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Posts posted by ayazumi

  1. We see the danger of installing ceiling fans at home, so we avoid. We never know when we will raise up our hands, forgotten about the ceiling fans, and that's it - fingers gone. The weird thing about HDB is, my parents' home is just 2 carparks away, but the ceiling is higher than ours. They can install normal ceiling fan. Even if we raise up our hands, we can't touch the ceiling fan. HDB didn't standardize their ceiling heights.

  2. Hmm... Don't think price increase but petrol kiosk should be selling at a higher price.

    Low demand, price higher. If I'm consumer, I won't know petrol kiosks selling fans. Bigger outlets demand is higher, so the price will be lower. So far have you tested the fan? Is it good? Yesterday we went NTUC buy fan again. Now we have 4 fans in our house. Hubby says I'm 夸张. 2 people staying, but need 4 fans.

  3. Hi Aya, manage to get the fan already? I use my petrol points to redeem at caltex petrol yesterday, so it's free.

    They are also selling at $159 I think, can try your luck if you haven't got it.

    Wow.. increase by $20 now? We last saw was $139 when Courts ran out of stock. In the end we bought $28.90 fan from NTUC. Price is cheap, so we bought 3. When I wanted to grab one more, the fan is out of stock.

  4. no lah, the rubbish chute area not smelly lah.... new type of rubbish chute door quite good. won't smell anything at all. :sport-smiley-018:

    Haha... this is psychological factor.

    But I like the idea of having a table/portable counter top at the laundry area. Maybe I should visit IKEA and get the table too. I have no idea where to place the floor mats, so I chuck them under the sink cabinet.

  5. Your house is very pretty, Hoo. Looking at the pictures, what is placed on the right side of the living room? You should consider buying a two-seater or armchair for your living room. The sofa looks a bit too small if you are inviting more guests to your home.

  6. Green is the in-thing now, because green represents eco-friendly. Not sure why, a lot of appliances if they are in green color, they name it as eco-friendly. Whether the functions are eco-friendly or not, not sure too. Starbucks also in green, it represents eco-friendly.

  7. I like the wood-grain floor tiles. If I see this, I will also choose this. However, there is a concern for grouting. Did your ID/Contractor explain how he will lay the tiles? Will there be obvious grout lines between the floor tiles? How to minimize the ugliness when do grouting?

  8. mapo toufu is very yummy... cannot use big strong fire after all ingredients are added together, must slimmer cook over low fire preferably with a lid with small hole on it.

    almost every weekend, i cook bah kuet teh... i love the meyer pot i bought, the lid comes with a small hole for hot steam to escape, on my rinnai 2cg hob, i use the smallest setting to slimmer boil the soup for 30-40 minutes depending on the thickness of the rib meat. if use my usually pot, it will overflow every few minutes, if without lid the soup will dry up every fast, adding more water is not nice.

    Good tip. I was referring to the recipe, and it says need to simmer over low fire, but I didn't. I will try that dish again. The dish turned out quite horrible and salty, but hubby still finished all. :o

  9. Yeap, may dream told someone over boiled the soup and it flowed down under. So have to consider.

    That is so dangerous. There is pros and cons to not using silicon to stick the hob to the solid top. And the reason why not use silicon is because it does not allow the glass to "expand" and "contract"? Yesterday I cooked mapo taufou and make a mess of the kitchen. I cleaned don't know don't know how many times (I lost count), until the kitchen is no longer oily. I think I will stick to my maggie mee from now onwards.

  10. I do agree with Hin. The 3D drawing for the MBR toilet does not incorporate the trap or the pipes. You may consider to box up the exposed pipes as I see that you want your MBR toilet to look like classy hotel washrooms. Any exposed pipes will spoil the look.

  11. During the renovation, my contractor told me he won't glue/put silicon between the hob and kitchen surface top. He explained it will be easier if I need to change the hob subsequently. I agreed....thinking how nice.

    Recently, I found a couple of loss ants on surface top and near the sink. I didn't think too much and just got rid of them.

    Few days back, I decided to lift up the hob just to see. Disaster!! Sauce from cooking plus ants!!! I had to lift each sides of the hob slightly and use a cloth to clean. I think that's where the ants come from. Now I am quite upset. Any of your contractor suggest not to glue/silicon the hob and surface top?

    My hob is not stick on the solid top. The glass hob can be lifted off from the solid top. Now that you remind me food sauce may stuck between the sides, I will add this to my cleaning routine every time I cook. I am quite particular about cleanliness.

  12. That is always the problem/issue homeowners face when buying resale flats. My crazy upstairs neighbour also complained to HDB, and HDB officer called me to ask about my renovation status. Luckily he was not stern, so I also talked to him nicely. When my Hubby was at home supervising worker doing drilling work, this crazy neighbour stomped out from her house and bang on our front door to tell us to stop drilling. Crazy people.

  13. Yes, roman blinds can be more expensive than curtains. It depends on individual preference, and the final look on roman blinds if it will look nice or ugly really depends on the length and width of your windows. For mine, I did roman blinds in MBR. The overall look is very normal, I would say, and doesn't look "impressive", probably my window height is too short (1/2 length only). Roman blinds look nicer for 3/4 window height, for two piece window with "corner frames". Big piece roman blinds may not look nice on wide windows or many window panels without corner frames.

    I suspect either the heater is spoilt, or your ID/contractor did not install hot water heater point for you.
