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Everything posted by Jessie

  1. hey hey you really good at bargaining leh! i m interested in the curtain's contact leh.....you have? can give me the contact?
  2. no problem...u r most welcome sure, anytime after your hb's exam. maybe by the time you come over, i'd have completed furnishing the hse,...cos now still very bare lor...keke just PM me, ok?
  3. hi hi wow,...so many defects! scary leh!
  4. congrats! me not westerners,....but still spam here...keke yeah, must speak to a few ID / contractors then decide....cos *feeling* & *click* is very impt....keke
  5. hi hi angel u can always come to my hse to see the workmanship & also see the WIW. yes, he's a nice guy....
  6. congrast YG! anymore pix to share? keke
  7. i hv my dining table,...only need to get the chairs lor. that's why been unable to get suitable chairs lor....keke next time when buy dining set,....must make sure i buy all in a set,...easier to match lor...keke
  8. hi hi, looking forward to see more pix of your hse....keke i am done with my reno,...but nothing on the furnishing yet! still taking my own sweet time lor....keke
  9. ooooo...ok ok....will try to make a trip to IMM this wkends or not, latest on next wkends lor. keke
  10. wow!!!!!!! good deal leh! by the way, where is home2b? theyhave any webby?
  11. NICE wallpapers!!!!!!!!1 envy envy! too bad i do not have the budget to wall-paper the hse.....
  12. ya, i like the entire hse's colour theme. very clean and neat!
  13. wow.......simple and nice lights leh! i also bought my lights from Chan Huat & also Ikea...keke that $10 lights which you bog from a forumer is really nice & cheap leh! looking forward to see your completed reno hse hey hey, where did your purchase your dining chairs & also the tv console? i am still looking for these 2 items leh..... me also on tight budget......
  14. yeah yeah,...ok ok, waiting to see your fully-furnished pix...keke
  15. hi Angel, afetr do that WIW,...my MBR still quite spacious! infact, i can still put 2 single mattress on the floor for the boys to sleep with leh. initially my hb also quite reluctant to do this WIW,...but now he love it so much....keke 2nite i go take pix of my WIW with my barangs barangs in,..... and will post here tmrw...keke
  16. hi virgo, no update on your tv console ah? anymore pix to share? keke
  17. nice big spacious EM! really big recess area! looking forward to see more pix
  18. sorry that not much new pix lately as we're still busy unpacking...keke here's some pix of my MBR. Behind the TV is my WIW. entrance to WIW view from MBR entrance view from MBR entrance this is the view of my MBR with the WIW......for clearer view on the layout.
  19. ya lor,....initially i was still thinking whether paint in white or grey colour. den after much consideration.....we decided to use chalk-white for that,...cos worry if paint in grey, den will look darker and smaller lor. yeap, i merely spent $38 for the paints (we did that painting ourselves).......keke :0 cheap cheap and looks nice also....hahaha now my whole hse reno cost ard $14k......exceeded our $12k abit,....still quite ok lor.
  20. wow,.......nice pool table!
  21. NICE house! really love all the nice nice lights!!!!!!!
  22. hi bubble-ling bog my WIW light from Ikea....cheap cheap! hahahaha :D thanks virgo lucky it's all still spent within my budget.....simple reno nia....also not much carpentry lor. we didn't do toilets leh....but now with the accessories in,...it really looks good.....lucky never spend the $ to re-do otherwise, i will be much poorer now...hahaha thnaks hello88 ya, now with the change of colour, it does gives a diff feel as compared to our 1st impression of that ugly green railings....hahaha but, design wise, still not nice lah.
  23. hi hi i only spent ard $500 for everything. now after fixing it up myself, with the help of my carpenter.......i kinda become experts liao...hehe
  24. my 46" TV mounted on the wall,....but console not here yet (infact, not yet decide wanna do or buy)...keke most likely will buy lor. my 2 chairs for our temp sitting to watch TV,...sofa not there yet.....keke my ceiling fan **** area my main door (sorry, pix abit dark here).....all these pix taken by my hp lah...keke kitchen view 1 kitchen island (with build-in oven inside)...the solid top not up yet...think today shld be ready. walkway to my WIW....it looks small here, but infact quite ok lah...keke Left side of WIW (pole-system) Right side of WIW view of WIW from toilet WIW light hi hi virgo, thanks,...ya, after the repainting works, it turns out much nicer then the original,....but, i still dun quite like the ugly floral design.....keke