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Posts posted by ayazumi

  1. Yesterday courts delivery is very weird.. We ordered mattress 2 brand came 2 diff delivery, tv separate delivery, and sofa also..

    But finally all delivery cleared!

    Should hv taken pic before cleaning and unpacking stuff now the hse is messy again

    Maybe Courts do not have existing stock in their warehouse, so they call the various agents to deliver the items individually. TV can be from one agent, sofa one agent, etc etc

  2. First time I see using different color from originally chosen one as base coat. I thought first coat is the original color that we chose. Maybe they can't mix the color you want, so apply red first, then a lighter purple to achieve the color. But the next question is, why they don't mix the red paint with purple to achieve the color you want then apply first coat? Could be contractor made a mistake so want to cover for himself.

  3. Yes, it was so irritating, I keep pushing them left and right, top to bottom and still can't get rid of the bubles, then I realized that the bubles gone after the wallpapers are dried, so now the wall looks ok and acceptable to me.

    I think when pasting the wallpapers, need to be fast and quick, so air cannot go into the gaps and cause bubbles. Try not to let the bubbles settle down as they might cause "wrinkles" to the wallpapers or pop up in future. Just like handphone protector screen. Needs to be fast and swift when stick the sceeen protector to prevent bubbles. If there is a bubble, yes can push away or let it settle down, but the screen protector won't last long. Do take note of that, I think it is the same concept

  4. How will your ID or yourself know which is the beam and pillar? What if something goes wrong, HDB point fingers at you or your ID say give wrong information, then what do you intend to do? I thought this type of thing better don't commit ownself, if really something goes wrong, HDB put all the blames to homeowners, then will be in trouble. HDB should come down and verify which is the beam or pillar or update their floor plans.

  5. Wah.. you used so many bottles of thinners to clean the house? The stain must be very bad. I thought there is a last round of chemical wash + cleaning. Luckily my hubby and I don't need to go through that process, or else I will write long "essay" commenting about our contractor + cleaning process in our blog.

  6. Good morning all! Today is the day we are moving in. We woke up early today to do the praying ceremony, which is now. We can only enter into the house at 11am.

    不知不觉 (subconsciously) it has been almost 2 months. Thank you all for your wishes. Thank you for following us throughout our renovation process. With you guys, we are never lonely to walk through this process ourselves. Thank you for your support.

  7. u consult who fengshui master??

    I want just yisi yisi pray nia

    But dunnoe procedure or what to buy

    My mum's friend helps us.

    If you want to 意思意思拜拜, you can always go to the shop that sells joss papers. You tell them you are moving in, then want to pray. The auntie/uncle will pick the items for you. They know what to do. Additionally, you buy oranges, huat kueh, and pineapple, pray downstairs or outside your house.

  8. Some of the laminate that I wasn't sure of, I also asked for bigger piece. Especially those that have wood grains.... Just to make sure it looks nice when it's a big piece.

    So happy for u!!! Can move in tmr.... First night at new home is the best! Really really sweet!!

    Yes yes. Lesson one learnt: Ask for big big laminate to see the effect. A4 size laminate is not big enough to see the effect.

    Tomorrow need to be in the house before 3PM. By the time settle down, can watch the repeat telecast of 红星大奖 at 4PM which we missed last weekend.

  9. Good morning. Thank you all for your wishes. Finally sweet home sweet, home sweet home. We are packing and prepare to move on the auspicious date (tomorrow) and time.

    May: I think I know why the TV image looks big. The border of Sony TV is thinner, just like the latest Samsung model with silver or glass trimming. This makes the image wider than other normal TV with thick trimming.

    Ong Lai: Remember to post some photos when you buy the chairs.

    Valerie: We got the bigger piece of laminate for sample. The sample piece is as big as an A4 size paper, but we didn't consider the layout and we just go ahead with it. Ya, if by the time we have more budget, may decide to have system wardrobe to extend as L-shape so we can put more clothes. Current wardrobe size is too small.

    The console length is already very long, 2.2mtr. Anything longer will make the living room looks weird. And also, the tv console has two different laminate colors, therefore what we see is brazilian laminate more obvious than white, so the tv console "looks" shorter. I think even if we want longer console also cannot. Any longer console cannot fit into the lift.

    Muska: Yes, our house floor level has only 2 family - me and my neighbour only. Every floor has a lift. Except some neighbours staying on 5, 9, 12, those houses are corridor units, but still two different family shares 1 lift, so corridor units have more privacy too. Our unit has privacy in the sense that the upstairs or downstairs neighbours will not come to our floor level to take lift, so it is more quiet.
