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Everything posted by coffee_o

  1. Yup yup fully agreed.... just like RT, w/o BD and Ivy, RT is kinda of quiet and boring hahahaha
  2. Wah I like your kitchen very much, look very spacious leh hmm......i seriously do not know how to design my kitchen layout sigh....
  3. Yup just finished one bo liao meeting. Meeting are usually chaired by the person who have simply no idea how to go about doing his job thus call for a meeting to look for inspirations....hahahaha
  4. Kids is like that de bo pian think of the time when you're the kid, your parents also got the same problem hahahaha
  5. Cannot say you KPO mah, you give ppl advice time and again leh so ppl should feel lucky that you din charge them for it leh hee So when it's my turn hor, you must remember to give me advice leh hee hee
  6. Guess what 60k is the lowest le No lah not super nice lah did alot of stuff which cannot be seen thus wasted alot of $$
  7. No not yet me need to verify some stuff with him....hmmm.....I can say abt 80% there bah just need to be clear with some of the items in the quote. I was quote abt 60k by him
  8. Yah lor we miss BD hahahaha me compare quotes till my head spinning liao cos too many items to see, needed a break thus come in here to see got any drama happening hahaha
  9. Wah you sound like a shi fu over looking all the RT students leh high on top of a mountain leh hahahaha Anyway it's not my turn yet so you guys will have to wait for a while Be patience ya ? Mine is a total overhaul so you guys should be able to see a huge difference
  10. Huh ? BD i thought your house done long time ago liao leh ? So you still own ppl your photos ah ? Wah you bui swee leh like that I cannot stand on your side if you behave like this le hehehe
  11. No mah RT is very quiet since all the veterans like you, BD and F4......many more is not ard leh so I'm feeling bored in here
  12. Ya lar miss your constant bickering with Ivy leh *Reminder: must buy popcorn combo b4 it runs out*
  13. Yah how come yours so fast ? Usually will be about 4 - 6 weeks between 1st and 2nd appt
  14. Yours still consider ok just that everything seems to be in the original state by HDB. You should see mine hahaha
  15. Yup thats what I did too but hack everything away also not cheap wor since you need to spend quite a bit on the hacking cost
  16. Wah the living room got a very cosy feeling :dribble:
  17. Wah BD just came back and you starts to torture him already ? Wait he MIA again how ? Anyway I'm on the verge of confirming with Jason le, hopefully he will not be too tied up during that period else difficult to get him hee hee Will be meeting him this thur or Fri to verify something in the quote b4 I "book" him for my house hee hee
  18. Hi BD It's been a long time since I last see u ard, you and storm really MIA leh Anyway you so power ah ? Can wait 10 hrs for uncle, if I were you hor, i would have go home long ago le hahaha
  19. Hahahaha No le thanks thanks I'm just joking with you. Me more or less decided on how and what I've wanted. Thanks for the offer anyway.
  20. Not really but I will have to redo all my flooring and stairs thus the high cost.
  21. Wah Jaskel you so pro ah ? Can help to draw mine too
  22. Ya sure bro. Just received a couple more quotes but none is within my budget So I will wait for Jason's quote and see how much diff.
  23. Great ! do remember to post pics as you goes along