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Everything posted by 0904

  1. i'm also looking for. pls let me know if u found any. thank in advance!
  2. this is wat i did 1. open door, go in say good words 2. open all window 3. pray in the middle of living room
  3. some chinese believes in not to disturb "friend" during this month, but of cos still some carry on even u r ok but contractors are not. cheers
  4. But.......... is the same thing i saw at the AMK shop.
  5. new home mah!! i waited for 2 years liao so..... cheers!!!!!
  6. morning, yes have to buy insurance 1st. mayb u call them to ask?? excited ya!!!!
  7. Haha. me thurs den take key.... i'm just doing simple reno so very fast can go in liao!!
  8. hi, i bought diamond. 50% off it depend which u like.
  9. yes yes! cant wait for that day! anyway i change to 16/7 0910. haha!!!
  10. HELLO!!! so it next week ya!!! anyway good also to b on the 21st cos not in sin next week.. HAPPY HAPPY
  11. Hi goodman123, there is a web www.beds.sg where they sell by set and CHEAP!! cheers
  12. HIHI, yup HDB already updated the status! hopefully by end of this week can get the letter!!! Cheers
  13. trying to find a small shop tat can run nail biz. But so hard to find along north area.