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Posts posted by edd

  1. Hi fellow neighbour Edd and wifey, how are you guys? Yes solved some post-renovation problems along the way and now we have 2 problems still haha! One with our retro switches bought online from Australia and one with the inferior door knobs from our contractor. Have to spend $$ to change them!

    Anyways, loving the neighborhood and the wanton mee stall at your block! Alas the fish ball noodles stall's standard has dropped :(

    we are fine, thank you.

    hahaha, you think so too? so i'm not the one feeling their standard had dipped recently!

    the dim sum @323 is not bad too, love their char siew bao! and our recent fave place is the ice cream shop @347!

    i also learnt that the teochew porridge had moved to the older coffee shop further down(nearer to the MRT) and they had changed their boss, the current one @347 is a relatively new setup. sources from a random forum on the net

    good to see that your problems are much solved, lucky Mr E is a hands on guy unlike me!

  2. hi my neighbours makan and Mr E,

    it's been a long time since i visited the forum again, and it's still interesting to follow your blog(be it the tabao hoots or the frustrations you faced), took me a while to read thru from where i stopped! cute blue paws there i must say!

    i hope you had much of the reno problems solved by now and loving the neighbourhood. i must say this is really a nice area to live in.

  3. After reading abt the ease of strangers prying open the sliding windows of corridor units from another thread by zephy, today i finally witness the danger with my very own eyes. :wacko:

    I woke up from my sleep after work in the late afternoon and was happily watching my daily dosage of anime when someone knocked on my door.

    I was greeted by a middle age guy(dun look so actually), he asked "how long had you installed your windows?" :deal:

    Immediately i recalled what i read on zephy's thread! and so i reply " new, very new, one month plus, why?" and i was thinking maybe he wants to promote the window lock! :unsure:

    he replied " oh i was doing lock installation upstairs for a unit under renovation and decided to walk around the block to see see look look after finishing the installation...and i saw ur windows look very new....just wanna point out something to you...i can show you...." :D

    i replied almost instantly..." yea you mean the ease of opening the corridors from outside!!??....come show me!" :o

    indeed, even with just a normal key....he managed to pry open my common room's window and grilles without much effort... :jawdrop: but he also say ur living room windows are much safer but still vulnerable...so i knew...."money i give u ba....just install the dam locks liao lor!!" :unsure::wacko::dunno:


    close up look


    not the best workmanship but at least when the additional locks are locked, the windows are much sturdier and not shaky from outside....feels a lot safer....275 bucks gone just for 5 pieces of the lock for both common room and living room windows.... :(

  4. Another 3-roomer! Congrats & welcome to RT! :)

    Looking forward to follow ur progress & updates, sharing sharing our experiences with u! :yamseng:

    [PS. Bro edd & Makan couple still lurking ard huh! Haha! :lol:]

    no moar white powdery dust le, got moar time to lurk, but also nth to post! :lol::rolleyes:

  5. so there were some problems .. ID wanted to hand over the house today, but last week, when we looked through.. we saw this in the master bathroom


    When i first saw it, my heart sank abit and i asked my ID.. why ah? He said.. looks like wolverine came around. 0_o

    Later he explained that its a natural formation for lava stone, every piece of lava stone is different. He went on to say its very beautiful and that people pay alot for this kinda natural formation and look. -_- The lighting that he installed above just showed it up instead. I said.. but i dont like.

    End up, we called Stone Tec ourselves to ask if can choose the lava stone tiles, cuz our ID said the only way of getting the tiles we want to replace those is to go n choose ourselves. Stone Tec said, can choose.. but instead of 5plus per tile, will become 7plus per tile.. zzzzzzz Htb went down.. went through 100 plus tiles to choose 40 that we liked. End up his back hurt for 5 days after that. Sigh.... Now in the midst of redo-ing and it looks fine. Yay!

    sad...i really like it tho :P

  6. beng beng, can u give me ryan's contact too (lazy go dig ur earlier posts)? i may wan do one more set of curtains for my mom's rm.. but scared one set only he bo hew.. :unsure:

    how can he bo hew? beng beng recommend one leh, he also following this thread de!!

  7. hehehe, fragile beng nao becomes fatty beng due to air fryer???

    wah, so that is the blinds he recommended me at the first place, looks good, can pm me the price?

    i tink from now on, if i need blinds just call ryan can liao la, he is indeed friendly
