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Everything posted by plossy

  1. Hey Peeps ! Suntec City gt Friven & Co sale.. very cheap and not bad... till Wed.. in front of Carrefour!! Just bought a King size Quilt cover w/ 2 pillow cases.. ( 450 Threadcount).. only $40 ! there are other stuff such as pillows, quilts, bathroom accessories, candles etc.. I asked the person, she says tonight will have new designs coming in... so if you guys wanna go see, can try tomorrow !
  2. yeah... date confirm liaos.. august 09...hehehe... still one more yr later.. yours?? me everything settled le... bridal studio, banquet etc.. only left house reno haven gao dim.. hmmm... i din realli check my parquet floor lehz... too tiring liaos.. after checking the living and toilets and kitchen, we GAVE UP... cos too many defects.. mebbe i shd just ask my Reno ID to take over and check for defects for the rooms.. lolz..
  3. Oh... btw, how to remove the stubborn masking tape marks on the window panes? any liquid or something which can help? is it consider a defect ? cos aft the bsc pple help me rectify my floor, they did remove most of the masking tapes marks.. but i see that still gt few left at the top part which seems very unsightly... so wonder how you guys remove those markings?
  4. hi hi !! yuppss ! the rectangular one.. hehe.. you too? which floor? yeah man! most prob gonna hack.. cos the toilet tiles quite yucky.. but mebbe jus the master toilet...
  5. huh!!?? tat sounds real scary leh... i din check whether my window pane that side gt seepage anot... jus check for the cracks only... u mean the bsc pple oredy moved out of the carpark office???
  6. 989c... yah... dirty lehz... mebbe its weekends tat i went.. so tats y.. floor ok liaos.. finally... after few mths of chasing aft them... yahhh... cos everywhere sales ma... so jus grab whatever is cheap first lor.. even bot paintings from ikea, and quilt / bedsht and a tatami etc from taka... hahhaa... now my FH's hse all stocked up.. but electricals we will wait till after reno then buy.. anyway.. no hurry to move in.. next yr then getting married.. BTW,,,.... are we allowed to hack our toilets? cos i ask my reno id... then they say if ours less than 5yrs... cannot hack.. must overlay.. but overlay seems not " secure" enuf.. sekali next time tiles pop..
  7. hehhaha... no lehz.. at first i din realised this "potential" prob until i went shopping for my rain shower then the salesman advise me to check my water pressure first cos not all can use... due to different water pressure.. Me haven even move in or renovate since i got the keys .. hehehe.. i gt this unit at July Balloting 07... took a long time for the BSC pple to rectify my defective tiles etc * super pissed* .. and i have been paying the montly conservancy charges and SP bills.. !! but i din think that our area very clean hor??? my FILs are asking why downstairs the void deck like so dirty and full of rubbish everywhere... sighhhh.. duno we pay them so much conservancy fees for wad... hahahahha... think i wun be moving in until end of yr... my reno id haven even confirmed yet...
  8. oh then tat sales man trying to smoke me.. he says not noisy..and boast about their piping is the best.. cos of duno what quality which will not spoil easily.. think stick to starmex better... yahhh... i tried... asking them to absorb the GST.. but they quite sticky about it.. then requested for free bathroom accessories set... but dun think can also... still negotiating in progress.. if they can waive GST then i dun need any other freebies liaos..hehehe...
  9. hihi everyone! Did anyone encounter pathetic drizzle for your rain shower??? they told me the higher floor you are at, the smaller the water pressure and no point to install rain shower if your water pressure is low.. i am at 14th flr... dun wanna end up wasting money if the rain shower cant be used.............. thanks!
  10. BTW, anyone heard of Mitsuibishi Heavy Industries Air con? went to IMM and the sales guy recommend this... saying that it is more energy saving than Mitsuibishi Starmex.. but i never heard of that lehz.. and not sure if thats true... hmmmm.... think doing up a house takes a lot of effort in researching on the nitty gritty stuff ... siong man.. hehahhah...
  11. yahhh... think solid top not provided... we intend to sign up with idealhouse ... think they gave us a more reliable "feel"... but any other freebies we can ask from them other than the kitchen cabinet??? anyone can advise?? thanks!
  12. yahhh... but think a bit misleading.. cos the brochure wrote free itemS anyway... agree that kitchen cabinet is better cos nowadays air con v cheap liaos.. can buy ourselves.. hehee..