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Posts posted by england

  1. Oh I think that's quite normal and to be expected cos he is a contractor, not an ID. For us, we decided to hire him because we were prepared to design all the layout of the house by ourselves. So we told him the design and he would add his ideas here and there, but like what you said, it won't be much.

    So do keep that in consideration while you are choosing your renovator. We were not considering ID because we want our house design to be purely ours (we also dislike smooth-talking IDs who will psycho you to do this and that and in the end increases the cost) and also because of the pricing.

    Hi WorldAngel,

    Hmm...the other contractor I met earlier was at least more vocal than Patrick. I think it is funny that when opinions were sought from him, he would just give you that grin or smiley face without a word. He would then proceed to take measurement and ignored your waiting for his opinion altogether. But I do not take this negatively but rather feel that he just needs time to think over my question and not simply replying in a haste and eneded up giving some crappy suggestions. And I got a feeling that he is not cheap either.


  2. to england and starblume,

    Sent the quotation to both of u :)

    Hi Worldangel,

    Thanks, I got your mail.

    Met with with Patrick this afternoon and he seemed like a nice uncle. The only drawback about him vs other contractors/Ids is the lacks of ideas when threw questions at him regarding design. Patrick seems too quiet, not that I like talkative contractors but he is just not giving me ideas. From your blog, I come to know that he is the type that you must show him what you want and he will work on it but i would appreciate if he had suggested to me something in terms of design. Whatever I wanted, Patrick would go along and maybe that's what most people called good customer service. He did inform that he would think about some design bits and come back to me before he left. He got a lot of smses during his 1.5 hours inspection at my place, vey busy uncle with a busy schedule.

    Nonetheless, I find him okay and unlike those smooth talking ones who you know kinda try to smoke you. This is an important attribute. Prior to Patrick, I had a meeting with an contractor from ID Note, Henry. Another brilliant contractor who was recommended by SuperSimon27. That would be another post at another time. The rest are just a waste of time.


  3. england,

    How do you able to trust anyone who will know the FSM is good or bad? No one is able to. You can't trace down where he learnt his skills from. We can only trust from words of mouth, worst of all, internet. Who is behind the screen typing it, we don't know. Its as good as trusting a stranger and believe in his words. No offense here. I'm just stating an analogy. May be a bad one.

    I'm not condemning FSM as I still believe in it BUT as Ivy said, who to believe and base on what? People who strike rich?


    Look at the case of Princess Diana and the HK billionaire lady. Our wealth is no where near theirs but look at what both of them want to have out from feng shui? Its not money but something else. But did they manage to change it? They only manage to change their mindset and get peace of mind after consulting a FSM.

    Someone told me this, fengshui 1/3, Destiny 1/3, Own control over our own life 1/3. We may have focus too much on the first third and neglected the other two perspective.

    Hi Dr,

    You got a point. The reverse is true as well if you have the latter two but not the former. So am now asking for the list which will enable assist me in engaging the right now.


  4. Ya....many people also got this problem like you. very important that you find the right fsm in the first place. Once you get the wrong one and once started to implement, you'll see how feng shui work against you. By then you won't talk about hard work can solve the problem....no it won't.

    You are right that some masters come from different schools but there are some that actually learnt the wrong things. Results will tell as I've a whole list of those people (done by famous ones also) who suffered serious financial and health immediately after audit by them (including myself). Therefore, don't play...play!!

    You are not wrong to go for feng shui.....but who you go to.....

    Hi Ivy,

    Would you mind PM the list of good and bad FSMs?

    Thank you

  5. Hi Simon.

    Thanks for the info. Will call Henry today and see how things go.

    My place is at sin ming ave. I believe you have a nice home nicely done up by Henry and a bunch of beautiful people staying in there to complement it!

    I will certainly be looking to you for tips along the way, hope you don't mind.

    Have a good day ahead.

