently waiting for the repairman to come tomorrow for servicing. It's less than 1 week old!!

    I was so frustrated at a point that I kept whatsappt May_dream silly message around midnight...saying thing like I want to throw down the washer ... And she still console me ... Thanks god for her... :thumbs up:

    So new owners, please keep all receipts, warranty cards and manuals all at one place! Need not search high and low for it later on...u never know when u need it... Speaking from life experience... :rolleyes:

  16. U know, I know and most of us know that the QC for china product is "there" only....I will advise you to get it from philips but also make sure they are not from china too. Cos my experience was some of the light bulbs they used are also from china (from lighting.com.sg). :yamseng:

    haha, okok noted..

    Seems like I will keep away from all this china LED downlights then even though they are much cheaper.. don't wanna take the risk =)

    Aiyah....saw this too late... I'm currently using this brand http://www.optiled.com/AboutUs.aspx and I think it's from china... :rolleyes: Hope that it's good:)
