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Posts posted by worldangel

  1. Still early days till renovation, but I have just put a deposit for a flat a few hours ago :) Finally got my dream house after 2 months of searching and nearly 50 houses later!

    I have always loved the idea of a t-blog and had always loved looking at beautiful pictures which have been posted in here...now got a chance to contribute le :D Will be putting up more pictures of the house in this thread :P

    Now just some pictures which have been taken by the agent...will be going over to the house this Sunday with my parents so might be taking more pictures at that time...

    Pictures of 5 Room Flat in Admiralty


  2. Don't give up :)

    My wife and me view near to 30 unit before we found this . Are you looking for woodlands area ? U want me to intro my agent to you ? they are Specialize in woodlands area

    I must have viewed more than 30 by now, maybe nearly 40. It can be quite discouraging sigh.

    Who is your agent? I might know him/her cos I have been calling agents who specialize in Woodlands area...you can PM me the contacts tho :) Thanks in advance!

  3. sigh dun think we will be getting this flat after all, the seller is now reluctant to sell even when we offer up to 10k, he still insists on getting 2-3k more. plus my parents in law don't really like the house and we even went to the temple to get a divination lot, but it was a really bad lot which advised us not to get the house and wait for a better one :(

    So that means the search goes on.

  4. Izzit .....

    So qiao wor .....

    Mine place at at 628 . between 888 plaza / admiraty mrt and vista point.

    I got it for 294k - val 293k , cov 1k :)

    gov help me with 55k of grant for 1st timer. Ha... :P

    I hoping to get 45k for first timer...my house after add evthing will also be around the same price as yours, just that my house valuation is lower than yours but they asking for a lot of COV :unsure:

    can't wait to see your pics! once you set up the t-blog, do post a link here ;) And if can share the quotation by your contractor, even better :P

  5. yay.. i'm happy for you la worldangel...

    I was going to say... that Uncle Soon is uber busy...all the way until the end of the year... so cannot just base on our reviews and you decide to get him. Must source for a few quotes (like supersimon's) and then decide.

    OH supersimon! Yours is Henry ah? Henry is pretty good from what I see so far too :)

    Haha cannot be too happy first, tonight bringing parents in law to view the unit...they are picky people so might not like the flat and will end up influencing us to not feel like getting the flat :unsure: Plus they keep thinking that the price is too steep although I check the HDB resale flat transaction and all the flats around there are selling for ard the same price...

    Yea I understand Uncle Soon is very busy cos so many people here engaging his service after all the good reviews haha...but definitely will take into consideration other contractors as well. The main thing we will take into account is the price and the service provided. My husband is quite particular when it comes to the way the house looks, so we will need a contractor who understands what we want and is able to deliver that...

  6. No problem . Will go over this weekend and take some photo. Then will start a T-blog :) - hopefully (cos really busy with all the stuff sia)

    btw, I stay at woodlands. If you are near can pop up to take a look too . cheer :)

    ahaha wat coincidence, I am getting a flat in Woodlands too...the one I am talking about is close to Admiralty MRT, somewhere near 888 Plaza. Where is your place? :P

    Is yours a 4 room or 5 room? If you dun mind me asking, how much did you pay altogether for your hse (valuation & COV)?

  7. 15K should be enough ba . base on the item you want to do.

    I do a lot more then yrs

    Item Same as yr : Hacking the floor in the toilets (2 of them) and re-laying the tiles (both floor and wall)

    Hacking the kitchen cabinet and re-doing them (i do a 30feet one with solid surface of cos)

    Repainting - whole house

    Additional item including: Flooring for living (hack and relay homo tile upgrade living tile to $4 psf )/ 3 bedroom (supreme AC5)/ 2x shower screen/ 1 X 5 feet vanity top and cabinet / window for kitchen/ 2x toilet door / electric point and piping for kitchen and toilets/upgrade some toilet tile to $5 psf/hack kitchen floor and relay tile (floor and wall) and many small small item like labor for w.c etc etc

    Item i don't have: Hacking down the built in wardrobe in the rooms (2 of them) (should be cheap) - Building up a partial wall

    All for not more then 21k (of cos not ID firm lah)

    If you wan i can pm you my contractor contact. My house will be ready somewhere mid June just finish tiling yesterday - will be inspecting the workman ship (so far so good after 2 visit over the weekend) . Can visit my place if you want to see :)

    Btw.... Will be staring my T-blog soon .... so stay tune .... hahahhahaa

    Wow sounds like you got yourself a good deal! :good:

    Yea, would be interested in seeing your pictures...if the contractor can provide good service at a good price, don't mind getting his contacts from you :dribble:

  8. wah... including wall then it's different... hehe


    retiling of toilet walls and floors + waterproofing - $3k to $4.5k (Some IDs charge $5k+)

    tiles should be able to pick those $3/psf at least.

    labour to replace toilet bowl and sinks $400 (not including the thing itself)

    partial wall - $300 - $500... (depending on actual height and width)

    To make it nice since it's at the foyer... ask the person to make some shelf-like groves to place some ornaments (but collect dust la ) lol

    Kitchen cabinets... top and bottom are counted separately... so if your top is 15ft and bottom is 15ft, altogether 30ft, you'll have to pay $3k just for the cabinets.

    You'll probably need to factor in Plumbing ($700-$800?) and some electricals.

    Lights will cost you 1k-2k (if you're not going for very posh crystal ones...) sanitary fittings and kitchen fittings... will be the same... :)

    15k if it's just the reno alone, should be enough.. but if you want to include furniture it'll be tough.

    Oh furniture and appliances we have set aside another 15k...so we didn't include that as part of reno cost...

    sigh need to spend around 40 to 45k cash for this house...but really like the surrounding and location...

    so now praying that no buyer will go jack up the COV...

    And we are also not getting ID firms, more interested in getting a contractor and have heard many good reviews about Ah Soon, so might be considering him :)

  9. :)

    The toilets... you're only doing the floor not the wall?

    There's a small complication there. Waterproofing for the toilet floor should be done across the floor and up to 1.5cm at the base of the wall. Which means a good (responsible) contractor will have to hack the bottom most wall tile in order to lay the waterproofing properly. This means you have to decide if you wish to use the floor tile to compensate for that wall tile (and it'll look like a skirting) or if you can find back the wall tile which was used to patch back. The current owners might have kept some tiles.

    mm what about toilet bowls and sinks? will you be changing those?

    Shower screens?

    Partial wall is made of hollow block (more solid) or partition?

    How long is your kitchen cabinet going to be? heh. and what kind of surface top?

    hacking and hauling - $2000? (a guess)

    Relaying of tiles + tiles - $600 - $800

    Kitchen Cabinets - $90 - $120 per foot

    Solid surface worktop - $70 - $100 per foot

    Painting - $1200

    We would need to the flooring as well as hacking & relaying the tiles on the wall for the toilets...

    Will be replacing the toilet bowls and sink as well...don't think will have a shower screen.

    For the partial wall, can just be a partition as long as it "hides" the kitchen from the view of the people who just enter the house...

    Hope to get evthing done within 15k if possible...

  10. Now in the midst of calculating reno cost :P Want to know if it is worth getting this unit which has good location and everything, but the owner asking for 8k or higher COV and the condition of the hse is quite bare.

    So if we manage to get this unit, we will need to do the following:

    Hacking the floor in the toilets (2 of them) and re-laying the tiles

    Hacking down the built in wardrobe in the rooms (2 of them)

    Building up a partial wall near the entrance of the kitchen so that the kitchen cannot be seen when people walk in, the kitchen is right beside the main door

    Hacking the kitchen cabinet and re-doing them


    That's what we can think of right now, the flooring for the rest of the house is quite new so don't think we need to do anything to them. How much do you think this type of renovation will cost? it is a 4 room flat by way, around 100sqm :)

    Thanks in advance

  11. Sorry cant comment on anything until the compass reading is taken and chart is plotted...

    It is written in the house valuation report that the the house is facing north. Does that mean that the house main entrance is in the North direction? Most of the windows are at the opposite side of the main entrance though (means windows for the bedrooms, balcony, etc)

    I also would like to know what is the meaning of North-South facing?

  12. The house I am interested in is a corner unit, at the end of quite a long corridor. Since it is the last unit on the floor, it is located next to the staircase and the corridor in front of my house is quite dark. Is that ok or do I need to do somethingto brighten it up?

    Another issue is that the house layout is in such a way that the moment we walk into the house, the kitchen is right next to the main door. My hubby quite worried about this, does it have a bad feng shui in any way?

    Thanks in advance for your advice :)

  13. hahah :) alright alright then I know who you are. :)

    Nope. My dad is the meticulous one who called practically every ad in the papers every day. He cuts out every single 5room, EA, EM ad from the classifieds and pastes them on the paper every day. :) Tell your agent your criteria and tell him that you don't want to see until it satisfies those criteria... otherwise it would waste everyone's time also. :) Good luck!!

    yea, that's what I did...but somehow when we reached there we will find out there are some flaws with the house. As in the house meets our basic requirements but there are those little little things which I cannot state as requirement cos even the agent dunno they exist until we go there and see for ourselves...for example, there was this one house which I really liked but couldn't take because it is near to the community hall...another one because the house has too many pointy edges...both houses do fulfill my basic requirements: corner units, near MRT and near amenities...

  14. mmm We close to 3 years, taking breaks inbetween cos we got frustrated and in the final year, we looked at 50 units in Tampines and Simei alone...

    We went to Marine Parade, Pasir Ris and Bedok too.

    Do I know you worldangel? heh

    Heheheh...I checked out your blog...and yes, I think we know each other... :P

    did you look through all those units through the same agent?

  15. Discuss here! Is it with the same agent or through different agents? And how long did you take to find your final house, from the first time you started searching?

    Need to find out the average timing here to see whether is it just me who is being extra fussy because my agent is starting to show attitude and pressuring me to take up an unit...I have been searching since end of March but only viewed around 10 to 15 units so far.

    Thanks :)

  16. Hi, new to this forum though I have been lurking around here for a while ;)

    My hubby and I have just gotten a HLE Loan of around 260k and we have started looking around for a suitable house. So far we have only viewed one house but going to view another few over the next few days.

    My question is: what do we need to look out for when we are looking for a house? The first house we viewed is at a location which is suitable but it seems to have signs of water leakage in the master bedroom toilet, maybe that's why the cov was low, just 5k.

    Another question is: is it acceptable to take pictures of the house when we are viewing it?

    Thanks :)
