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Everything posted by xinyi_reiko

  1. you today so free ah.. nan de see you here.. how is your wedding prep?? 2 weeks more right?? excited?
  2. ya lah.. eat lah eat lah.. dun complain fat or what.
  3. ya lor.. eat and eat.. only this period i will snack alot.. hehe.. i heard my hubby's boss will be ordering 2 sets of peng cai worth 300 plus each.. you better burn away all your cny goodies..
  4. you lousy leh.. little bit tired liao.. sat i also busy sia... evening time going over to my hubby's boss house.. they having some big feast..
  5. morning.. 1 more day to weekend..
  6. aiya.. give you 1 week also not enough de.. right??
  7. ya lor.. is a slow day.. they 1 week holiday sia.. till sunday.. i counting down liao.. later need to rush home to prepare steamboat.. my family coming over for dinner..
  8. dun have leh.. i quite sometime nv see her online already..
  9. hahaha... aunty kat not around liao.. nobody for me to target..
  10. yaya.. i went once in march before.. pretty cold that time.. no money so go taiwan.. you got money can go new zealand..
  11. not really suddenly lah.. i nv say nia.. because my friend could not confirm until over the weekends.. we wanted to go in june actually... this trip already mention last yr.. then my hubby says june very warm.. march is cooler.. and also jetstar promo was over previously.. then we compare taiwan and japan air tix.. like pay 100 plus more can go japan liao.. almost want to decided to go japan instead de.. who know promo comes back again.. then all decided to go taiwn.. i dont like to say not confirm things..
  12. morning!! GONG XI FATT CHOY!!! Happy!! yesterday booked tickets to go Taiwan for 6 days in march!!
  13. i cant help you in anyway.. play game or what lor..
  14. I dunno why you say neo garden ex leh.. they are the only one who have less than 10 bucks per pax.. i think you order too little izzit? then portion little.. i ordered twice.. both have left over.. i today busy ah.. ppl sending in applications because next week holiday..
  15. neo garden dun have?? i dun have any lobangs for dim sum caterer wor..
  16. haiz.. i really think i should just pao $4 lor..
  17. haha.. same here... i still deciding between 4 bucks and 6 bucks...
  18. nice one.. have you prepared your angbaos???
  19. I think your friends wont get the grant lahhh.. income 5k to get the additional grant.. your friends sure overshot that amt.. so can only take the original grant.. income tax also got 20% rebate..
  20. conservance charges more for smaller flats.. 4-room and above only 1-2 mths rebate.. not very attractive to me also.. mine 1 mth $48 nia.. somemore currently already got around 2 mths rebate.. additional cpf grant of 10k.. to 40k.. then income cap at 5k for the rebate.. good leh.. i rem that time i buy flat, still old scheme lor.. income cap 3k then rebate only 15k to 20k nia.. i hope the job saving scheme will helps ah..
  21. morning!! TGIF!! Govt release budget package.. hmm we do get some angbaos from govt.. but i suppose not alot ah.. more for lower income.. somemore now 1st time buy flat got more incentives leh.. so good..
  22. we can nv know what the high management are thinking..
  23. hmmm.. i think they also consider the size of the company? I believe your office in SG is bigger than mine.. in terms of ppl lah.. or maybe the external consultants view the company is whole globally? mine is to sg branch office only.. i see the email i also dunno what to contribute.. hahaha..
  24. omg! you should come to my company to work leh.. couple of days ago.. my HR just sent out such email... asking everyone to contribute suggestions abt improvement on current business processes.. i think some incentives will be given if the suggestion is being used..