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Posts posted by Luxexplorer

  1. This is the temporary door which has to be drilled in to lock every night ! LOL.

    This guy is the worker for the carpentry department. Very professional and they are super efficient workers


    Lux. So I assume your unit is now without a main door since they have to take down everything to do concrete patching. Agree that the installer have no pride in his work, if he can think differently, you may not have to change a new frame.

  2. PM you already! Please note that my installation quote is based on a new door with no old handle to dismantle.

    For other new reno bloggers, I have included the number in the post of the Samsung lock.

    Thanks for the link! I'm going to get one too. Can send me the contact for the installer?

    Hello Pankponk! The samsung lock also comes with 2 emergency keys for manual use should anything happen. I'd suggest to keep 1 either in the car, in the office, in the bag or with a trusted family (in my case, my mum). Digital locks have come a long way since introduced and I am taking this step now because I saw them being sold in many shops and I am less worried about lack of expertise on repair etc.

    I guess it is all about adapting to technology and soon it will become a part of daily lives :)

    I also had a black/white specks countertop for 8 years so very sian too. It is very easy to fall back into the same old style which we liked / or used to so this time I am making a big effort to style the home in opposites of my previous flat.
    Yet I don't want a turn yellow white countertop. Surprisingly the istmo (grey colour) is nobody's favourite. My cabinets will be completed by tomorrow and I will have a final "match and imagine" before deciding.

    Will choose the gloss pulsar, love the grey line. My parents used the dark counter top and after the long years, find it a bit irritating coz really can't see if it's dirty or if there's an ant LOL or maybe is just the OCD in me :notti:

    Just wandering for the digital lock, in any case like suddenly the digital lock is spoil is there a way that we can still enter the house ? this my dilemma whether to use digital lock or not :dunno:

  3. Kiak Sim......Even though I know that there are lots of structural issues so i have managed my expectations and dont need perfection but some things are like.. c'mon man.. seriously? But my this flat is really crooked. The carpentry arrived and they are having a hard time aligning the top portion which conceal the wires because it is all slated..LOL

    Ssshh... what idiots!! They seriously should know better! Another classic example of having no pride in their work.


    Problem when they dismantle the old door frame and the old concrete wall started to crumble. But what makes me so so mad was that the installer still went ahead to install the frame and unable to secure the screws into the wall. At least solve the problem of the concrete wall before going ahead with a bad job?

    The frame in the end was crooked and he STILL went ahead and fixed the door. The gap at the topside and the side (when the door is close) were totally uneven and the gap was more than 0.3mm difference.
    What we were also concern is that after a few years or less, the door might not be able to close anymore. The installer told me " can fill in the cement into the broken walls to hold up the door" which is true but wouldnt my door be permanantly uneven? WTF

    I am quite an easygoing person but this really got me fuming mad and Contractor Desmond got the boss of the door shop to come down and access. Even he said he cant accept the job done by his worker. So a new door frame is ordered and will be re-installed. I feel so heart pain because this beautiful door cost me an arm!! I understand that with only 1 month left before CNY ( as most workers will packed up about 4 - 5 days before CNY) and everyone is rushing but still.. now having to come back a 2nd time isnt even more time wasting for both parties?




  5. Changbp. sorry for the overexposure as my main door has been removed and leaning against the window. I had some issues with door frame installation which I will talk about below. I will upload close up tis evening when they fixed my door back

    This export model of this lock comes in Silver (About $999 with installation) and this rose gold is Korea's domestic model. Because of the colour, I decided to order from QOO10. The seller is really good as they will send you the english manual as well as the installation process via email. As this lock is very popular now, it wasnt difficult to find someone to install. I found Mr Lim online but another reno blogger had also used him for the same lock :)

    I ordered the Push/Pull version instead of the Pull/Push as well as one extra tag and it come below SGD400 thus avoiding GST. Installation cost me SGD150. I understand the tag is available in SIngapore too

    Really easy to use and looks good too! You can choose either biometric (up to 100 fingers), tag (which is like a scan tag) or pin number.

    I am not having gate for the flat so only depending on this device and all my security cameras.


    Locksmith - Mr Lim - 8297 6087

    ** I have not removed the stickers protecting the interface.


  6. Lazyfatcat, sorry to hear about this hiccups which although are not big issues but can be irritating. I am also having problem with my door frame/main door.. so I told contractor it is ok to just leave the a plastic wrapper taped to door but he is more anxious than me la so pester the door company till they came down.

    Why not consider to choose another laminate for kitchen ? Maybe then can have the handover before CNY?

  7. Could be that the carpenter is chasing to have them delivered since limited time before chinese new year and everyone rushing to finish all the jobs that have been accepted? Even when I tried to change my delivery timing for some items purchased more than 6 weeks ago and they are all saying that timing is too tight.

    I am sure your ID will have a way around it.

    Will you be tiling your box up in the toilet as well or just plastering it?

  8. Khng, I am looking at the matt black with the yellowish marbley line in the photo above. Because it is not glossy and under warm light, it comes across like a different colour.

    I am not so keen on the plain ones and prefer a dramatic top. This 3 which I have shortlisted are visually pleasing but feel it is boring..hehhe. What sort of top is yours, just curious.

    I recalled that one of the silestone black has white specks on it. Not visible from the small sample as its not spread evenly. You may want to double check with silestone just so you get what you wanted. No nasty surprise.

  9. Nextstep, if I choose the back, I would like the matt black. There is something about that texture which i like very much. But the silestone sales person mentioned to me that a back top and glossy white although is a common combi but he feels that the contrast is too stark.

    So, we still sitting on the fence.

    I love the black top, but are u going for the gloss or matt finish?

  10. Hey KStoh, Thanks for this piece of very important information. A friend told me her solid top turned yellow but I thought Silestone quartz will surpass that test. We are ding donging between the white and the matt black with white coming up in terms of preference and just this nagging thought at the back of my head. Glad that your feedback helps with making a decision

    Just so that you know, I used really white Silestone counter top for my kitchen and also toilets. Initially it was so white that I complained that my Toto basin was off white. Two years on, I find that my Toto is still looking as white as day one but my Silestone has all changed colour to off white.

  11. Updates for this week ending 2015. (on track for timeline)

    False ceiling - Completed

    Main door and bedroom door + frames - completed (but another drama althogether and main door frame will redo)

    Installation of lights - in Progress

    Painting - In Progress

    Samsung push & Pull Lock - Completed & Love it! ( Done by Mr Lim - 8297 6087)

    Next week ( 1st week 2016)

    Chemical washing


    2 glass doors

    installation of WC

    measurement for countertop and vanity top.


    The intial design plan was to go with Kompacplus becuase we really like the slim woody colours. But lately, my taste has started to change and the more I stare at the Kompacplus top, the more I find it looking very uniform. Decided to check out quartz which is also highly favoured by fellow reno bloggers.

    Visited Silestone and found some design which I liked. My kitchen cabinets are gloss white so that should be easy enough.

    - Gloss Pulsar (white with grey & yellow line)

    - Gloss Istmo - (grey with brown lines)

    - Matt Doradus ( Black with goldish yellow lines)

    Ding dong between decisions... I have reach a point where I am quite tired of choosing colours. Even for painting, when Contractor Desmond asked me to select colours and I just told him white la.
    and he ws like "which white".. even white has like 10 whites to choose from.... :dunno:



  12. Your toilet looks very modern and clean style. .nice especially the feature wall.

    The pearl laminates also very cool and I wanted to change to this when I saw it last week but the carpenter has already ordered my first choice and i didn't want to cause too much problem for them.

    As for the wall paper I would prefer plain and textured rather than printed for the TV area as feels a little distracting. But most importantly is what floats your boat :)

  13. I levelled my kitchen and yard to be same as living hall so today when I admire my new windows which is at my waist ( wearing heels some more ) .it makes me "ka nerng" when I look down.

    By the way.. for the alamac date. ..all I can say is wah piang . Luckily has translator.

    Thanks lazyfatcat and kara for the link.will follow up

    I think the pulley thing will work if u don't want a dryer,

    pls don't hang cloths outside that is too scary lah.

    For Jan which day is good ah U can try try this website http://huangli.fututa.com/month/bj2016-1.html



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  14. Hello Berried! So excited to see your t- blog is also up and equally nice to have another 2 roomer resale flat kaki..I think no BTO ready this few months so the reno t blog is getting quite quiet :)

    Interested that you can knocked a entrance to the toilet which unfortunately I have no such luck.

    Chop chop. More photos soon.

    Kstoh - "the another buyer interested tactic" - we all have been through this and with current flat also same same but I was very firm with my offer. Up another 5k which is in my budget but I was very clear I will not accept the ding dong bargaining. 1 offer and that's it. ( but deep inside my heart , already die die want the unit .. lol)
