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My Hard Found Home In The North.....

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Finally, I decide to share my experience of getting this house of mine and also to thanx this forum for providing so many useful and valuable information in my selection of ID.

Short Description of how this thing goes around:

28 Nov 2010 ===> Sign exclusive letter for selling my hse. (Mistake)

10 Dec 2010 ===> HLE approved.

03 Jan 2011 ===> After ard 8 - 10 buyers viewing, mostly insincere as offered under valuation but one sincere buyer offered slightly lower my COV and subsequently discuss with family and let go

04 Jan 2011 ===> Sign Option Period

17 Jan 2011 ===> Buyers exercise the Option to Purchase

After the above, is my turn to search for hse. But my Property Agent simply very slow in searching for me due to my location requirement. A bit disappointed as before signing the exclusive letter, he claimed the searching for my flats is no problem and he wanted me to sell mine first before looking. I took his advie and I sold my hse. However he cannot find mine and keep mentioning my location to restrictive but he will try. Thus this is the mistake that I mentioning.... and I believe that we shdn't sign any exclusive with any property agent unless they can produce what u want... Just for sharing.

Due to his slowness in finding my reuqirement, I decided to DIY for my buying and save the commission (To recoup my commission loss in the selling). I took a few day after work to search the HDB procedure and also search through the net for thing to look out. Surprisely, the DIY process is not that difficult if u doing research. At the mean time, I also serach the net and newspaper for any available hse that fit my requirement. I even arrange for the hse viewing myself thinking that I'm the agent. Ha Ha

After a 3 or 4 hse view, I hook on to one which my family and myself think that it shd be the one and I neg with the buyer on the COV. Eventually after neg, we agreed on the amt and I exercise my OTP on 14 Feb 2011. Due to my urgency to get the resale hse soon so that I can give to my buyer, I also had to push my existing owner for the hse. He also had to wait for his buyer due to his buyer is doing contra. So, I checked with my family and with the HLE going to expire soon, I went ahead for my buying of resale first and got the first HDB appt on 04 Mar 2011 and the second appt on 15 April 2011.

With my buying done by myself, my seller also pushed me for the first appt date and we finalize on 19 Mar 2011 and subsequently neg with my seller for extension (Offically as per seller) on 31 May 2011 for 2nd Appt. Wow so taxing as I have to give my existing owner 1.5mths to stay!!! :o Now I am stuck in between of my selling and buying so sian........... But no choice lah what thing done cannot be undone, have to manage myself and get the whole thing work lor....

Apologies for the longwinded story and let come back to the purpose of this topic. Luckily, I bump into Renotalk (thanx to the google) and found this wonderful forum with full of advices and tips. Of course have to filter yourself on which is advice and which is advertisement based on self judgement.

Through this forum, I make multiple of calls to the famous IDs and also some through the newspaper for quotation and finally streamline to my current ID which I manage to click with him and thus sign the contract with him on May day. Due to my very very very tight schedule, my IDs will have to complete it within 4 weeks starting from 30 May 2011. Till date, today is the 5th day and I hope that everything will go smooth and ideal to me. Will post some pics which my wife took in the next few days.


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Hi Leeonline,

Welcome to Renotalk. I sympatize with u on the buying and selling of your flat. It's not an easy process. I've experience it myself when selling my previous flat to buy a resale one. Not all transactions are smooth. Some people even encounter more difficult problems when come to selling and buying amd handing over of flats. Some end up with no place to stay during the process and end up renting a temporary place.

Well, I guess your problem is over. Concentrate on your reno and I look forward to see progress. Upload pics too if possible.


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Indeed the search is over and now I concentrate on the reno. The next post will be my floor plan.

Hi Leeonline,

Welcome to Renotalk. I sympatize with u on the buying and selling of your flat. It's not an easy process. I've experience it myself when selling my previous flat to buy a resale one. Not all transactions are smooth. Some people even encounter more difficult problems when come to selling and buying amd handing over of flats. Some end up with no place to stay during the process and end up renting a temporary place.

Well, I guess your problem is over. Concentrate on your reno and I look forward to see progress. Upload pics too if possible.


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Indeed the search is over and now I concentrate on the reno. The next post will be my floor plan.

Good luck bro! its been a long process for your purchase :) Wish you smooth journey! :yamseng:


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Indeed the search is over and now I concentrate on the reno. The next post will be my floor plan.

Looking forward to see your floor plan and reno progress.


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My Floor Plan


Today is my 8th day and everything had been smooth.

good on you bro :)


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