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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/06/2014 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    i agree with you, meeko. but i agree with E as well. this is their thread. so if they asked that we f*** off, i guess we should. this will be my last post in this thread.
  2. 1 point
    Hi Ime. Didn't mean to make a sweeping statement about those who have had bad experiences. I understand that no one would willingly engage a contractor, knowing that they were going in for a rough ride. I certainly wouldn't have. However, it would seem that some people are not as happy to hear that there are possibly a minority who have had better or even good experiences with the same person. Being told to get the **** out of a forum just because opinions or experiences differ, to me, is uncalled for. I was reacting to that, rather than to the rest of the other members' experiences. I have no doubt that every single one who have posted complaints, have valid reasons to do so. I respect that. But everyone deserves the truth heard about them- Alan included. Mine was a good experience and I can't lie about it. Yours is a bad one and you are stating it as it is. If asked why our experiences differ- my answer would be to ask Alan, because I honestly haven't a clue. It should be kept as simple as that no? A review of a particular contractor's service quality and performance.
  3. 1 point
    Hellos, can you kindly share your quotation with me ? Many thanks in advance!
  4. 1 point
    I really wish more homes would be covered this way. Beyond renovation, you've truly made it YOUR home!
  5. 1 point
    I do not know if it is the value of the contract amount that explains why the differential treatment.. Mine is a HDB 3 rm, and I believe for most 3 rms, the reno cost is only a fraction (one-quarter to one-third) that of yours. Your good experiences with Alan seemed almost unimaginable to me. For us, it is not at all exaggerating to say that the experience we had with Alan is nightmarish. We have lost count of the number of mistakes that we have pointed to him for correction and the shoddy workmanship of some of his sub-cons (especially the tilers, plumbers, electricians, supplier for wrought iron gate and especially the group that laid our parquet flooring). I do acknowledge that he fixes most of these mistakes. However, these are not conveniently solved without numerous hours of coaxing and sweet-talking with him. Towards the end of the project when 90% of the project costs are already paid, we were almost totally ignored when there were still major items outstanding. My husband and I took turns to SMS and call him, urging and nudging him to complete the works to the extent that we were almost begging him on our knees! Just imagine the anguish of having to stay in a uncompleted house with newly installed items breaking apart! It was H E L L for us. In the end when everything failed and we still can't get him to finish up, things turned really ugly. We actually threatened to bring him to CASE as matters were way beyond our control did he finally give in to finish up his business.
  6. 1 point
    and i'm one of the lucky few
  7. 1 point
    To keep the dog (and dog hair) off the human sofa, a dog sofa was purchased from taobao. It was too tiny for him, but somehow he knew it was for him and managed to squeeze himself into it. This cushion was purchased from franc franc for the dogs too.
  8. 1 point
    Hi I've engaged Tim n team for system 3 Toshiba. I'd say I'm very satisfied with the workmanship & service. It's very neatly done. The workers are friendly and basically, am very happy n satisfied with them. Highly recommended! Worth the price!
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