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Posts posted by BlurryKid

  1. Business Times says there is no property+bubble.


    A good read for your consideration.

    Did my eyes play a trick on me? I thought it was Jgal that posted this juz now? Or my eyes playing tricks on me :unsure:

    By the way you and her good frens ah? Lol. She juz bought a 1195sqft at Marine Parade want to rent out you also just bought one there and similar size as her and also wanna rent it out? Lol

  2. 200k is dividend considering the inflation. 500k is bonus and 1 million is jackpot. Ha ha ha ... So ur 2 times is ?

    mine bonus niah lehz. But good enuff for me liowz considering dont need much capital to begin with :notti: not to forget I get to stay like FOC and still get bonus? ;)

  3. led not sure but i use E27 bulbs for my office,good enough and cheaper..lol

    i just received my Jomoo tap..heavy and solid..

    my downlights next shipment, too heavy this batch..haha!

    I ordered a few E27 and E14 LED bulbs test water first :).

    Your downlights which one you order? Me going to order in next batch..keke :dribble:

  4. Wondering how do u guys ship here. I check with most of them, they don,t ship to Singapore .please advise. I have been seeing contractor n I'D .very tired.

    I use 65daigou to ship here one. Easier as dont have to do any co-ordination and they will check the goods for you before shipping it to Singapore. For bulky items I use sea freight as its much cheaper. They do charge agent fees but me is under the SVIP hence only 4% agent fees required :thumbs up:

  5. Haha I seriously am considering to jio a few like-minded kakis and do setup a small little business.

    importing and selling, either on-line, or have a small retail shop for all these home furnishings.

    can be anything from lights to shelves to whatever pple may or will need when doing reno. :dribble:

    Best way is use one spare room in your hse if available to store the stuffs and then do as online shop and customers can pickup from your place! Like that you even save on rental which is the main killer on eating into your profits :sport-smiley-004:

  6. Dining tables lights

    somemore poison..keke

    my theme is santorini resort theme, so might be getting the blue lights..

    choosing all from here save my time..kekeke

    thinking getting wall paper ,only worried is warranty..so getting local..

    wah lao u ah...keep tempting us...haha. But I am consolidating my stuffs for my 2nd batch shipment liowz. Keke. Still got kitchen light havent buy, toilet taps and getting some E27 and E14 LED lightbulb see quality first. If good will order all for the house... :dancingqueen:

  7. even if 2 way out hot and cold,can just ur plumber do 2 way valve both cold water.. can be flexible de la..haha

    can share where to get the valve to convert both way to cold water? Gam siah :)

    also how's ur kitchen light? Fixed up liowz and gd? I wanna order kitchen lighting also.

  8. Of course, there are buyers that offer higher.. the problem is that seller got no time to wait. Deal close on the first day of viewing. And we have ready cash to encash the next day.

    Thus, i say, hdb is reaching a point when it's max out liao. Please note that mine is a pte.

    JTC portfolio is mainly pte and commerical. thus, it make sense for them to move out of the hdb market to where there will be better return. It is like, if i have $100.. to put in investment A, i earn 4-6%. but if i put in $100 in investment B, i will earn 30-40%. Of course it make sense to cash out. Note also that JTC recently acquired other real estate.

    If your point is to "win" the debate... then there is no point to argue. Afterall, win liao no price. I objective here is just to share my take on the mkt. You can question my rational and think abt them. But i am not here to "argue" until i "win". :)

    Can kindly share what real estate jtc recently bought. Am interested in the news :)

    No lah i am not here to argue also. I juz feel that its gd to have exchange of views and others also get to benefit from the information.

  9. there are always destress units, during good time and bad time.

    Destresd units but if mkt is hot there will be buyers offering maybe 15% below value to top ur purchase :). Meaning if u view it at 20% below value a gd buy means others will prob see it at the same value.

    Juz to share here. I got my flat from a seller JTC. According to my agent his agency alone is helping JtC to dispose quite a few of these hdb flats into the mkt and there may still be other agencies helping to dispose of others. these flats r supposed to be rented out based on their SHIFT housing policy to expats coming to SG to work. Even though i donno the rationale behind as to why they wanna dispose of these flats but it seems like its either becos of their divestment plan or is it becos expats will not come in droves hence there will not be so much demand for their SHIFT housing. This current flat i am buying has already been empty for almost 6mths.

    If even such a big corporation is disposing their ppty why do u think big corporations will be buying? This is juz my 2 cents worth :)

  10. oh i gonna say again... I so love the internet lor!!!!! :sport-smiley-004:

    never believe in paying hundreds of $$ for something those goes for 10s of dollars....

    LED donwlight is the best example. You pay the same price numbers BUT in RMB$ and u can

    literally get 5 for the price of 1 :dancingqueen:

    *hold my breath.....1....2....3.... BUY!!!! :sport-smiley-004:

    U know hor yesterday i went nova furnishing. I saw one light selling at $349 whereby i remember seeing it selling for approx sgd $30 in taobao!!!! Kia si lang ah!! Lol

  11. First of all , i dun expect all pte prices to go up by 30%, just my property. I expect the overall to increase by ard 10% where better location 20%. As mentioned, i bought mine 20% below valuation, i do expect at least 30% increase.

    The reason for the disconnect is the recent rule sthat 1) bar pte pty owner from buying hdb 2)the restriction on citizenship and PR-ship. 3)5 yr restriction for resale 4) prolong rent out for prs-owned

    This basically,

    - stop richer new citizen/pr from buying when they have existing pte oversea.

    - richer citizen that has existing pte apt locally or oversea from buying hdb/changing their hdb.

    - PR that left singapore not able to rent out hdb for profit. We shld see some selling from these grp soon.

    - demand is stablised , limited increase.

    - Increase supply. BTO , Oversea PR etc.

    Unlike before, if you have $$, you cannot buy pte to invest, you buy hdb to invest. Pte owners as well as Pr. Keep it for a year and ,wah-la, you can rent it out liao, with a neat 4-6% yield.

    Whereas for pte, the demand is getting big and big , with higher inflation and sg as a stable currency. Both funds from the pte owners as well as investment firms are looking into singapore for real estate investment. At the moment, comparing with HK and other growing city, singapore is still relatively "cheap".

    HAving said that, these are my observation. You may have a differnt take on how these policies are working out. But like i said before, i am not taking an extreme steps. As mentioned, we are not max out for our pty with alot of cushion to ensure that if it didnt turn out the way we wanted , we are still well.

    Have u asked urself a question why was the seller willing to sell to u at 20% below valuation if the ppty mkt is still hot? Juz sharing here :)

  12. Aiyah, don't count la; plus some, minus some, so what?

    But kids are priceless. Don't miss watching them grow up!


    Yes truly agree :) kids are priceless hence have not regretted ever since i started staying at home to care for them. You get to know what is happening to them understand them more n this is something that $ cannot buy.

    Juz like i realise my ger loves music n she is already on abrsm grade2 at 6yrs old. I feel so happy when the kids tell me they prefer me at home taking care of them instead of working :)

  13. Good Morning,

    London? On, it was a holiday, from Sept 09 - Jan 10 as previously blogged.

    Must come home mah, for the next (at that time) trade to buy a land to build a house.


    Woah so good. Hope u earn a lot this round :) i stopped trading since last yr to comcentrate on kids liow. No time :( Wonder if i will get the chance to buy land n build hse. Lol. Maybe when i am 40 or 50 yrs old. Keke

  14. Wah that big tap only rmb $308!!! Nice :) arrrghh i recv my loots liow n i ordered kitchen tap already so sad! But just curious this big tap is hot and cold water or they have juz cold water intake kind?

    But i am pleased with all i got for my house especially the rainshower set at just sgd $80!!

  15. refer top post, i posted blind link already..

    btw getting this clock, abit expensive but like it alost..lol Clock

    The clock so cute!! :) They do it like the wrist versions? I shld try digging for rollie one with the diamond six o'clock marker to match mine. Perhaps they will use swaroski crystal for the 6 o'clock marker! Lol

  16. Just to share some thoughts regarding HDB, I think that HDB prices will stablise and then drop by 20-30% in 2014.

    Reasons 1) Oversupply with limited demand. Given that hdb is for locals only and only 1 per family. Demand is restricted. And with the limiting PR-ship and citizenship being issued, the demand will go down.

    2) Economic downturn, many new buyers are overleveraging with little excess to spare after the high COV / renovation. They may have problem financing their buy.

    Unless the government loose some of the restriction such as pte buyer to buy hdb, I dun see hdb prices going upwards unless it's super prime.

    All that is taking into account the profile of hdb dwellers that mainly finances their house by salary. Not applicable to pte which is subject to global movement of funds. Note that companies also purchase pte housing. I would not be surprise many big company will buy up condos to use as service apartment. Having working closely with the hospitality sector, there is a acute shortage of hotel rooms in recent years.

    I agree with renoDaze, shifting is very costly and shld be avoided. COV ,cash portion, agent fee and reno cost eats up quite alot of cash ~80-120k. Even more costly than rental which is ard 30k per annual for a decent hdb.If i really think the prices are coming down, i will rather rent for the next 2 yrs.. but of course, i am not so pessimistic.

    I dont agree with this sentence "I think that HDB prices will stablise and then drop by 20-30% in 2014.". How can it be possible that hdb price drop and u expecting pte ppty to rise by 30% in 4yrs? All of them are related. From the past 2 cycles i seen when hdb drop pte also drop? Just curious on this. Care to explain? Gam siah hor.

  17. hmm.. i am not sure what are reason drives you to downgrade to 3rm hdb.

    However, it looks like an extreme bet that prices of pty will def go down and go down big time.

    why ? because you are lockout of the mkt for 5 yrs. If prices goes up, you may not be able to get a bigger space anymore.

    Assume, you make 200k from selling your house and downgrade. Even if prices goes down, you cannot buy.. and your hdb will go down too. To invest in pte , you can now only look for pte less than 1 million (20% dp)or 500k (40% dp) if you didnt pay in full for the hdb.

    Although i am optimistic abt the mkt, but i am not into extremes...Got myself a good size FH (similar to 5rm) at a prime location at 20% below bank valuation. CPF comfortably pays off the mthly instalment with 5yrs instl in FD/stock. If all things goes well, 4 yrs later, shld be able to sell for 30% profit. If things goes wrong, will just stay until the next cycle. :) anyway.. reasons to sell include pri 1 registeration.. So no choice, but to give up prime district HDB.

    To correct u i m not going extremes. I have a roof over my head so is there any problem with that?

    For me i will not get a 2nd ppty unless i can have the funds to fully pay it off. And even though i am locked in for 5 yrs with my current hdb i can easily get another pte using my parents name as they r also staying in pte or i can consider opting for commercial propeties hence no problem. I dont like debts and ppty are considered gd debts unless u get it cheap. Mkt may or may not not be toppish now but its definitely not cheap hence i rather not take this risk. I do my own risk assessment based on historical cycles. I am not as optimistic as u about the current global economy hence i wont be risking on it.

  18. Its great that you come to a point that you go no other creditable rebuts except to say that cos' i have vested interest.

    Wah congrats on having an additional pte ppty woh. U r rich and smarter lah. So what can i say? Lol

    U teach me which pte one to buy now lah or which one u bought and at wat price? Gd things must share n teach others mah

  19. That's what we are paying for the so-called "scholars" who are in the cabinet.

    I personally feel that regardless the "market price", HDB should price the flats accordingly and be independent of market price.

    But for now, I am not complaining because the nincompoop scholars have yet to figure that out and I am enjoying the profits from my PRIVATE property investments.

    Just like the COE, it took the another bunch of similar nincompoop scholars so long to figure out that the number of cars being scrapped are much lesser than new ones being put on the road. Meaning to say that cars are having much better fertility rates than Singaporean! Classic Government policy if u ask me.

    Again, I'm not complaining because I'd benefited as I'd just bought my car before the increase! Swee ah!!

    I agree that hdb bto shld be independent of mkt price. But what they are doing now is saying "oh our bto prices are like 20% cheaper than resale flat prices". Which is why i believe they have stopped building 5-rm flats in matured estates to make it so-called affordable! *faintz*

  20. PPL talk abt singapore mkt. You talk abt US .QE3 is abt $$ flowing ard the world causing inflation in all assets..... btw, US housing prices is going up also. :disturb:

    Singapore mkt rely on external forces. Can singapore mkt survive on its own? I guess u must gave bought pte ppty liow since u say prices moving north? Time will tell if QE3 works. Lol

  21. :D Have u checked the pricing or maybe try to bargain your ID to throw in a granite top for you, I heard that the prices dropped

    I asked liowz. India granite i think he say $120psf. Solid surface i think is $75psf. So if i do solid surface can save about $500-$700.

    As for throwing in granite top think difficult lah cos mine is contractor not ID and prices he quoted already abt 25% cheaper than the ID firms i went to.
