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Clever tips on packing?

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We're planning to move out soon. But the motivation to start packing hasn't quite kicked in yet. We desperately need to get started. For those who have been through the process, I would appreciate if you could share some ideas or tips on smart packing and easy unpacking. Thanks.

I have just moved. Still in the unpacking mode. I firm up on the movers very late therefore I only got their free-loan boxes late. I instead started collecting big PC boxes from my office many months earlier to begin packing. I was afraid of not having enough boxes and I ended up spending too much time optimising my packing, i.e every box filled to its last air space. Guess what!:sport-smiley-004: the movers send two lorries on that day but all my stuff went into only one lorry. I actualy have paid for two lorries. I believe this reduction is caused by my over efficient packing of boxes. If I do move again, I won't repeat my mistake. The mover estimated the number of lorries by peeping into what is left in my cupboard, drawers, etc.

Firstly, I suggest fix on a mover and get as many boxes they can give or loan as early as possible. Once you clean your items (very critical for me, I don't mind spending time cleaning each and every item I want to move), just throw them into the box until quite full. Do it cupboard wise or by room wise to avoid mixing things up. No need to waste time filling every air space in the box. Seal it up, then label it. Then move on to the next box. For fragile items, wrap them with protective stuff first then dump into box. This will make your packing less time consuming. Spend that time saved doing cleaning instead. If you have paid for the lorry space and number of movers, use it, no need to make convenient for them at your own expense.

Label all the boxes with a code, say 1, 2, 3, etc then list them down on paper.

On arrival at new place, direct the boxes to their appropriate room from the prepared list. Don't try to remember from your head, you won't remember on that day!


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One more advice…if you have small toddlers, do try to reduce the number of days the house is in a “Packing” state, i.e boxes all over, things all over the place, dust and noise. It affects their health I think, from the dust and also psychologically. They see the house so messy, it disrupts their normal routine and they tend to be very moody and clingy to you. Fortunately my little one is recovering from the moving and I try to maintain normality with her daily routine as much as possible in my new place.


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hi there.

i actually dont really have tips to add on to. i'm about to move myself to a new place and stumbled upon this forum. wow! you guys have given some really good tips! i really have benefted from this, thanks so much! !!

just wondering one more thing...does anyone know where we can get boxes? we're not using movers since my brother-in-law drives a lorry (he's going to help us transport the items :P ). so we need to get boxes but i have no idea where to look! :)


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