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Facial Care

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Im using Eumora... Heard of it b4? lol.. my eye bag's gone.. i look younger and skin **** smooth tt i cannot stop touching though stil left some small pimples.. lol.. you guys should try it too man..


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I am the user for both Dermalogica and Eumora...hahhaha this thread is just suitable for me to make comment.I’ve been changing skincare products for years and I just cant find something that give me a good effect cause I have a sensitive skin until i found Dermalogica..previously no money to buy Dermalogica as it is quite costly, 2 years ago i used it and never changed my skincare product again. I am so happy to see my pore minimized after using that

Until my aunt strongly recommend me Eumora, i am quite reluctant to change cause i reli afraid that the new product will spoil my face but my aunt insists I should try and do a demo on my face when I visit her. That time I crossed my finger and pray that it will be Okay..after 3 minutes, wash off the face and I see my face no effect ( no good sign and no bad sign). My aunt gives me a small piece of the facial bar and ask me go back n try for 3 days..

After 3 days, OMG, the pore is even smaller as compared to the time I used Dermalogica and the amazing thing is that just 3 Days time my eye bag is smaller..

You guys should try on the product..to me..no harm trying as I still got Dermalogica as backup..hahhaha..

PM me..i can share with you some of the photo and detail... :D


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Proper skincare, the right beauty sleep every night, a balanced diet and an extra portion of care on a regular basis. We must also remember that the needs of our skin change: During the day, it needs protection from the environmental effects, for example. At night, it is regenerating and therefore needs care that supports this process. Also, the skin's ability to regenerate wanes with age. So it especially then needs care and nutrients. Moreover, the

skin is always thankful for that extra portion of care, like treating yourself to a mask.


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Never go to bed with your make-up on. Make-up that is left on overnight clogs the pores and prevents the skin cells from shedding, which may cause blemishes and/or blackheads. The skin needs to breathe over night. Waterproof make-up is most easily removed with a gel cleanser. The most important thing that you can do for your facial skin is to avoid sunlight or use liberal amounts of sunscreen. Sunlight causes the skin to age and causes skin cancer which is the most common malignancy in humans. The most common location for these tumors is the face. If you do not believe that the sun ages your skin, then look at the skin under your upper arm and compare it to the skin on your face and the back of the hands.


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Here you have provided really interesting information. Face is important part of our body to look beautiful. People use different type of cream and also do plastic surgery on their face to look beautiful and attractive. But before to use any cream people have to know properly about it.


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I don't have experience about using Eumora.but I recommend a good way to treat your acne at home is to wash your face gently every day with soap and warm water and to apply a cream or lotion with benzoyl peroxide over the pimples.


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I don't have experience about using Eumora.but I recommend a good way to treat your acne at home is to wash your face gently every day with soap and warm water and to apply a cream or lotion with benzoyl peroxide over the pimples.

hi there

i was wondering what kind of soap bar u all refering at?


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i myself also got some acne problem

i had to see a doc to get cream, antibotics, facial wash

he recommend me to wash like 4 times a day with mild wash which he provided

it works but who the **** have time to wash like 4 times a day :P


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