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Our 2Nd Home Slightly Further West

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Love your feature wall! Nice earthy feel to it. :good:

Btw, you having open concept toilet? :P

Thanks dear! hmmmm, i think so, the door opening looks too nice to spoil with a door!!! bath.gif


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Thanks dear! hmmmm, i think so, the door opening looks too nice to spoil with a door!!! bath.gif

Haha.. That emoticon is so apt for your open concept bathroom! :good:

Your reno progress is looking good too! Hope everything goes zoom zoom :sport-smiley-004:


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Haha.. That emoticon is so apt for your open concept bathroom! :good:

Your reno progress is looking good too! Hope everything goes zoom zoom :sport-smiley-004:

yes, and re: privacy it will still be ok cos we're using shower curtains instead of glass screen cos i'm too lazy to bother having to clean the glass! laugh.gif

thanks again! it's really progressed well and we're happy with the pace so far. We're left with painting, plumbing, carpentry and misc in the next 3 weeks before we can look forward to a finished house yeah.gif


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yes, and re: privacy it will still be ok cos we're using shower curtains instead of glass screen cos i'm too lazy to bother having to clean the glass! laugh.gif

thanks again! it's really progressed well and we're happy with the pace so far. We're left with painting, plumbing, carpentry and misc in the next 3 weeks before we can look forward to a finished house yeah.gif

No wonder you say your reno and my reno timing is similar. We are also left with those items, except we still have electrical to do too. Expected handover in 4 weeks. Rush rush... Zoom zoom!!! :sport-smiley-003:

Looking forward to see your carpentry! ;)


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Hi Sleek

Congratulations on the purchase of your new home and glad that the whole saga with the 1st potential buyer is over. Dropped by your thread and is full of envy on the friendship you have built with forumers aka Sis Mae, Lady R, May_dream, Friends and many others, who have shared their reno journey, advice, ideas and lobangs with us.

Hmmm... I used to dream having a WIW of such a size of yours, but after uh-hum gaining weight from my first delivery, I abort that idea! Cos no mood liao :ph34r:

I was totally impressed on below photos, could anyone tell me the link for this T-blog or the nick of the originator? Cos I searched for 2 freaking days and found nothing... :jail: Or I co*k eye?

I bet all you smart RT'ers have figured out by now that I am going for the modern resort theme, I just love that look and luckily so do my hb and mum. :sport-smiley-004:

There was a fellow t-blog that posted these gorgeous photos of their beautiful house (sorry i cannot remember who it is :\) and this is totally the feel and look I would like to have for my place but of course, not as many sharp corners (:no: for my kids and our own safety!) and after personal experience in the current home, we won't be having an open concept kitchen since we cook daily.






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wow!!! your reno is coming up very well!!! can't wait for it to finish so that i can :dribble: on your big WIW!!! i am sure its will make mine looks so tiny.

keep the photos coming, dear!


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wow!excl.gif your reno is coming up very well!excl.gif can't wait for it to finish so that i can :dribble: on your big WIW!excl.gif i am sure its will make mine looks so tiny.

keep the photos coming, dear!

thanks j! my wiw is no longer a u-shape so it's not as big anymore as i wanted a wall fan at the wall where the bottom of the U would be, thus it will just be 2 wardrobes facing each other. We all cant wait for it to be finished too, will defo invite the small group of all of you over to view my place yamseng.gif


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The LED lights directly from China arrived promptly after ordering from the Aliexpress link provided by Centrino. My boys were very excited by the flashing, blinking, strobing, multi colored lights when I turned them on to test, lol! They and even the rest of my lights have not been fixed up as the electrician will be doing them on Tues 8th.


The plumber came on Wed 2nd to fix most of the sanitary ware that arrived from Adamas. He will come again to fix the other items that have not arrived like my master toiler shower or need to wait for carpentry like my master toilet sink.

The fountain people also delivered the fountain but not without plenty of stupidity. rolleyes.gif The delivery guy called me and complained they could not find my place, dont know why they are so special cannot find it when everyone else can so far. Repeated my address to me 3times and told me he cannot find the place, where is it, he is right at my block, blah blah blah. He told me he was on the 6th floor so I said, why dont you try going up to the 9th floor instead?! After that never hear from him so guess he found my place, then soon enough another call came through complaining about how come I am not there even though I have to pay money to them (had already left the money with the workers who were there), so I overheard the worker coming up to the idiot delivery guy saying "钱在我这里, 我现在要拿给你, 你不要害死我" so I also told the delivery guy off for trying to get the worker into trouble. bottom.gif


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The second installation for the actual aircon units was on Thurs 3rd, and they have covered it up nicely since the reno is not completed yet. The nice and knowledgeable opennet guys came on Fri 4th to run the fiber optic line for us through the casing we told the electrician to leave for them. My hb was there to 'supervise' (for once leh, everything has been left up to my mum and i so far ZzZZZ) as it is sooooo important to him that he went around asking if there was opennet in all the houses we visited during our search for a new place sleepgo.gif but too bad the place we end up with the former owners rejected it when it was free so now we have to pay .



The carpenter boss is super duper talented. We have alot alot of carpentry, it is almost half of our total reno bill but yet reno guy did not give us 3Ds for all our carpentry and neither did he give us the correct ones, as I've mentioned previously we blame his 3D artist for not being good enough and also reno guy for not being responsible to make sure to give us the correct ones. So what happened is the poor carpenter had to hand draw every single piece of carpentry we will be having during our 2x 4 hour long discussions on Wed 2nd and Thurs 3rd. So anyway, these are just 2 of his master pieces that he can come up with in less than 5-10 minutes on the spot! jawdrop.gif


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The second installation for the actual aircon units was on Thurs 3rd, and they have covered it up nicely since the reno is not completed yet. The nice and knowledgeable opennet guys came on Fri 4th to run the fiber optic line for us through the casing we told the electrician to leave for them. My hb was there to 'supervise' (for once leh, everything has been left up to my mum and i so far ZzZZZ) as it is sooooo important to him that he went around asking if there was opennet in all the houses we visited during our search for a new place sleepgo.gif but too bad the place we end up with the former owners rejected it when it was free so now we have to pay .

Hahaha! That's one of my concerns too when we were house-hunting as well!

My new place won't have opennet till Jan next year. So for one month, we'll be without fibre optics. But honestly, till now, can't really tell the difference between the normal broadband and the one using fibre optics. :P


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thanks j! my wiw is no longer a u-shape so it's not as big anymore as i wanted a wall fan at the wall where the bottom of the U would be, thus it will just be 2 wardrobes facing each other. We all cant wait for it to be finished too, will defo invite the small group of all of you over to view my place yamseng.gif

oh what happened? why its not U anymore? :( but never mind, still will be doubled of mine. hahaha...


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Talking about opennet, i also had a slight problem. When i was doing reno, i told the electrician that i want to have opennet. so asked them to lay a cable so that the opennet can use it to pull the fiber optic from outside the house into the tv console area.

2 problems :

1) HDB was doing repainting of the whole block which blocking the cable laid by electrician. So opennet couldn't pull the cable and says its my reno conceal wiring problem. I called my contractor and he came to dismantled the wiring casing. He promised he will come again after opennet successful installation to patch back and repaint where it not perfect anymore.

2) Opennet says there must have 8 inches of space for the TP. but mine is inside the tv console so do not have 8 inches. called starhub, singtel, opennet and the contractor's boss to find out whether its ok to have less than 8 inches. after 45mins of waiting and calling, finally they said it can be done.

it was such a headache!! but at least its all done now. just waiting for my contractor to come again to patch and repaint then everything will be as new.



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Talking about opennet, i also had a slight problem. When i was doing reno, i told the electrician that i want to have opennet. so asked them to lay a cable so that the opennet can use it to pull the fiber optic from outside the house into the tv console area.

Hey May,

Sorry, need to ask - You asked them to lay cable or lay trunking?

Meeting my electrician soon so see if I can do likewise :)


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Hey May,

Sorry, need to ask - You asked them to lay cable or lay trunking?

Meeting my electrician soon so see if I can do likewise :)

tell your electrician you want to do opennet later on. then the electrician will lay a temporary cable from a hole to outside your house to where you want to have your TP. then when opennet is here, they will scotch tape the fiber optic cable to the temp cable and then pull the temp cable at the place you want the TP until the fiber optic cable is through.

i also not sure you understand what i mean. heheheeh....


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