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Everything posted by graceakaclouds

  1. Latest updates....just got back frm my place kitchen bases alrd up!! Opennet installation more pics to come!!!
  2. chipee - oic...didn't realised u not doing false ceiling.... yup, we going to have false ceiling and L-box too...also keen to see hw Edmund is going to conceal it up with the false ceiling
  3. thks chipee for the pics tat was fast!! yikes....really like snake line....tis is even more headache than the aircon piping....faintz
  4. yeah guess so....hope won't 'fight' with Edmund over the colours though....cos i sense that the kind of colours we r into is the opp of wat he's going to propose....
  5. apart from the usual KDK fans, JB also does sell fans like the Alpha, crestar etc....managed to buy our lights from this JB shop along the way to Jusco Tebrau. It's called Fancy Lighting. They also sell the fans mentioned above. Seems to be half price of those selling in s'pore.
  6. chipee - oic...u r also doing feature wall cum altar....hmm....interesting....anyway, my appt tml is 11am to 1pm...haiz....my house alrd v messy n dusty as it is....i tik with opennet, not much diff liao.... KSJL - yeah i guess Edmund's going to be pretty busy frm nw on after the opennet installation for the few of us....heard from him tat some of his units in P&D stalled for reno cos of the opennet....he needs to see hw it's going to be done n then, from there will proceed for false ceiling n all.... KSJL, yup, the tempered glass there is called backsplash....yeah, hb's sold by the bright red colour but as for me, i'm not really into the red colour thingy....so will have to see wat colours we can put there though....could be an 'early' thought since we have yet to choose colours n cabinets as of nw
  7. hehehe....finally chipee toks kewl....it's gd to hear and have reassurance tat Edmund will be there though i tik urs is one of his first units to install opennet....can't wait for ur pics....let's see if i can make it down for lunch tml so to snap some pics of the opennet too.... YEAH!!!! reno will continue from then on.... chipee, sorry ar....to recap, wasn't quite sure if u r the one....did u actually have a feature wall for ur bomb shelter but it's not an altar?
  8. KSJL - oh serious ar abt the red thingy....not really into FS but then again, since nw know liao, can't quite avoid not to put hor....anyhw, i'm nt too keen on the red backsplash though myself.... wah seh....tat's serious leh....for us, not intending to get solar film cos we discovered at various times of the day, our house is just directly out of the sunlight and despite tat, it's still pretty bright so we aren't going to do anything like tat..... hmm....i tik for the pricing of the solar film, u might have to check P&D's other forum bah....i tik ppl there would have done it alrd.... yup, once opennet's done, Edmund will proceed with the false ceiling from there....
  9. KSJL - ok, not to worry, i'll take pics of the Opennet installation thingy....yup, today's Chipee's turn....tml's my turn.... to be honest, we have yet to choose any colours or cabinets yet....currently put on hold for opennet....need to discuss with Edmund as to when to make our choices hb just saw another fellow renotalk-er with red glass backsplash for kitchen....he's totally sold on tat....geez, i'm not too sure....i'm looking more for pastel coloured kitchens though....let's see wat happens first
  10. Tis tues is our opennet appt....after tat more things can b worked on in the house latest updates...we r purchasing our fans cum lights n lights for house then spoke to Edmund to check on a few stuff only to realise tat our house ain't untouched due to opennet...he said our kitchen bases r all done up!!! Yoohoo!!! Tat's fast let's see when we have chance to take some pics
  11. KSJL - nah...i alrd have 50" tv for living rm n 42" tv for mbr liao...more than enough liao
  12. tat's gd to hear....too many will indeed confuse u incidentally, my id/contractor is edmund from adecordesign...he's quite gd n detailed tok to him n see wat he say abt ur concern for the hacking of wall as per above...he gt sound advices...
  13. okok, waiting for ur pics :) hahhahaa....Edmund shy leh....nvm lah....posting our pics is to show how it looks like nia mah btw where did joseeng go to?
  14. sorry for late replies....lately so busy with work....heng reno barely started else can die....i tik after next wk jialat liao....dunno wat to say man....anyway, enough abt work.... hahhahaa....light colours ar....have a few in mind....need to consult the 'inhouse designer' first
  15. tell me abt it....as it is, tat day we asked him if he has lighter colours for mbr wardrobe...he was like, y use light colours? dark colours nicer? hahhahahaa....then i just kept asking....but if we want, u have rite?
  16. depth n size of ur wardrobe overwhelming?? i like can store loads n loads of stuff inside but no one can see till they open ur wardrobe...
  17. yeah....i also recently noticed this....anyway, although our house is pretty brightly-lit other than our kitchen, we still prefer lighter colours as we like the house to be bright as well....need to speak to Edmund on this when the time comes... as of now, can only listen to how exciting chipee's reno is getting :) yes indeed...pics pls
  18. KSJL/chipee - nope, i have yet to make any selections....not for walls, nor for kitchen cabinet and mbr wardrobe....so still sourcing around for ideas....will ask Edmund when time comes....however, i do indeed notice that Edmund seem to have a preference for his clients to take dark colours for wardrobe and cabinets i tik...will have to discuss with him again. thks chipee for the link to the blog....checked it out....looks gd leh bluewater, checking out ur blog nw :)
  19. hahhahahaha....i didn't quite meant tat idea actually....then when i read ur post, i was laughing out loud....ahhahah....not the 3 generation pics lah....hiak hiak in tat case, find a nice artistic pic tat matches with the theme or colours of ur living room...or perhaps sth quirky....tat would b really nice n could also be the focus of the living room
  20. tat's an interesting find, KSJL....really? most of his 'followers' have similar colour combi for kitchen....oh ya....i tik my kitchen's too dark to tell wat's the colour of the floor tiles...is it grey for everyone? KSJL/chipee? in tat case, i'm curious to know wat is ur master bedroom wardrobe colour? KSJL? bluewater? chipee?
  21. not too sure though unless u have the budget....else, my suggestion would be to get the pic 'blown' online and print it from the online shop too....get some pic tat u like or ur family pic or sth then blow it....i tik it's more meaningful tat way
  22. chipee!!!!! so lovely to see ur kitchen.....i love the cream quartz colour....nice leh :) yeah, he also recommended laminate to me when i said i want to have nice pretty colours ;P ok, i admit i jin vain....wahahhahaa....but well, it's going to be my world in the kitchen man....so might as well choose sth tat i like.... ok lah....small is small loh....in the first place also not big wat....anyway ar, most imptly, it's ur choice u like can liao....so exciting leh!!!
  23. oh ya, KSJL....ur curtains look nice....too bad for my sensitive nose....else we can have nice curtains too....anyway we r satisfied with just frosted windows so to each his own....but urs is indeed nice :)
  24. yup totally understand....in the first place, the kitchen wasn't even big to begin with....we realised tat storage is a big prob in the house alrd so hence, we just want things to be less cluttered n cos of tat, we feel tat having kitchen cabinets with more storage is more impt to us.