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Posts posted by friends78

  1. haha...wow not enough space ah...haha too many clothes..give/donate those u not wearing already....

    hey your one pc wc in your toilet is how much and where you bought it??

    I got both WCs from Royal Fanco. I took the package so it's $290 for 1 WC & 1 basin. My common one is Baron. Have read not so good reviews about it but after using for 2 weeks, okie leh... I wld say it's Cheap and good. My masterbedroom is Magnum (don't Noe correct spelling or not)... Also okie leh... Both same pricing...

    you can sell that 80% of the clothes to kurang guni... and then will have space for new clothes~ :sport-smiley-004:

    i sold away a few huge bags of clothes when i moved~

    I 'bu she de' leh... Keeping thinking the trend will be back and won't need to spend so much later.. I think it's a illness.. Ha. Ha. Finding excuse to keep the old things and don't want to throw...

  2. wow congrats!! your house looks great!! i love the kitchen island and the 2 chairs!!!! nice nice..wow each one of you have a wardrobe!!

    Wow, very nicely taken pics n nice house :)

    Thanks to both!

    Joyousonline, thou we have 2 wardrobes, it's still not enough! I got to keep two cartons of clothes in the storeroom...

    Sometimes I do wonder y I keep my old clothes and only wear 20% of the current load... :rolleyes:

  3. LOL aiyo you should have given to pple who can appreciate, like froggy, May, me, etc. :P:lol:

    ya lor, should have known you earlier, so sayang to throw. think the buyer don't know the brand at that time, after he start reno and realise it, sure to :bangwall:

    :bangwall: Don't like that leh... I also regret big time not to keep it for own use.... Anyway time to move on.... and enjoy my stay at the new place :dancingqueen:

    BTW, still left with 10 cartons of stuff not moved yet from my inlaws' place... I wonder when I will finish packing... Hope to resume back my normal life (no packing, pls) ... lazing on the sofa watching DVDs.... To-date, I have yet to sit on the sofa for more than 10 mins!!! :furious: Everyday seems to be so busy!!!

  4. DAY 47

    I'm always so relieved when I have a good working relationship with someone - I'm even getting my ID to do A&A on my parents' home, another neighbour poached him after visiting our place once, even the MCST is engaging him to do the upgrade of tiling works at the pool area! He's never too busy for us, he is so attentive to our needs, and he even made a special trip down to a dog adoption drive I was volunteering at just to show his support. Nothing sycophant about him either - he doesn't brown-nose or simply say the things you want to hear - he's straightforward with his own (experienced) suggestions, proposes several ways to do something and allow us the freedom to select which.


    From the various little posts u have updated, can see that you are also very polite to your ID. Someone who will simply laugh it off first when mistakes were made and slowly discussed with your ID to solve the issues. Hence, your ID reciprocate your kindness :) It's always a two-way thingy. You deserved it :D

  5. When u all visiting ? keep me in the loop ok ? Rachel also want to visit my sis place . I will bring Jaden alone too :)

    Aiyoh...u can come anytime w=leh... For u, i need not clean up... 'As it is' condition.. Kekekeke.........

    hey friends

    that's alot of "chicken brand" things you got - must have cost you a bomb! btw what's this "for drawer, solid surface" thing?

    The chicken brand stuff are from my previous flat...Doesn't look 5 years old hor? This brand is :good::good: My previous contractor recommended it and we bought quite a no of stuff ..Pity that I didn't move the dish rack and toilet racks due to space constraint.. :bangwall: . My heart very pain when I realised that how much the prices have gone up over the years...

    oh, so embarass, now i look again - is it those plastic sheet to like the surface?

    Non slip mat for the drawers and solid surface top... New kitchen is like that wan.. Little bit also cannot and must wipe... I think I will hack care in mths to go... :sport-smiley-004:

  6. never mind, i will try to get ask for comparison.... your hubby so nice. help me to calculate... hahahahaah.... tell him a big thank you from me

    Maybe he's also fan of yours too? :P No lah... he's the type who feels that it's better to use the electrician whom the contractor recommended if the charges is + or - 10%. Wait contractor point finger at the elctrician and electrician point back at contractor...additional stress for us as owners.... so he kaypo and did a calculation and whatapps me to inform u that yours also quite reasonable lah.. :)

  7. you see my post above... i put in all my requirement for my eletricals....

    yup, both friends78 and marshy have same electrician. i realised when i saw both quotes.

    My hubbly just whatapps me that based on your requirements, he did a calculation and it's still $4k if we were to use the two quotes we forwarded to u... So not much difference leh... Think u ask your contractor to give u 20 % discount?


    oh... before i forgot, the lady also going to sew some cushion covers for me using the same materials as my curtains. The reason being material i chosen are more for full length curtains but as i have ledge near the windows, curtains are not able to be full length. So those extra materials, she will help me make into cushion covers. I guess that is extra for me? :sport-smiley-004:

    I also got two black cushions FOC from her... :D

  9. oh.... never mind lah, delivery man sometimes don't know how to say sorry. not only deliver, not service minded.

    suan la, since the correct things delivered liao.... ;)

    human do make mistakes, so even if Cellini can score 99 points, 1 point can still miss... but good enough liao i supposed.

    not sure if you read my Courts story before..... it's the delivery men that kept apologizing, but not the customer service pple! hahahahaha :lol:

    Yah loh... Hubby also said suan le...
