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Posts posted by ayazumi

  1. AYA 小知识

    During tiles inspection time, how do you indicate on the hollow tile(s) so that your tiler can notice instantly?

    Method: Tear a piece of masking tape, stick on the hollow tile, and draw a X on the masking tape. Use red, black, or blue marker

    Question: Do you need to label the masking tape exactly where the hollowness is?

    Answer: Don't need! Your tiler is not that stupid. He will knock on the hollow tile if it is really hollow, or tiny bit of hollowness before he changes the tile for you.

    Lastly, do not commit this mistake as shown in the picture below.


    This is the most funniest XX signs I have ever seen. What a joker.

    Actually it is not funny at all. First, tilers are not blind men. One X is enough, why so many XX? Second, why create such problem for your tiler/contractor/ID? In the end trouble people to clean the XX from the tiles if found not "really hollow". Third, one shouldn't even draw on the tile.

  2. I dont understand drop too. heee...so i got my contractor to do a slope so i will not kick on it. but water still flow over if i splash a lot of it.

    I think mine is also a slope; a slope down to the water trapper, but it didn't help much. Water overflow to the dry area when showering. Worst still is that the shower curtain cannot put too low because there is no wall to support the pole. If put lower, the below is door entrance already.

  3. Finally you show your house, albert. Looks great. You really have a lot of clothes, can't fight with you. I throw many clothes before I move house. More of an excuse to buy new clothes. So that is called "drop", I wanted to do that for my toilets, but I don't know how to call this. My service apartment in KL has this "drop", it prevents water from overflowing to the dry area. I don't like curb, possibility will trip over if accidentally kick it. My stupid contractor don't understand what I want, keep saying the current layout can allow the water to flow down, which means the floor is not level, so water can flow to the water trapper, but it didn't help much. Now the water will flow to the dry area when bathing.

  4. before complaint check the remark of the other buyer to see what they say about the crystal if no one complaint about it maybe this is the standard of the china so call real crystal and alway the seller warn that people that is fussy or perfectionism should not buy from them at all , really no point to make a fuss over this so long you happy with the look of the products is more important.

    The description clearly states 【材 质】真水晶珠帘, which means real crystal beads curtain. 真水晶变成塑料真离谱啊。。。。 I think PRC will understand what is 塑料 and 水晶 right? Nothing relates to fussy or perfectionist, just the basic understanding of Chinese words. I don't think PRC chinese is that bad as our local chinese.

  5. there's proper technique to lifting. you are not suppose to bend your spine, should bent your knee while keeping your back upright as you lift. the stance is something like the wuxia standing-horse stance.

    take care....better not exert in the next 2 weeks ya....

    Thanks getzski. I saw this on TV or learnt from somewhere before - bending knee first before lifting - but it always slip my mind, too anxious want to do the fastest way. I will bear this in mind.

  6. I like the color combination. I suggest you place a mat under your sofa. It looks risky to have a sofa with metal leggings. You may accidentally scratch your floor if drag the sofa. You may say you and your husband can lift the sofa and move to the position you like, I suggest you don't do that. Me and my hubby did that, I felt sharp pain on my lower spine, and not believing it, we lifted the sofa the second time, the pain was worst than the first time, and immediately I dropped the sofa on the floor. Sofa is too heavy for ladies to lift, so please do take care of your spine.

    Not all surfaces are suitable to use thinner to clean. My Hubby used thinner to wipe on my place mat for dining table, the thinner too strong for the plastic and cause it to melt. End up have to throw the place mat away.

  7. Same. The others have spark as well when I turn one.

    I think new model stoves are like that. If the stove start-up is fast, we may not notice the sparks for the unused stoves. For mine, the start-up is slow, hence we notice the other stoves spark together when we are trying to turn on the gas for one of the stove.

    I just tried to turn the knob anti-clockwise then clockwise, it does not work. I tried turning the knob anti-clockwise and "feel" a "click", I released the knob, the fire is there, means the fire is stable to release the knob. But it does not always work for the first trial. I achieve that after 2-3 trial.

  8. I buy a lot of online stuff especially clothes. Often the pictures seem nice, but the quality turns out lousy. I will then change to another blog to purchase and try again. All can be selling the same thing, I expected the quality to be the same so I avoid buying the same clothes, same design, or same model faces (sometimes they use one picture the same, but different sellers) again. It is not cheap either, $20+ per piece but turns out crappy cheap cloth. Most importantly, the descriptions already wrote very clearly what I expect to get, it is the risks I need to take. But for a crystal becomes a plastic, I cannot expect. That is cheating. I won't ship back for exchange. I expect a crystal like curtain send to me. I demand for an answer why plastic becomes crystal, or crystal becomes plastic.

  9. Aya, we all layman don't know how to identified whether it is real or fake crystal la... One thing good about Taobao is that you can give a very harsh negative comments, you can report to Taobao, and your action can cause the seller very jiak lat der. But I am in SG, they are in China, even when I received the things already one month over, how to complaint?

    I think you still need to feedback to Taobao even if you have received the item for 1 month, it's up to you want to cook up some stories or not. Do it only when you are free, no point waste so much time to argue for a $50 thing

  10. actually i thought once you ignites the sparks, all will be ignited. last time i used another brand at my previous previous place, also like that. and its electric ignitor, not battery. so i thought its all the same, whether its electric ignitor or battery operated.

    Maybe we didn't take extra notice when using other brand stoves. Technogas ignitor is very obvious. We can see "electric spark" on two stove when turning a knob only. And the problem to hold the knob for awhile before release the knob when fire is stable, makes us more worried why like that. Other brands just press the knob down and turn, fire will light up immediately, so we may not notice if ignitor will spark for the other unused stove

  11. I am using Rinnai RB-2CG, 2 burners, battery ignition.

    I am using the same method found on this blog to ignite the fire - http://renovation-greencoal.blogspot.com/2008/05/using-rinnai-inner-flame-burner-hob_6584.html

    1 - Push down the burner flame knob and gently turn anti-clockwise until you reach resistance i.e. you feel the knob cannot be turned further. That resistance signals the "end" of the knob-turn but do not let go of the knob yet, continuing to pushing it down.

    2 - As you continue to push the knob down, turn a bit more anti-clockwise until you meet resistance again. At that point you then turn back the knob in a clockwise direction until you hear a "click" sound. That' a "locking" indication you've turned on the fire successfully.

    I think I know what you mean. Need "practice" so we can get used to using this kind of hob

  12. Pardon me but this is the first time i heard of 2 burners tac tac tac at the same time, maybe is normal to Technogas, better to check with their technician.

    We called Technogas and they verified that their hob ignitor will tac together even if we are turning only one knob. The stoves all share the same ignitor. I can only think of the con side is that if the built-in ignitor spoil, then we need to use the ignitor gun to turn on the fire, or worst scenario is need to change a new hob.

    Technogas will be coming this Friday to check on the tight knob.

  13. I have this issue as what NeoBY has mentioned, that I have to turn the knob, hear tac tac tac sound (but the other one also tac tac tac though I am not turning that stove to on the fire), hold for awhile, and wait until the fire stable then let go. At times I let go the knob, thinking the fire is stable enough, but end up the fire is gone. Then I got to retry couple of times before fire is up again. I'm puzzled why two stove will tac same time when I am only turning one knob.

  14. Thanks getzski. We were kind of worried why the stove behaves in this way. Were thinking if all the new glass stove models behave in this manner too. Luckily Technogas still valid our warranty. We were told that if we did not fill in the warranty card within 10 days of purchase, our warranty is void. But we explained that we purchased the stove but did not use the stove until we officially move in to the house. Warranty card also won't notice until we settle down move in.

  15. then do they let you mix the colours to the shades you want? have those machine as well that do the mixing?

    whether its common or not, if picked from catalog, then no need to mix at all loh. We will know once the actual coat of paint is painted lah.... don't make him panic now. heheheeh...

    My neighbourhood does have the machine to mix the paint. Previously my mum bought the paint from the shop, and they mix the purple color for her. Both me and Hubby help to paint the living room. My mum actually got "cheated" because she said the shop people said must mix the paint and sell her the paint. We suspect it's either jotun or matex paint. Whereas when the paint is not enough, and my father wants to be artistic, want to have two colors for the living room, he went to the same shop and bought the original Nippon paint. My father was also confused why need to mix the paint when can buy the colors after choosing from the catalogue.

  16. I have a question to ask those who are using glass gas stove.

    We are using the 2 stove Technogas glass stove.

    Do you experience when you turn a knob to turn on the gas on one stove, but two ignitor will light up at same time? Only one stove has fire in the end. Are all new model glass gas stove like that?

    When I turn the knob to turn the gas on, it takes a few seconds to light up the fire and I have to hold the knob for a few seconds before I can release the knob. Sometimes when I release the knob, the fire is gone. I have to tried a couple of times before I can light up a fire. Is this normal?

    One of the knob gets stuck when I turn the knob and it does not spring back. Especially when I need to hold the knob for a few seconds before lighting up the fire, so the knob got stuck. We have called Technogas staff to come and check this Friday.

    This is our first time using glass stove and experience such things. While we have been using stainless steel stove, we don't have such problem. Even the recent one that my mum bought a portable gas stove from Rinnai does not have such issue. When turn the knob, immediately the ignitor lights up and fire is up. I'm not sure if this is the difference between a built-in ignitor or a battery-operated ignitor difference.

  17. if its in the catalog, then there is no need to mix the paint. i would think that all paint have to be painted on white wall to achieve the same colour as the catalog.

    i remembered when i was young, there is this brand called "jotun". Almost all the shops that sells this brand have this machine where you can mix the paint to achieve the colours you want. so they have a chart of all colours then when you choose, they will adjust the machine to that shade you want then voila!! the colour you wanted is poured into a can. quite interesting actually.... cos i was looking at them doing that when i choose the colour to paint the living room of my house (parents' house). i think they still exist in malaysia but not here.

    Jotun is in Singapore. Some certain hardware shops sell this paint. My neighbourhood hardware shop and AMK there is a hardware shop beside POSB bank also sell jotun. The color chart is hidden in a corner but the signboard above the shop is big.

    I do agree, if the paint is picked from Nippon or Dulux catalogue, there is no need to mix the paint to achieve the color, especially common colors. High chances either the contractor got mixed up trying to cover his backside, or they want to mix color and not buying Nippon or Dulux paint to save their costs.
