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Posts posted by ayazumi

  1. Visited the newly opened Furniture Mall at Toh Guan. Lots of parking space because the place was deserted. We were just browsing around (not many shops)for 2 beds and were greeted by the senior retail consultant selling Englander mattresses. Let us test all the mattresses in the shop :sport-smiley-004: and girlie finally found one she really likes :yamseng: . Testing the beds made us feel like goldilock and the 3 bears :P

    The promotional offer ranges from $799 to $1399 for super single including bed frame and 1 reverie pillow. Free delivery and GST already included. We have 3 designs to choose from for the head board and can also choose the material and colour. The 6 legs are made of wood.

    The lady was very experienced. She was initially skeptical as to whether the 2 beds can fit into 1 room. We showed her the floor plan and she made measurements for the length, width and height and how much walking spaces we have round the beds. Told us how to maintain the mattresses and bed frames too. We are happy with the purchase :good:

    Now the new Furniture Mall location is more convenient for people staying in the West area. I don't know when I will travel this far to go Toh Guan as the new location is really very far away from my place.

    Last time when I was a kid, I had only simple single mattress and a wood bedframe to sleep on. Nowadays kids are getting the luxury to sleep on good beds that cost more than $500 and above. So envy...

  2. Hi Elise. I am very sorry to hear your plight, and I feel that it is partly my fault for increasing readers' expectations on Defong too. We should have been more frank when updating our blog, but we restrain from doing so, because Defong is watching over our blog. Every single comment I made, our contractor will use it to "suan" us. There was a point when I broke down and decided not to speak to my contractor anymore. That was when we wanted to discuss about the design of the kitchen cabinet. As I mentioned earlier, Defong is not an ID, though they put their name cards as ID, they are actually a coordinating contractor only. Basic drawings they know how to draw, but they can't design for you. My kitchen cabinet design came from Valerie, and with the help of others like May, NeoBY, Hubby, etc. That is something good about T-blog as everyone is very helpful and will share their thoughts and ideas with you.

    For those who really want to engage Defong, just a gentle reminder again. They are not Interior Designers, they are just coordinating contractors. If you are looking for interior designers, don't look for Defong. As what happened to your house Elise, I am really sorry to hear that. Defong might be receiving a lot of projects now, and they should be frank with you or other homeowners currently how many projects they are handling, so homeowners can decide if to engage them or not. They should have work ethical, and not making themselves overloaded with renovation projects yet can't do well in other people's renovation works. Quality that counts, not quantity. If Defong continues to give crappy worksmanship, how to introduce customers to people? How to maintain our blog here? We will also be indirectly involved in scamming homeowners to sign with Defong too.

    Elise, if you browse back a few pages of our blog, you should see that our hollow bricks are covered with cement first before plastering


    If directly plastering on hollow bricks, I'm not sure what is the consequences. Maybe the wall will have more crack lines. Our wall has two layers - cement and plaster - already got crack lines. I expect more crack lines will form if direct layer with plaster on hollow bricks.

  3. It's my personal viewonly. People give me problem, I give them problem too. They did not receive letters, that's their problem, not mine. It's not my letter, i throw away because they give me problem first. I won't have the time to go to post office or the nearest mail box to drop their letters. For such homeowners, I would not even want to see them after they move out. If they don't turn nasty, I also won't do the same.

  4. Feel so sorry for you after seeing what you have posted. Don't get so worked up, let them enjoy for the last 4 days. If they don't move out or try to be funny, report to the police. Make sure they don't leave anything behind otherwise they will find lots of excuses to come back again. Seriously speaking, sometimes I also don't understand why some people want to sell the house but can't bear to leave the house. If they really love the house that much, don't sell it then.

  5. Hi,

    Just finished reading your blog. Hope ur water leak issue will be resolved soon.

    If possible, could I get your carpenter uncle and the window blind seller contacts?


    Hi there. Thank you for visiting our blog. I have pm-ed you.

    Yes, the leaking issue has resolved. Hubby unscrewed the hook hanger, and fill the hole and grout line with silicon. So far no leakage, but still monitoring. Recently there is no heavy rain, so we can't see if the water has leak in or not.

  6. Wonderful! That's one of the most happy moments and a relief as you no longer need to return to T-blog very often .. :thumbs up:

    Wrong statement. I still visit T-blog often to read others' blogs. This gives me inspirations and ideas to add more details into my current home, or prepare myself if I decide to buy another new place. My hubby and I were not really very prepared for the renovation, neither did we know what renovation is about until we experienced it. So we said we must know everything, so the next renovation we will be more alert and be more decisive what we really want to have for our new home.

  7. Thanks :)

    I have read ur t blog countless times. Understand from Jeremy ur contractor is Kevin.

    Nice house u have, especially the kitchen! The contents of ur t blog has been a valuable guide to us in terms of logging the renovation progress and the renovation details to look out for :)

    You are right. My contractor is Kevin. I met Jeremy on one occasion when he visited my house and I was there during the renovation. Thank you for liking my house and visited my blog. I wish you have a smooth renovation. Keep it up (your blog)! Awaiting for your updates

  8. @Ayazumi. It's not the bulb but the backend frame issue. I've tried changing the bulb out and fixed to another download and it can light up. I'm not skilled to remove the entire downlight itself.

    Aaaaa... if it is downlight, I don't know how it works. But if it is ceiling lights, I know how to remove.

  9. Congrats moving in!

    Your washer base so narrow in terms of the depth, I'm afraid the washer may drop out as Samsung washer vibrates really hard. I got the top load, it is not very noisy, but when the washer spins dry clothes, there is a loud vibrate and squeak sound, then it turns silent.... I found my washer shift its position itself.

  10. I thk it would still crack after a while, even when repaint, my MBR was w new wall built, had patch up 2 wks ago just be4 handover.. Yesterday I see the same crack line again!

    Think best is to put wall paper

    Hopefully the line will not appear again. We may not want to put wallpaper. It consumes a lot of time and effort to paste the wallpaper. Moreover, a small can of paint is still cheaper than wallpaper.

    Hi ayazumi

    Happy for you that your almsot 2 months of reno is over.

    Hopefully the hairline cracks won't appear anymore.

    Im still in the mist of sourcing for good IDs.

    Can pm me your reno costing (can see the quotation?) and your furnishing costings too?

    Thanks and I love your birdcage!

    Kudo to your hubby!

    Hi, I have pm-ed you. If you are looking for ID, mine is definitely not what you are looking for. They are more of a contractor than an ID.
