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Renovation Lesson #1

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Hi all,

Decided to take the advice of Worldangel and create a blog on my renovation process. So thought about it, and decided it will be more than just pictures and updates on my renovation, but also the lessons and pains I went through in the process. I hope this would help all the Newbies out there who are completely lost on how to start, who to go to, what to buy etc... If you find this long winded, then this blog is not for you because you OBVIOUSLY know more already. This is for those who are 1st timers at renovation, just like me Hope this helps! :)

Renovation Lesson #1 - The very Beginning.

So...gotten my house keys (Middle March) and realize that now have house, but it's in dire state of mess, like post-war...looks bad and everything is depressing. Know for certain need renovation, but where to go?

Step 1: Look for contractors or interior designers (ID)

~ Contractors are to my knowledge less ex than IDs, simply because they are not sketching or planning or designing for you ~ So here u need to ask yourself 3 questions - (1) What's my budget? (2) Do I have the time to monitor almost everyday? (3) Do I know know roughly what design I want?

IF you have money but NO time, get a ID, save your time and effort and don't have to crack ur head.

IF no money but HAVE time, get a contractor. Be prepared to come out with ur designs, sketches or magazine cuttings.

IF no money & no time, then you better have relatives that are kind enough to help you monitor sometimes. Contractor might be more budget friendly.

Main point: Decide soon.

Step 2: Research

~ Try Renotalk or SingaporeBrides forum. Ask for tips, talk to people. That's how I started, you'll be surprised by how many nice Sporeans there are out there

~ Read on which contractors / ID is good, you can tell the popular ones by those that have many pages lar, good companies have alot of people wanting to hire them. Of course bad ones sometimes also have alot of pages

~ Narrow down to a list of 5-6 companies, more if you are kiasu. I only narrowed to 3 because I didnt want to waste time on too much research because for each day wasted without renovation, my bank loan is wasted. Plus I am currently renting a place as well, so double cost.

Step 3: Renovation for what items?

~ Do a VERY THROUGH inspection of your place. Jot down on a list the things you want to renovate on, be realistic - everybody wants to live in a perfect home, but few have that kind of money. If budget is pressing, focus on the most basic stuff like flooring, toilets, kitchen.

~ Remember, all the little things will add up even if you don't see them immediately.

~ Decide on the type of flooring u want : parquet, ceramic tiles, laminated flooring, granite etc? Consider as a big picture, ur tiles should reflect the theme u want, for me I wanted a bright spacious but cozy feel. So the current dark granite flooring had to go...

~ Take measurements of your house, I find this helps later on in planning. *Optional for those using IDs*

Step 4: Research on big items (write down the prices, model type etc) saves time later

~ These include ur air con; floor tiles (colour, brand, type, texture & for which room); toilet bowls (if u are changing); bath tub

~ I went to Liang Seng Hin Trading (568-A Balestier Road) and Harary Pte Ltd (560 Balestier Road) for tiles. They are few stores from each other

~ Collect tile samples from the stores

~ General guideline for tiles @ $3 if you want simple renovation

~ Air con - what system? How many compressors? What brand? Invertor or non-invertor? Mine is System 2 with 2 compressors, Mitsubishi non-invertor.

~ Bath tub I went to Poh Joo (389 Jalan Besar - Ms Emilene); Toilet Bowls Nam Wah @ 4 Changi South Lane 7th floor

Step 5: Send emails to your 5-6 companies asking for quotation for the list of items you have decided on to renovate.

~ Be specific eg. laminated flooring for master room, common room and living room.

~ Remember to chase them for replies if you are time pressed (like me), because the popular ones have a very busy schedule

Step 6: Compare quotation

~ This one is straightforward la ~

~ Just highlight the areas u are unclear of, don't be afraid to ask ur contractor / ID about the renovation terms. Eg. I didnt know what was skirting

The more familiar u are with the terms, the less likely u will face hidden costs for items that u thought were included.

Step 7: Site inspection

~ Arrange for a site inspection, this should be FOC in my opinion, but best u check hor

~ Go through things in ur quotation u are unclear on, ASK questions. This is not a time to be shy ok?

Step 8: Go with your observation and gut

~ I went with Ho Bee because Patrick was very prompt, honest and seemed to know his stuff. For me, I appreciate contractors who are certain of their work and not those who are unclear or keep forgetting stuff. Patrick was the most on-the-ball.

Step 9: Arrange for 2nd inspection

~ Here u should really decide which company you like already, because you really don't wanna waste time being wishy washy la. If you are really worried on renovation, my advise is to pay a bit more for a more established company and get it over and done with. That was my rational because I am a first-timer on renovation. So I really didn't want to screw this up.

~ Go through in detail any changes u wish to add, ask for discounts & negotiate. Here is really up to your communication skills :P

Step 10: Commencement?

~ My place is a condo so I wont know about HDBs procedures.

~ Your contractor needs to inform condo management about the job scope and all these he should settle for you.

~ Ask when he can begin and how long it takes. Let him know if you have a time frame.

More lessons next post! :yamseng:


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Aha Starblume!

Finally, found your T blog. Very informative and I for one appreciate all the pointers listed. Please state also what further things to lookout for.



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hi starblume, can you please send me your quotation for reference? im looking for a contractor... thanks a lot!!!



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hi starblume, can you please send me your quotation for reference? im looking for a contractor... thanks a lot!!!


Sent already, good luck :)


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Aha Starblume!

Finally, found your T blog. Very informative and I for one appreciate all the pointers listed. Please state also what further things to lookout for.


Thanks :) Believe that if we all share more info, then perhaps can lessen all the horror stories about IDs/contractors that don't do a good job... After all, a more informed person/customer is less likely to be taken for a quick ride la in my opinion.

I will post on both sides cos the community blog is easier to reading if just strictly wanna read without having to chat. The T-blog will be useful if people have questions. Are u also using Patrick now? Or ur house finished already?


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Hi we too will be collecting keys this yr (ard june). Thanks for doing the hardwork here in sharing.

welcome :) Do post ur experiences and tips please, I welcome them! Would love to hear about the joys and pains u went through during the process... Which contractor/ID u are using? Ho Bee?


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welcome :) Do post ur experiences and tips please, I welcome them! Would love to hear about the joys and pains u went through during the process... Which contractor/ID u are using? Ho Bee?

Still sourcing. So far talked to 3 IDs, Rezt & Relax, ***** & 1 inch Sq Feet Studio.

Highest quote is r & r, comfortabe with id.

***** told me that tue he will sure call me and i said to sms me if i didnt pick up calls (due to my job,I'm not able to pick up calls at times). Got 1 missed call but no sms. Fed up, if such simple instructions cant be followed or cant keep ur promise, how to trust u with my hse reno???

Lastly is 1" sq feet, lowest quote and the id has lots of ideas so far and creative but got some feedback abt this id so now considering. Should I tell the id straight in the face abt the negative feedback and tell her we want no nonsense if she wants our business? Or just continue with our search.

A bit sian and tired already. Never think that searching for id is so tedious.

Edited by gals_mama

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Still sourcing. So far talked to 3 IDs, 1) Rezt & Relax, 2) ***** & 3)1 inch Sq Feet Studio.

1)Highest quote is r & r, comfortable with id.

2)***** told me that tue he will sure call me and i said to sms me if i didnt pick up calls (due to my job,I'm not able to pick up calls at times). Got 1 missed call but no sms. Fed up, if such simple instructions cant be followed or cant keep ur promise, how to trust u with my hse reno???

Lastly is 1" sq feet, lowest quote and the id has lots of ideas so far and creative but got some feedback abt this id so now considering. Should I tell the id straight in the face abt the negative feedback and tell her we want no nonsense if she wants our business? Or just continue with our search.

A bit sian and tired already. Never think that searching for id is so tedious.


Edited by gals_mama

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Still sourcing. So far talked to 3 IDs, Rezt & Relax, ***** & 1 inch Sq Feet Studio.

Highest quote is r & r, comfortabe with id.

***** told me that tue he will sure call me and i said to sms me if i didnt pick up calls (due to my job,I'm not able to pick up calls at times). Got 1 missed call but no sms. Fed up, if such simple instructions cant be followed or cant keep ur promise, how to trust u with my hse reno???

Lastly is 1" sq feet, lowest quote and the id has lots of ideas so far and creative but got some feedback abt this id so now considering. Should I tell the id straight in the face abt the negative feedback and tell her we want no nonsense if she wants our business? Or just continue with our search.

A bit sian and tired already. Never think that searching for id is so tedious.

Oh I see... Abt sms-ing right, I do notice that contractors don't really have the habit of sms-ing... especially if they are those "old school" types from older generation. They prefer to call direct and talk face-to-face if anything, sms is something they are not quite comfortable with. Also, it could be possible that they are not literate right? As in, they read and write in Chinese, not English. I know this because my mom & my aunts are like that, they cant really understand if I send them smses in english, but in chinese is fine... perhaps u can consider this?

I think it's best to always talk to your id/contractor and be direct with them. I would imagine that since I cannot read their minds, neither can they read mine... so best to clear the air and tell them exactly what you want...lesser headaches later ;)

Agreed... searching for ID / Contractor is a very sian thing to do... zz


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But the O***** C*** id can speak english and also just need to sms me to say that the quotes are ready, can meet up. Sigh... Guess we have to be more patient with them.


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Oh I see... Abt sms-ing right, I do notice that contractors don't really have the habit of sms-ing... especially if they are those "old school" types from older generation. They prefer to call direct and talk face-to-face if anything, sms is something they are not quite comfortable with. Also, it could be possible that they are not literate right? As in, they read and write in Chinese, not English. I know this because my mom & my aunts are like that, they cant really understand if I send them smses in english, but in chinese is fine... perhaps u can consider this?

I think it's best to always talk to your id/contractor and be direct with them. I would imagine that since I cannot read their minds, neither can they read mine... so best to clear the air and tell them exactly what you want...lesser headaches later ;)

Agreed... searching for ID / Contractor is a very sian thing to do... zz

I went to 5 (2 IDs and 3 contractors) before finally deciding to use Patrick. I think looking for house is even more sian...I went to visit more than 50 houses before I found my current hse :P


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