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Posts posted by Astarz

  1. to b honest, i wasnt very happy or very satisfied with the entire process, but i keep adjusting my expectation and swallow some disappointment and then move on, looking on the brighter side and trying to be understanding and forgiving. It is hard, let's face it... reno kills brain cells. I dont think all the fingers should point sorely to one person but i can say it is a rather messy system. i am so glad mine is over, there r some kinks along the way and we got them fixed. not perfect but can close one eye since it is not of nagging proportion. so in a way, i give credit when it is due.

    The way I see it resources spread too thinly and too many projects on hand, such that one cant handle or focus well on each and every and hence the miscommunication. i think the system is very archaic. it is like a guessing game.

  2. Hi guys

    We are another one who engaged Alan as our contractor. We did not get our house by Xmas and now it does not look like we can get it completed before CNY too.

    I engage him as well, i didnt give him a very exact date when he can hand over cos I dun wanna stress him or his workers. We agree somewhere early and mid december 2013 (even before Xmas) during the pre-signing up but in reality, the flat was handed over in the very early of Jan 2014. oh well... all it took was a good 11 weeks.... i was hoping a 9 or 10 would be enough... cos we started hacking on 10 Oct 2013. i am glad (PLUS Relieved) my reno is over...

    bear in mind, i sign him cos we thought we are safe from the pre-CNY frenzy and he sounded assured that we can beat that... i m not complaining but just wanna tell u guys the reality is not that.

    i read some of yr guys' agony and it really makes my blood boil too, abt discarding our purchased items and not using default fittings. talking abt cleaning up, they also shifted my purchases which was left neatly at ONE CORNER and and almost throw away my Kitchen tap which was in a box. i was so paranoid that some other things might hv been thrown away hence i decided to stop buying prematurely.

    I feel so sorry abt all these unpleasant incidents for u guys, sometimes they are totally uncalled for. the workers need to have a bit of ownership when it comes to doing their job....

    • Like 1

  3. so sorry to hear that, sometimes i feel in our renovation industry, some of the people are not very professional or into details. they just wanna make ends meet. sometimes, all it takes is a bit of asking, reconfirming and making sure things are fallen into the right places. Sadly it wasn't all the time..

    E here,

    I contacted Ah Meng, the mason master, as he usually works hand in hand with the plumbers and he was shocked to hear that. He will get Ah Beng to call back but apparently still nothing as yet. The pipe connector/adaptor is pretty difficult to acquire here in SG as most faucet sets come with their own tubes ready for fitting.

    What troubles me is that despite the faucet set comes with everything, they didn't use everything because:

    1. Like jus4fun said, they are so used to using their own, using something else makes their work longer and tedious.

    2. They switch those parts which are deemed "unnecessary" for their own benefits since we don't need the hot/cold water tubes or even know how to fix it.

    The best part is that they charged Alan for the "extra bits" used and took ours away just so they probably can "re-use" and "re-charge" on someone's else renovation project. Guess who is paying for it in the end?

    As we speak, I m trying to find/remember the name of the plumbing company so that i can bring this up to them and get back all my hot/cold water tubes likewise post their name here for reference.

    Probably after reading this, Alan will probably be laughing at the lot of us for buying from overseas but i ll give him the :finger: because his idiotic plumber started being a smartass and use his own fitting causing all these indirect problems despite crystal clear instructions.

  4. In the mood to live here.. shoe cabinet can hold 20 pairs or more... also serves to block off from leering neighbours.


    Many thanks to my contractor who on good-will, help me install various accessories such as this toilet roll holder and hooks for paintings.
