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Everything posted by fatz

  1. It is good to hear FC did something right for once. A sign of times? I sure hope so. Yet, I would rather the whoe experience be pleasant. No need ot be super over the top nice but pleasant. Lawyers, small claims etc IMO really tells me something else. But then again it's just me. So let this also be a VERY IMPT lesson to ALL who are planning to buy stuff from ANY shop. Make sure the description of items and freebies are acurate. Do not feel shy to ask probing questions. Hesistation and unwillingless on the sales part should trigger alaram bells! DO NOT PROCEED TO PAY.
  2. ok one postive experience after all...I noticed 2 other threads on this company...looks like enough suckas out there IMHO
  3. Just another refresh for all to see....see I'm serious abt this mission ............
  4. Thats cool....I will update this thread so you won't forget.
  5. Good stuff that some of us can return....so buyers out there or potential buyers do beware and act accordingly. Otherwsie, lets have some updates on those who have ordered from them recently and taken delivery. After all, people/businesses are capable of changes....just to be optimistic
  6. good stuff, i will keep this thread updated so all can see
  7. I have finally concluded my entanglement with FC. After failing to replace an item after 6 months with an acceptable replacement, I finally got a letter of demand threathening legal action. I would like to comment that for the amount outstanding it will NEVER go to court. So don't try and play games with me, I do this for a living! But since FC decided to finally play ball. On a reasonable basis, I accepted the replacement since I could not detect any flaws. There was no apologies given by the company though one feel one should be forthcoming. So to Mr Jerry Tan....I think your company CMI big time. DO NOT expect me to give you a call. It is not my business to make your job any easier. I am hearthened to see that the feedback has filtered down to some fellow forumers. I will offer very candid opinions to people I know abt FC. I hope they in turn will tell others. IMO, there are a lot of better places to spend your $$. This FC is just not one of them. To fellow forumers who PM me asking for price comparison....sorry I wont bother to reply. whatever u paid..I firmly believe it is just too much
  8. Hi Jerry, Nice to see FC bothers to reply. Now may I just ask if it is a policy to reply all emails/calls directed to anyone in your organization? Seems like Nee Savi may not be the only one who encountered such issues.
  9. IKEA...there's also a row of shops (Hardware) ard Ubi...
  10. yes please do...but i will aviod all these companies if i can help... Update as I still have some otustanding item with the company ...they persistently fail to deliver unblemished items. I dunno why they like to waste the delivery guy's time...but if that's the game they play I',m fine....I still owe them an outstanding amount....so far they have delivered replacement pieces twice and both occasions the replacments were as bad if not worse than original. Any one has any idea when I can legally put a stop to this nonsense? As in reject any more attempts for them to make good on replacement and just keep the outstanding amt as an extra 'discount'?
  11. Well that is the one thing I don't understand lor..............obviously they have a customer base else I dunno how to account for the fact that they r still in biz. Maybe consumbers got no sense here? I'm just throwing up some rational explaination so don't flame me ah. Oh one more thing....do not expect after sales service. If the sales person give u mobile number to call promising you to solve any problems (if any) don't tke their word for it. It is my observation that they r not int hew showroom on a daily basis. i think they work one day on one day off. If they r not int he showroom, they'll tell u I'm not at work please call xxxxxx... I don't have an issue with people not being at work, but I have a big problem with any sales person who is only intersted in selling but does not bother with conflict resolution, etc. I think their renumeration should chnmage to pure salary base instead of taking a commission for every piece they sell. Their behaviour suggests the sales force is not hungry enough. Maybe they're too well rewarded currently?
  12. Hi all, Please note these are my personal observations and thoughts For all buying from furniture club, please beware of the following: 1. Service is much to be desired - so lower your expectations 2. "Bait and switch" esp when it comes to packakged items/freebies 3. No delivery schedule, or at least that is how haphazard it appears 4. Uncommunicative mgmt 5. No refund policy - at least that is what I am told. So Do not give too much up front 6. Replacement delivery surprises - replacement goods comes in worse shape than current I am not trying to stop anyone from buying from them. Seems they have been expanding rapidly. I like to see local companies making it, yet after dealing with them this time, I'll gladly take my biz elsewhere. I will refrain from specifics but those items I listed above should serve as a warning to others when dealing with this company.
  13. ah i c...ok no worries I got back to the lawyer in charge of my property. Must say their knowledge of matters not really comforting..but all sorted...phew!
  14. I don't mind the washer if avaliable still. Can u tell me the specs?
  15. dealing with the admin/secretary only...I don't even know who the laywer in charge is....better go back and check documents....
  16. problem is it gets very awkward even before I move in lor....
  17. According to the MA...bill outstanding since Oct09. So It is a case of he said she said...I am adamant abt not paying it. It is everyone else's fault except mine. LOL
  18. that is what i thot...i have informed the maintenance office...they don;t care..citing Sect 47 (1) ©. i have forwarded the info to my convenyancing law firm..so far ntg heard. this is will be first and ONLy time i am going to use this legal firm....big does not mean good ..LOL..thks anyways mate!
  19. Hi all, I bought a strata title unit back in Oct 2009, legal completion was early Dec 2009. The billing for maintenance charges came for this qaurter and I was shocked to a late charges from a b/f (unpaid) protion from the previous owner. Question here is can the managing agents do this? I was not the legal owner then so I do not see why I have to cough up the past due amount with penalty. Anyone knows what is happening? You comments wil be appreciated
  20. I got a gateman F10 done just this week. $500 inclusive of installation. Desmond is the guy...thinkt here was another thread on this with his contact details - sms him at 98307788