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Posts posted by CountryGlow

  1. Thanks much Ahyong81!

    Nice home and theme.

    Hi babymonsta....I have not installed the insect screens yet so unable to provide you any reviews. But I'm aware that as much as the screens keep out insects (little tiny bugs) & some dust, it will block out some amt of wind too. This is something my Hubby & I had mull over but in our case, we think keeping out the bugs supersedes wind flow! IMO, I think the amount of wind won't be affected drastically. We will just have to work around with cooler fans etc so that we can have min bugs in our house. :P

    Hi there!

    Is the house very warm with the insect screen on? My hubs is against me putting up insect screen because he insists it makes the room more warm since wind is somewhat blocked?

    Wanna know your experience.


  2. Hi snowy89! Thanks for assuring me about the curtains at our living hall! Haha...we are growing used to them as well! Stepped into the house last weekend and I thought the creamy coloured curtains really made the area cosier! It's the "persevering-look" (nai-kan) and not love-at-first-sight sort (yi qian zhong qing)! Pardon my han yu ping ying if spelt wrongly.

    Btw, we nearly become your direct opposite neighbour at the same block and floor as u :lol:
    No idea what was wrong with us back in 2010 when Q-ing to select our unit at HDB...we had decided not to take your unit opposite thinking that it will be directly facing the Bin Centre attached to the MSCP. :dunno: Sad to know, it doesn't but it is too late to regret our decision now. We will be installing magnetic insect screens to filter out the eeeky bugs since our level is at a disadvantage. Sadly again, for convenience and a bugs-free house, these insect screens don't come cheap....

    Oh yes, we also find food / groceries so hard to come by whenever we stay over the weekends (have not shifted in full fledged yet)! It's pretty pathetic ;) We're also hoping for the supermarket (hopefully a decent one e.g Fairprice or Giant) and coffee shop to open by this year! It will be SOoooo convenient for us when that time comes. But till now, no sound, no picture, and no renovation has taken place at those rows below...so we are wondering when will that time come.......surprisingly, our entire estate is still pretty empty at the moment...many has not even started reno so we guess these amenities will only come in sometime next year when more residents have settled in. We hope our sensing is wrong...well, let's continue to wait for good news!

    Hi neighbour,

    Don't worry about your choice of curtains. You will grow to like them gradually. I think they look good by the way. :)

    I am sure that you will always find what you are looking for in taobao!

    Btw , I'm staying at 260C but then not the side that is facing you. I'm sure you will enjoy staying in your new house. I can't wait for the supermarket and eating place to be open as soon as possible.. It is kinda hard to do grocery though. :dunno:

    Hopefully in a few months' time!! :sport-smiley-018:

  3. Hi Clownprince & Clownprince's wife!

    Came across this TV console from LUSH which reminded me of your house instantly! Same colour palette and I screenshot to show you! :P



    And nice storage racks btw! These are bolted wood racks? I still can't see the difference between boltless and bolted anw...hahaha!

  4. Hi chiffon! Your nest is looking good! The kitchen & living hall is a total alternative look to your pastel coloured rooms!

    I like the way you are including your loves for Hello Kitty subtly into corners of your house (except for your boutique dedicated for them). Great job! Btw, I just realized my opposite neighbour is a huge hello kitty fan as well! They got their entire house painted in hello kitty colours with many shelf displays of their hello kitty collection! One of their bedrooms' ceiling has cornices created to a Hello Kitty outline/ face! I had not meant to peep into their flat but that unit opposite us is too obvious to go un-noticed. I can't resist looking over whenever I look out of our window for fresh air....and go WOW...such a Fairytale world to stay in everyday :)

  5. Hi jacqteresa, Lavender7799 & aksoh! PM-ed you all! :)

    hello there, countryglow.

    Your T-blog is a keeper! Could you share your contractor and curtain guy contact?

    Hi Countryglow

    Could you share your contractor with me? really in need to do the wainscoting.

    Thank you very much

    Hi countryglow,

    You are a great ID to your home. Your house is so cosy and warm. I'm in love.

    Do you mind to share with me the tiles you using and the contact of your contractor?

    Thanks in advance.

  6. Hi Joyy, ahzai66! Have PM-ed you both with the info :)

    Hi CountryGlow, You have a beautiful house! :good:
    Can I have your ID's company name & contact number?

    Hi, can share with me your contractor's name and contact? And also the contact and company name of the guy who did your bomb shelter rack?

    Hi djnt, thanks! I totally adore it too! Hopefully, the dining set esp the fabric chairs are not too hard to maintain :)

    Loving your dining area! :wub:

  7. So happy for you seeing that your love nest is finally materializing! I realized that it's actually the final touches like small pieces of decor and colorful furnishings that makes the overall house complete! I'm very sure you & your hubby will enjoy the new place!

    Oh man! Why is your main pipe at the service yard chocked? Because of renovations or this wasn't detected during the defects rectification period? Must make sure BSC doesn't push the blame to your contractor if it's a job not done well by them from the start. This is a serious matter so must ensure it is resolved properly else will have much problems in the near future. If you were at your flat last Saturday, Punggol was pouring heavily and guess what happened to the area right outside our unit? The main pipe, which is the outlet for rainwater from the roof, actually overflowed! The area outside our main door was flooded! We got worried & contacted Town Council immediately. They sent the people from BSC to investigate and realized that the drain downstairs was stuffed with abandoned cardboards & trash and hence caused the water to flow backwards to our level :(. Blame it on the low floor we are staying at but it is a worrying situation. We will call Town Council again to ensure that the trash are cleared properly....I can't imagine a case of burst water pipes or chocked pipes in our unit (you know about the sewage pipe case right?) :( :( So yep, moral of the story - Must, certainly & definitely settle such pipe chockage issues with BSC.

    And! I like your Amazon purposes esp the colourful kitchen art pan sets! Like your yellow laundry tin too! From TB? :)

    Very busy these few days...will reply ur PM soon :P

  8. UpDaTeS on OuR Maison

    THE beginning of OUR beginning ~ We are DaNcInG around in our rOOms with CURtains now! :dancingqueen:(Cont')

    The curtains at our shared gym-and-toy bedroom - Design and fabric are slightly different for this room since it is very much like a leisure area / space for non-daily use. We selected a colour shade consisting of ash grey and cool blue, with almost non-existent stripes on the fabric. Another of our great choice as the curtain colour complement our duck-egg ceiling colour AND soften the (cold steel) black items in this room. Yeppie! Loving our curtains more and more! :jammin:


    Last but not least, curtains in the living hall! :dancingqueen:

    Since the living hall is the first thing we see upon stepping into our house, plus it is the hangout area whenever we host our families and friends, we have placed greater emphasis on our curtain selection. As much as I wanted curtains with floral prints design for a cheery and cosy country feel, we were unable to find one with the evergreen and clean look, and had ended up selecting the colour closest to our sofa fabric. Do I sound disappointed? A little perhaps, as the turnout of our chosen design was not what we were expecting. I was hoping to liven up that corner of our living hall with bright-coloured curtains but the large amount of 'creamy' tone falls pale in comparison to my expectations. Nonetheless, we will make the best of our curtains since we have already paid and installed them! :notti: In here, we have also included day curtains and the non-typical curtain rods (instead of tracks) to exude a mix of classic and old-fashioned look and feel. The faint and glossy strips which run down the curtain fabric help enhance the creamy base colour, adding some existence to the almost blended in curtains at the windows. I think a pair of interesting tiebacks should also do the trick (still searching for the ideal tiebacks on Taobao)! :)Overall, we are very happy with our curtains and definitely enjoy the privacy they now bring!




    :PYep! I have a collection of signature bears and Precious Moments figurines on display! And the curtains are doing a great job shielding them from direct sun :)


    A close-up look of the living hall curtains!


  9. UpDaTeS on OuR Maison

    THE beginning of OUR beginning ~ We are DaNcInG around in our rOOms with CURtains now! :dancingqueen:

    If you ever stayed / are staying in a BTO flat these days, you will understand the feeling of 'intrusion' where almost everything can be seen clearly from the opposite block and vice versa. This was how we felt before last weekend where we had nothing to cover the view directly into our house. And especially when we are on the low floors and the opposite unit and at least the next 3 - 4 levels up can have a full view of what we are doing and whatever not. :blink:

    Thankfully, after waiting for 1 month, our curtains were finally installed! Didn't appreciate and realise the importance of curtains so much until now... :thumbs up:

    And yupz! Here are our curtains installed in our living hall and 3 bedrooms! The price we paid were reasonably good which the curtains' fabric, service and installation works are thumbs up!

    Starting from our Master Bedroom - We have chosen a shade of the colour bisque which has a slight mix of dusty pink to it! The unique colour totally complements our light pink ceiling, wallpaper and bed frame! Sweetness...... :wub:

    The fabric is a 90 - 95% blackout material (Micro Dimmer series) which we really never regret selecting it as the room turns totally dark once we draw the curtains! Our master bedroom is 'well-lighted' at night as the multi-storey carpark is just diagonally opposite our room (not a good thing :( ). The curtains really made a whole lot of difference to our entire sleeping experience...we had overslept one of the mornings since the curtains have shaded off and filtered out a fair amount of sunlight and sound into our bedroom! ;):lol::thumbs up:

    :unsure: Please pardon the "contrasting" bedsheets. We have randomly thrown them on for our stays during the weekends and for afternoon naps zz

    GSS is here! And bedlinen shopping - HERE WE COME! :rofl:


    Our curtains in a darker shade when taken from a different angle zz


    It is guaranteed that you will snooze like a baby when the curtains are drawn! zz zz zz


    A close-up view on the colour of our curtains (colour shade was taken as accurately as I could) Will be buying pretty tiebacks from Taobao to replace the fabric ones - Tiebacks with crystal beads design should complement the entire room further :P


    Oh and I forgot to share! This picture shows off the bedside lamp which I had purchased from Taobao the last round. So glad that its design and colour fit our bedroom design to a T! Our perfect accessory!


    Next are the curtains at our walkin' wardrobe - To bring out our indigo ceiling and floral wallpaper, we selected a (darker colour) purple that has a mixture of plum and mulberry colours! Again, the colour shade was taken as accurately as I could (so far, I think the hardest pictures to take are the curtains as the sunlight or ceiling lights tend to distort the actual colour tone). :sport-smiley-018:

    The curtains' fabric is similar to the one in our master bedroom, which is very crucial to provide privacy in our changing/dolling up space here.


  10. Hi! Nice house you have designed! Exudes a sense of warmth in the midst of the industrial feel....

    And I totally can understand the dread looking at those boxes and unpacking them...your shifting in is fast! Congrats and enjoy your new place :)

    Been packing like crazy the past few weeks and we're moving in this weekend!! :yeah:



    Totally not looking forward to unpack these boxes though. hahaha :help: There're still a few more things to do before #nnloft is complete:

    1) Get quotations for curtains and get them up before the festive season

    2) Buy kitchen appliances and coffeetable

    3) Hang up frames and photos


    I think this will be the last entry till we have wifi @ nnloft. :lol:

    • Like 1

  11. Pretty ~ :thumbs up:

    The decal actually made a whole lot of difference!

    Glad you are settling down well, neighbour! We hope to shift in soon too! :D

    Hi guys,

    I have been staying in my crib for 3-4 months now and every day is perfect. I love my bedroom still and it still feels like waking up in a luxury hotel everyday. All made possible at a fraction of its price due to taobao. I could never imagine I am able to stay in such a pretty room last time as the prices of french furniture is especially expensive.

    Yesterday one of the decals that I bought for my kitchen glass door arrived! I have been procrastinating about installing decal for the kitchen glass door as we usually open it when it's not in use. So sometimes when I am deep frying it, I would close the door and forget that I actually close it. I almost walked into the door a couple of times. *laugh at myself*

    Finally found one that I think looks really pretty. :wub:


    I am glad that how it turns out. No more knocking into the kitchen glass door now.

  12. Thanks chiffon! Your IMPRESSIVE BOUTIQUE ROCKZ TOO! ! ! My eyes glitter at the amount of shelves & cabinets when u update on your pretty space! U sure u have enough Hello Kitties to fill very corner and shelf? #wow #kudos

    Something came to mind! You shld throw in wallpaper at one wall of your boutique! Enhance the look further :)

    I love your bed & the pretty wallpaper! Great choices!!

  13. UpDaTeS on OuR Maison

    THE beginning of OUR beginning ~ We are DaNcInG around in our LiViNg rOOm :dancingqueen: (Cont')

    While our dining area oozes its sense of country flavour (or some said French cafe flavour), the Hubby and I would definitely look forward to snuggling up on our plushy sofa set after a long day out (whether after work or play)! At the other corner of our living hall, we have another space for gatherings, chillaxation (Smart TV entertainment) or simply, cuddling up with a book at any time of the day :sport-smiley-018: I love the french lace curtains draping at the back, creating a sense of illusion to peek out to a picturesque view... I shall leave it for you to imagine what type of picturesque view that is in there :rolleyes:


    WAHAHA! I'm sorry if I have halted your imagination of whatever view you are thinking of....you are about to see what lies beyond those embroidery curtains.... :dancingqueen:

    *smoke screen*


    There you go! :P The so-called "picturesque view" is our gym and toy collectible room! :yeah: This is the secret method which I had also mentioned in my previous post (no. 142)! They are curtains with a purpose! :dancingqueen: Meant to decorate our living hall and at the same time, cover the cold & hard black-coloured items in that bedroom. The lace curtains do not provide opaqueness to the scene in that room as the Hubby wishes to showcase his TOYs, and for me to watch television while I work out on that cross-trainer through a 'view'. Our wise idea... what a lovely unexpected scene, isn't it? *Hehe* :thumbs up::rolleyes:



    The preview of our living hall shall end here :) We are still Work-In-Progress and are so so delighted to see what we have created to date! I shall leave you with the below 'view' so you will know why we are DaNcInG around in our LiViNg rOOm :yamseng:


    (Picture dated 14-03-2015)


    (Picture dated 03-04-2015)

  14. UpDaTeS on OuR Maison

    THE beginning of OUR beginning ~ We are DaNcInG around in our LiViNg rOOm :dancingqueen:

    WeLcome to CountryGlow's Residence :lol:


    (Photo taken under warm lighting. Greeting items were purchased from Seoul & Malacca respectively)

    Our "greeting signboard" next to our main entrance


    In this post, I will be sharing a glimpse of our cosy living hall :thumbs up:

    Right next to the main entrance as seen above, we have my next most favourite corner in our house...It is none other than the dining area where we share yummilicious food and quality conversations and interactions with the Hubby, our families and friends! :)




    TWO very beautiful & meaninigful 'decor items' to highlight in this corner :wub:

    1. The Cuckoo Clock hanging above and;

    2. The Precious Moments Cross-stitch at the backdrop of our dining area

    Why had I mentioned these 2 as meaningful because they are priceless additions to our love-nest. The cuckoo clock was bought all the way from the Black Forest when we visited Germany 1 year ago (Haha! I have been waiting for the longest time to bring it to light!) Knowing the all famous cuckoo clock, the cuckoo bird will pop out of its little window to "cuckoo" very hour of the day, followed by playing 1 out of 12 different classical songs [one of the songs is 'Que Sera, Sera (Whatever Will Be, Will Be)" ] at each hour... Aww... :wub:

    While the clock carries memories and the original wood smell (and taste) of the Black Forest, the cross-stitch behind holds even more valuable worth to me in particular, as it was sewn by my Mummy many many years ago. It was left under my bed, totally forgotten and neglected until we found it few weeks back while packing and Ta-Da! It has re-surfaced for a good cause ! How apt it is for our dining area! :lol: Really adore how the earthly-brown shade and slightly rustic feel of these 2 items had added some warmth and a soft touch of glow to our French home.

    Close-up look at our Cuckoo Clock (Oops! The warm lightings had not done justice to this beautiful timeless piece!)


  15. UpDaTeS on OuR Maison

    THE beginning of OUR beginning ~ We are back after hibernation :jammin: (Cont')...

    Enough of our black stuff mentioned in my last post, we got our beautiful king size bed delivered over our 'staycation' too :dancingqueen:

    The design and colour of our bed is meant to suit the wallpaper and slight Victorian flair in our Master bedroom. The room is still looking pretty bare and it shall be my next point of focus - to throw in more decors to beautify the room further! :thumbs up: We had a good 3 night stay in our new bedroom and the bed & mattress are so comfy....looking forward to shift in and enjoy the room every single night! :)



    :( :( :(

    One unhappiness during our 'staycation'....

    While the delivery man was bringing in our bed frames, he had accidentally hit the frame against one of our wall lamps along our passageway *sobz* My jaw dropped (and my heart followed suit) when we saw the lamp cover shattering into pieces at that knock! :angry2::( :( It was one of my favourite lamps which I purchased over Taobao and although it is not costly (compared to Sg's prices), my happy mood was utterly ruined at the delivery man's carelessness. Despite the unhappiness, we had not pursued the matter with him or his company as we could see how tired he was after delivering so many heavy beds on that day (he is a skinny uncle in his 50s). We decided to let it go after seeing the guilt on his face, and especially his helpless look and when we told him the lamp was an overseas purchase and he could not buy a new piece for us from anywhere. Well, I guess this mini crisis would be a blessing in disguise...Thank God that the lamp is still available on Taobao and we will be bringing in a new piece to replace soon.


    To end my post on a "lighter" note, the Hubby and I had survived on cup-noodles, Mcdelivery and biscuits during our 3-day 'staycation'. Haha! We have not turned on our PUB gas to do any cooking yet and we were too lazy to walk 10 minutes to the nearest coffee shop. Plus we thought staying indoors is most ideal in the crazy weather these days! Oh well, it was a romantic stay-in and why "lighter" is because we indeed weigh lighter on the weighing scale after the 3-day intensive packing and unhealthy eating. :no: Anyway! It was good quality time spent together and we are already halfway through packing and decorating our living hall :) Will find time to update on that the next few days :dancingqueen:

    Curtains installation will be done this coming Saturday and YEAH! Finally can get some privacy from the opposite neighbours looking across! We can't wait! :yamseng:


  16. UpDaTeS on OuR Maison

    THE beginning of OUR beginning ~ We are back after hibernation :jammin: with 3 black stuff line up in a row!

    HeLLo again! After a month of "hibernating", I am back to update more on our Maison :D

    Our renovation with Contractor J had completed in mid-May and we were super caught up with cleaning our dirty Maison ever since! Our house-cleaning is 90% completed, and packing and unpacking are progressing pretty well...so thankful for the past long weekend to shift and unpack our boxes of barang-barangs. I had preferred last weekend as our 'staycation', away from our usual lifestyle and all distractions as we literally eat, sleep, sh*t and breathe around this activity called "unpacking & packing" in our new Maison those 3 full days. It was daunting yet super exciting! Our 'staycation' started with the delivery of something which (I think) we have not seen around in our neighbourhood (yet)! It is also our FIRST black stuff at the beginning of the line! GUESS what IT IS??? :sport-smiley-004:

    *drum rolls*

    *drum rolls*

    *drum rolls*

    *drum rolls continues*

    *drum rolls continuesssss*


    TA-DA! YES! This is the first AIBI lorry we have seen in our estate so far :notti: Because I think many of us will not order an exercise machine so early at our renovation or shifting in stage. HAHA. We Did! And our AIBI Cross-trainer is sitting happily in our shared gym-and-toy-bedroom now :sport-smiley-003::sport-smiley-018:



    Next black stuff in line! It is none other than the Hubby's LED-lighted movie poster box (such a long name)! Same as our AIBI machine, it is hanging happily on the wall beside the cross-trainer. (Soon to come :ph34r:) The Hubby is looking at bringing in 2 of IKEA's Detolf glass cabinets for his toys display, to be placed adjacent to the happy-poster-box. Shall update on that when the time comes :sport-smiley-018:

    And lastly, the black stuff at the end of the line - Boltless L-shaped metal racks in our household shelter! We got the contact from a fellow forum-er and neighbour in our same estate! (You know who you are - Thank you!) :lol: Installer is a nice young chap (did I forget to mention he is handsome too? *ahem* Okok, back to serious business -) The installation was done in 30mins and WALLA~! Our metal racks are resting happily in the shelter now!

    I love the matt black colour which contrasts against the white confined space. YEAH! STORAGE Time! ! ! :idea:
    These are the only 3 most prominent black stuff /items in our French-country house right now and amusingly, they are really lined up in a (horizontal) row! From the corner of our third bedroom, we have my AIBI Cross-trainer, to the other end of the same room (in line) is the Hubby's movie-poster-box and right across the passageway, the boltless metal racks in our household shelter! Hehe...some cheap thrill for myself here since black is not a frequent colour seen in our Maison. Not to worry that these items will clash with the rest of our theme because they will be well hidden (the metal racks are for sure) :notti: Shall update the "secret method" of hiding them in my next post! :lol:

  17. Glad you settled your curtains and blinds :good:

    Is the simple shelf meant to be in front of your bed in your MBR? We wanted to place something similar in front of our King size bed but we reckon we wld have no space left to walk! We would know next week when our bed arrives! *keeping fingers cross* Hopefully we are able to place a small shelving for my TV :sport-smiley-018:

    I like your common room colours too! Is the second room colour Nippon Seabreeze too? Hee :P:thumbs up:

    Update of old photos :

    Nothing much of new updates, just want to update some new photos in this thread. Small minor changes, the bigger ones will be happening this week! (Rainshower, toilet accessories will be up!)

    Remembered someone in this thread requested for a photo of my simple shelf, here it is :


    Received quite a handful of compliments from various people regarding my 5 door wardrobe! the husband was very pleased with this too. :wub::wub:


    My MBR vanity area with T5 warm white LED from TB! My granite top is up as well.


    The boxes in my living room are clear and it looks so spacious all of the sudden! :lol::lol:

    Been a while since i last saw my living room so clean without the mountain of boxes


    My 2 common bedroom paint colours. Something different from my black/white theme in the living room.



    the red ottoman is from TB too, so is the stool and my not yet unbox coffee table at the back. ;)

    My phone is not able to capture the real colour, it is slightly darker in real life and i love it! especially the mint green. :wub::wub:

    Met up with Vincent (the curtain uncle) and he was very friendly! Honest chap and he gave me recommendations for colours and types of curtains for my crib!

    The price was reasonable, in fact the lowest quotation i have so far.

    I request for :

    PVC Venetian Blinds in White/black tape for living room

    Blackout roller blinds for 2 common bedrooms

    Day & Night curtain for MBR.

    I can't wait for the curtains and blinds to be up! :good:

  18. Hey chiffon, sorry back-track a little. Can share the links for the organizer box, mini rose hanger and cake stand?

    I found similar organizer boxes but they are like plastic material which is rather inflexible ( http://detail.tmall.com/item.htm?spm=a220o.1000855.1998025129.2.IIeEOk&id=43656372701&abbucket=_AB-M32_B9&rn=&acm=03054.1003.1.115927&aldid=7MyvDYmu&abtest=_AB-LR32-PR32&scm=1003.1.03054.ITEM_43656372701_115927&pos=2)

    TIA! :)

    More (pink) stuff that I purchased for our new home. Lots of macarons for decor, hehe.

