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Posts posted by MaCe

  1. Hi MaCe,

    Read your posts on converting T8 to T5 and am very interested. Would like to know how to distinguish T8 from T5 besides the size (16 mm vs 1 inch)? Does the serial number of the FL show this difference?

    BTW, you get the T5 tubes from ccm or kelantan road? Thanks.

    T8 are those big tubes you see everywhere - hdb corridors, coffeshops, hawker centres.

    T5 are not so common - if a shopkeeper/shopassits doesnt know whats a T5, that usually means they dont carry it.

    T5 tubes can buy from CCM, they got many branches all over sg, for fixtures go kelantan road/simlimtower.

    the savings in PUB $$$ is significant enough for me to intro T5 to everyone.

    moreover T5 doesnt generate much heat and you wont feel HOT even sitting directly under 2x T5 tubes.

    try standing near to a T8 tube for 15mins.

  2. Yes. Mine's a new flat. Guess no choice. Cant turn it off cos I have placed a wardrobe in front of the aircon ledge! :P

    My first home so dunnoe wats the utilies bill wil be like. But can still find some electricity and water savings tips to use just in case. :)

    I use Walch (Not Dettol cos cheaper haha) and water but then I guess the flat is vacant for say 2 years? The dirt really stuck there and cannot be washed or wiped off easily. I have to use my finger nails to slowly dig out. :( All those corners and screw edges so small!

    Possible that I pour some chemcials on these stubborn dirt and leave it for a while before I clean again?

    magic cleaner, the green colour one, spray and leave it.

    30mins later splash water and sponge.

  3. Does anyone know how to get rid of stubborn bicycle lubricant ("black oil") stains from Homogeneous floor tiles?


    Anyone knows where to get Duck Mould Killa? Can't seem to find it anywhere liao. Called J&J, they told me that Mr. Muscle have replaced Duck Mould... But, just find that Mr. Muscle is not as good as Duck Mould... Or any good alternatives that i should try to kill all the moulds lurking ard my nest? ^^

    Mister mUssels waste time.....still cant find any cheap detergent.....got those anti mold spray selling in honefix but cost $20++

    Hi MaCe and the rest of the forummers ,

    Need some help .

    Basically I would like to install the KDK fan in my toilets. Here come the questions as below.

    What model should I get har ?

    Got lobang for both the fan and installation ? So if I buy the fan , they do the installation for me ? How about the electrical work etc .

    What is the price - range so that i will not get carrot . :P

    Thanks in advance .

    go to Electrical and Electronics section, Bathroom ventilator thread, all contacts and info and inside

  4. Hi,

    I just bought a 4 room corner flat with access area. So the main door and main gate are not together. The main door is facing north and the main gate is facing west. My question are :-

    1) This house should said is facing north or west ?

    2) I have a pair of stone lion, should I place it on the main door or main gate ?

    Thanks in advance for your advise.

    lions place at gate.

    house facing depends on your building facing.

  5. Is having a storage bed a bad fengshui?

    storage bed are so popular nowadays as the flats are getting smaller.

    But i read on the forum that storeage bed are bad because the "qi" cannot flow.

    Is it true?

    how to overcome this?


    only way is to clear all the clutter and garbage beneath. dont buy better.

  6. Hi,

    Would like to distinguish the good ones from the not so good ones. Since most of us are customer who doesn't know FS, how do we make sure we don't get conned by bogey man posing as FSM?

    nobody could, there is no authority to govern or oversee this trade.

    can only rely on your friends/relatives' recommendation.
