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Posts posted by Simontsh

  1. Need to get the points discussed here right.

    For renovation, choose a good date to 'tong du'. Thereafter, during renovation, don't bother about the 'disturbance'.

    Then, choose a good date to move in.

    After moving in to your apartment, avoid further hacking, knocking in the sectors with unfavourable stars in 2011.

    Hope this understanding is clear.

    oooh okies....at least less headaches for reno :sport-smiley-004:

    Hi, how sure are you that the north is exactly the north? How do you measure it?

    hmmm that is based on what is given in the maps.

    Hand itchy, coincidently we are now in end September.

    Just to post something about the March and September "Equinoxs",(look at image 56,http://www.renotalk.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=43868&view=findpost&p=669114) during which the "Aurora Borealis"(Northern lights, 北极光) or "aurora australis"(Southern lights, 南极光)could then only be observed near closed to earths' North & South poles.

    In March Equinoxs, N hemispere is entering into "Spring" while S hemispere is going into "Autumn".

    In September Euinoxs, just the opposite. During these 2 timings, the magnetic flux at magnetic poles at both end of the earth are very unstable, use to break Oxygen(red) and nitrogen(green) into lights.


    One thing to bear in mind, the term "energy" used in FS, is different from "energy" used in scientific, eg, F=ma, Watt=Voltage x Ampere, etc etc.

    so should use the sun method to measure true north....

  2. wah thx all the shifus for advice!

    For beginners, you can go to this website for more information:


    For the divider, ideally to construct a 5-ft partition at A, or move the divider to B.


    wah both are tough options....hmmmm


    No worry, I am more than happy to share my knowledge, although I am still learning. I am learning Time Space (Divination) Feng Shui, the highest level in chinese metaphysic study. You can read some articles and anaysis I conducted in my reno t-blog.

    Noises, virtual water, brightness, etc are considered Yang energy.

    For the South sector, we can say that 'owner can enjoy Sheng Qi in 2011 so long as he doesn't disturb the area and keep it quiet' like no renovation, hacking etc. Get it?

    add curtains false ceiling pelmet cabinets this type can?

    We would be more concerned if robbery star #7 is at the main door. But this star #7 is like a small knife, beware of minor injury though. Again, keep the sector quiet if you are staying in the house now.

    haven move in....but the aircon trunkings will be going through the toilet walls...so need to drill ma.....like that is considered loud?

  3. What alan26 mentioned is the Annual influence - till 3rd Feb 2012. By the time comes, your reno would have completed?

    Can you shift the divider farther away from the dining area? If you look carefully, it is like somebody holding a Gun and pointing' at the people sitting in the dining area.

    means move further up? originally the design was to block the view from main door to windows....if I slant the divider or make it round edges will be ok?

    i agree with mae29 and thanks for reminding the annual influence date.

    Whether South, Southwest, West of your house is it affected by "声煞", i can't confirm. try answering the following question.

    1. Is it very noisy when the MRT comes by everyday?

    2. Does it affect your daily life or mood?

    3. Is the road outside your window noisy also?

    4. Does it affect your daily life or mood?

    5. If yes for question 2 or 4, then that 3 direction of your house is somewhat affect by "声煞"


    You also need to take note of your North, East and Center of your home. More importantly is your Center.

    Due to your prosperity Star is infiltrated by the Burglary Star so have to be careful when dealing with it.

    As common remedy that people use for this situation is placing an ornament like Elephant or Rhino to 化解.

    Just my 2 cent worth of view.

    center as in the square with the walk way? where is the burglary star?

    I would be interested to know what are the 'Water stars' residing in South, Southwest and West as these stars are being activated by the noise coming from the tracks/roads. It won't be a concern if they are Timely stars in current period.

    wad are water stars?

  4. I'm not an expert in Feng Shui, still a beginner in FS. In General Feng Shui term,

    - Your Stove is not opposite your basin (Still Alrite)

    - Your Bed End is not facing toilet or door (Still Alrite)

    - Your MBR Bed is facing your TV set, I still don't think it is good. Affect Sleep??(Can't comment much on this, Up to you!!)

    - Try to keep your MBR Toilet close if possible. (Still Alrite)

    Just Share my point of view using Flying Star 2011 as baseline as shown below.


    According to the information that you have provided, your MBR,Study Room, Guest Room, Living Room is affected by "Sheng Sha" basically

    Noise Pollution in layman term. As accordance to FS, "Sheng Sha" would affect one's mood, concentration & health of the people living there.

    Maybe you can google more on Sheng Sha information yourself ba.

    See the Table below for the remedies if needed.


    thx for your reply....

    means i should see what is the remedy for south southwest and west?

  5. living room can use non-inverter if you only use it once in a week, bedroom should get inverter because most people will turn on it all night if aircon is there, even the initial plan is to keep it off and save money.

    no leh

    my MIL install system 4. all the rooms aircon switched on less than 10 times last year. in fact this year.....only switched on ONCE during chinese new year :bangwall:

  6. yep...so IMO the person need to define his usage pattern.

    are you a can-don't-eat-but-cannot-no-aircon kind, the switch-on-MBR-only kind, or the once-in-a-blue-moon kind.

    the 1st type, no need brains. just go full inverter.

    the second type...maybe use multisplit inverter for bed rooms then non-inverter for living.

    once in a blue moon non inverter R410a all the way to save money. next time got money but nowhere to spend then upgrade to inverter.

  7. haha look similar but one tone color instead of 2 lor heee .. u want?

    hmz which unit u r in leh? pm me bah whahhaaa ...

    do-able but the gas piping will be exposed lor .. if i remain where it is its covered by cabinets , glass blacksplash and whats not so not seenable ..

    actually can hide totally one leh....center part going across ceiling hide via boxup...mix in a T5/T8 for a min covelight? :dribble:

    then the pipe coming down at the other side can boxup in a corner too. but my ID say boxup or paint wun be really visible liao

  8. 1: Generally speaking, inverter save 30% more in electricity bill, so if you using aircon more, definitely need inverter; if not so often use, then non-inverter is fine.

    For one off buying cost, inverter may be 30% higher.

    2: The inverter motor starting way make it more durable, and Singapore labor cost is high, reduce potential repairing cost is important;

    3: In old HDB, non-inverter sys 3 or 4, the running current easily exceed HDB limit which is only 8.5A;

    4: Inverter is much quieter, this is hard to value it by money, depends.

    5: most inverter is using R410a, and non-inverter r22, which will be banned after 2020

    $3000 30% is already $900. if non-frequent aircon user......good luck trying to save the amount to justify the $900 :D

    now all the new non-inverters also R410a liao.....no future upgrade headaches etc etc :sport-smiley-004:

  9. haaa wahhhhaaaa .. pm-ed u ..

    hmz .. im shifting the electric pt lor ... cause my other side dont have top cabinet

    hmz thats an idea too but abit like blocking the door

    yeah gt the hugemonous doors gg change to pddoor ..

    erm gt lobang for places to sell?

    u have top cabinets at the entrance side ar? block window or not? i didn't put top cabinets on the other side cause dun want to block the window

    actually if u calculate....the standard depth 60mm....only a little bit only. less than 2cm. wun block one.

    hmmm can try the garage here? take photos, post and sell :sport-smiley-004:

  10. serious?! u same block and floor as mine? whahaha how u know which blk i am wor hahaaa but floor i believe same whahhaaa

    hmz for us i was intending put there before i realized the sockets and then when fsm came its the same so my fsm says should be like that we must be comfy and right do then good .. so im doing add 2 pocket socket and shifting the scv pt lor ..

    u should see where the tel pt is placed in the living/dining room .. can pengz ..

    yeah ive been cursing them since i started reno .. my dear contractor is boxing up all things he feels nt nice *faints*

    he even boxed up my heater ... due to the low power pts in the **** pathetic bathrooms ..

    good for u that you didnt opt for the doors .. *haiz*

    haha let's see....ur flat somewhere got 111 right? :D

    yes the telephone point is epic phail. best is we cannot do anything because the cables are in the floor :/

    u took the HDB toilet doors ar? well can sell....can fetch good price. theirs very good quality.

    i was told to get slimmer sink haiz ... to fit in the orig water outlets ..

    i am using normal sink. see my layout. cabinets still standard depth. just that the corner near the service yard door either do rounded or chamfer corner.

    but then i noticed u shifted ur stove how are u gg to run the gas pipes ?

    run the gas pipe thru the top cabinets on the fridge side....then across service yard door lor.

    ID will try to box up the pipe as much as possible.

    if not use the original HDB layout...stove below electrical point....that is really asking for trouble :bangwall:

  11. oh yeah just to check did ur id/contractor mentioned that one side of your kitchen is smaller than the other? i seriously wonder what is hdb thinking ...

    yes....the side with the fridge depth is less than 60cm i think. then the side with the window is a little >60cm.

    the whole Segar Meadows layout is screwed one....all the IDs, aircon man come to my unit, all :bangwall: at the kitchen, toilets, power socket points.....then the carpark so small and weird layout also.

    seems like we have idiots at surbana one doing design/planning.

  12. hmz u also top floor? hehe

    i did a L shape wardrobe cause my layout is the upside down of yours since bed needs to put the other side of yours due to FS .. you're nt gg to do any bay cabinets for ur bay windows?

    Ya i same block and floor as you ma! :P

    Originally we wanted to put the other side too because i dun like seeing the toilet door from bed as per my current layout.

    but if switch, means need to move the power and TV sockets. plus my legs facing the door. As I am the kind always leave all doors open one....means person standing at common toilet entrance can see my headboard also.....which i dun like :bangwall:

    so end of the day decided to use current layout...then add a divider to block between toilet door and bed. (see layout)
