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Posts posted by Zc31

  1. U post something to let it be at the top? :lol:

    hehe kiss my blog mah :rofl:


    Nice home...

    Can i check how much you paid for the amara resort, at sentosa rite?


    U mean the night t villa?

    it'z Complimentary :sport-smiley-018:

    if u take wedding package there, i think my wife's cousin top up about $500 for upgrade.

    i think per night is about 1.5k

    If u asking about my wedding, it was at beaufort hotel.


    Post your photgraphy work la.. :notti:

    Well i wun really say photography work. My interest suddenly sparked off and i tried my friend's dslr for 2 weeks. Did a shoot during his wedding. Today i bought my own and will be taking actively soon.

    Now still mastering the technicalities of photography as i'm shooting in full manual mode.

    Here's a sample.

    Theme is pondering


    Photo alittle dark as i was'nt aware of functions such as white balance.

    This is unedited and raw from camera.

    I"ll start editing with my new camera soon :sport-smiley-004:

    still say i lazy

    i up for u la

    dun say buay steady


    Hey dude.....veri 感动!!!!

    Are still bottlwlucking at ur pool? :notti:

    Alamak...you all very cute lah...up here up there!

    So how's progress? Any updates to share? :P

    Hmm...the final few pics marked the completion of my renovation le.

    Any specific pics u wanna see? :wub:

  2. MmM After reading this ENTIRE thread and zc31's thread I emailed Tau's Interior last night. By this afternoon, I had received a call but was in a meeting and couldn't call back. It was immediately followed by an sms from Gabriel. I replied to say that I couldn't pick the call and he was nice enough to continue smsing. :) We arrange to meet this Thursday. mmm shortlisting contractors is such a stressful and tiring exp.

    I tot my blog is lost in the deep seas liao :rofl:

    Would love to see your transformation soon.

    I"m now into photography so have laid off forum for awhile.

    But i'll be in and out and posting pics.....not renovation kind so hope it's welcomed? :rolleyes:

    Btw, interesting blog. I have one too :rofl:

  3. thanks for reminding me


    wah u early early ka chiau me ah



    now become 2 toilets liao

    Bottleluck at the pool la

    drunk liao go swim


    thanks Angel :sport-smiley-003:


    ur home very swee!

    today aircon man doing the piping


    and new heaters installed liao

    this week laying living and kitchen tiles

    will post pics soon


    these 2 days hor i got marriage counselling

    whole day no time :unsure:

    Steady. U really invite, i will come. :notti:

    How marriage counselling like? Share leh.....

    Actually honestly do you find it "waste time". Really got differenes or problems, also wun say tings like break up...dun get married.

    Instead politically correct words like 2 diff individuals, sorts out differences, leaning on each's strength to compliments each other, etc ,etc..... zz

  4. 一分钱一分货... It all depend on how you look at it. Our hse was design by Gabriel too. Do work closely wif him and let him know your ideas and theme of your dream hse so that he can design it accordingly. Have you guys sourcing ard for more quotes and compare or you have decide to sign wif Tau?

    Guess prices can still be neg wan if you are serious abt engaging Tau. :notti: Ask Uncle Winson to give discount lo... :P dun said we tell u hor...... :bleah:

    So far Tau's customers, we didnt really see them post image of their hse except for Zc31 :good: , he really start a t-blog to show us the work of Tau.. For us, we also only read the thread here and approached them and finally engaged them. That was why some forumers here might not be really comfortable abt it.. Only hear no see.. haha.


    well i remembered this thread starting with enquiry, followed by "political" statements about Tau. Having gone through a good reno experience and learning from this forum for such a long time till i gotten my house, i felt the blog was like the only thing to sorta "rrepay" back all that i learnt and to just show my little nest. Of course it's not meant for any publicity cox as you can see, my blog now lost liao :rofl:

    friends i know of always say one thing about renovation - *headache*

    but for me and my wife, it certainly was pleasant. :wub:

  5. Quotation wise , it really depend on how u look at it.. To us we see it as reasonable but maybe to other , it could be high??? We got a few quotes and after comparing, some items might be slightly higher but the overall package is still reasonable than the rest of the IDs company. At least we seem had the workmanship of Tau thus in the end we shortlisted them... and we never regret.. :D

    :notti: so far even after our completeion when we have any queries, we still call them and they are always available to answer... So their services is really :thumbs up:

    If u wan can get kelvin to bring u to their oncoming project to take a look or u might ask him to bring u over to our hse or even Zc31's hse.. :sport-smiley-004:

    Well, as mentioned before, the choice is still ur to decide. Wat we can do here is only to give opinions... Most impt is u are comfortable wif the contractor as u will be liaising wif them thru out the reno process....

    House viewing just let us know so we can tidy up alittle :rofl:

  6. Best of luck to you Bro....

    Here are some pics....

    Toilet Boxup


    After setting up of the study area but still in mess


    Laundry Rack bought at OG


    Digital Photo Frame compliment by sis's family


    Last but not least ... To reward ourself after the hard days...


    We are still in the mist of unpacking and cleaning up, will post up more pics when it is done.

    Nice man....

    Today is gonnabe exercise day for me :(

    Wife and i decided we needed to get some exercise to burn out salt/fat, etc...

    Having seen sick ppl ard us recently, it suddenyl "woke" us up.

    Hope my legs dun turn into jelly after tonite :rofl:

  7. thought increase by 20%?

    oh well... enjoy your chiller... hehe

    it's more convenient and you can drink whatever you want without having to transfer bottles! :)

    yes gombak mrt is quite near our place ahh...


    just saw our utility bills online.

    it did'nt capture the entire month but it's about $52.

    My own calculation says it should be $120 :unsure:

  8. Pics will be posted soon

    Too busy and lazy these few days

    WTB has taken some fotos

    Wall tiles for the toilets have been installed

    past week we been looking at sinks and WCs

    Have some ideas on what we want but still going to look around

    just paid and confirmed with Etronin on the air cons

    Today aircon man came to take away the existing aircons and tomorrow they are going to conduct pressure testing

    we confirmed 1 single split (24000Btu SX series)

    2 system 2 (toshiba NX series and Panasonic 9000btu each)

    all non inverter

    brochure is below:


    dun be lazy now :notti:

  9. No la.. ... I jus happen to be online thus giving them Tau contact no that all..... :rolleyes:

    For us, we also chance upon this thread created by suagrmeg and saw the good feedbacks that why we decide to give it a try and visit their showroom..... We also went to a few ID company for quotation too.. But shortlisted Tau becos of the good customer service and reasonable quotes.

    Credits shld go to those who had are also Tau supporters. You had also started the Reno - t blog to let us see the work done by them too... Without pics, the ppl reading this thread will also have doubts on Tau also ma....

    Thus .... :yamseng: to all Tau supporters

