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Everything posted by butterfingerzz

  1. hey thanks so much doing the recce for me, i hvnt gone down as yet... you the best!! thats pretty deceiving advertising in the web...
  2. hey congrats on moving tonight!! sorry to hear abt ur kitchen cabinets though.. hope it will work out fine..
  3. heh...better than me leh.. i dun even hv an oven.. was thinking of getting one of those convection ovens.. but not sure wat brand.. ya agree... looks more like bakery not da pai dang...
  4. haha.. my whole kitchen is pai swee one... hvnt not cook as yet..
  5. cool.. angel and coffee - pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeee..... teach me to bake.... the devil volunteered ur expertise... cute... at least its all arranged nicely leh...
  6. wah.. that really looks good leh.. after cny can ur wifey teach me how to bake...pleasssssse.....
  7. hi hi... everything coming along nicely ya.. glad to hear u moving in soon.. so which yellow did u choose in the end for the wall behind ur splashback?
  8. haha... ok ok... i order way ahead hor.. for next year cny.. dun forget hor.. so ur cozy cozy is now full of goodies goodies ya... . went to ur t-blog but topic very fast change from cny goodies to football lor... me no get football..
  9. ceh... so no kok chai for ur butter sis...?
  10. haha.. ok lor.. devil ti ti... saw ur wifey's website.. does she make those 'kok chai'.. look like mini curry puffs but filling is peanut? love those.. cant get nice ones anymore.. haha.. double x x rated.. ya think they will sure click.. but hubby wanna give away some of his collections cos no space.. i didnt force him hor....
  11. hubby's collection takes up our whole common room lor... he is that crazy... just a sample.. common room.. onli abt 1/3 of the boxes in there does not contain star wars... behind our sofa at some corner need to wait find a carpenter to build his display cabinet... after CNY...
  12. eh.. devil koh koh, u baking/selling pineapple tarts ah?
  13. haha.. my hubby collect star wars stuff.. clone troopers, starships, etc...apparently a lot of ppl also into star wars stuff mah... but not u i guess.. u only into red devil stuff right...
  14. wah.. u the bestest lah... wud u like any clone troopers or some star wars action figures (that's wat my hubby calls them, i call them toys...lol) in exchange for the cactus and ur kindness...?
  15. haha.. ya cool but so expensive.. maybe will hv to buy from comfort if n when we finally get some time to go there.. ya lah...but he's the only person staying closest to us who owns some sort of transport... lol..
  16. wah.. so sweet lor u... ok! but need u to help me water (foc) for a bit more leh.. still no time to go pick it up.. n we dun drive so need to borrow my fren's van..
  17. hi KJSL.. my quotation doesnt come in a breakdown so im not sure how much is it.. but if u do something like mine, do ensure that it comes wif a solid backing, cos mine is gypsum board backing so was a bit warped initially so the carpenters had to add a metal bracket behind n under the table..
  18. ok.. but then if wanna hang stuff that are long might kena the washer ya? after u put up urs show me a pic can? did u get the Elegant 100 drying rail? ya dun everyone wish their piggy bank were bigger... but i think ur piggy bank is big enuff though.. my hanger is from ikea..lolx but we were looking at the herman miller office chairs... now waiting for sale... haha..
  19. hmm.. i was thinking of getting the retractable to hang above washer too but still deciding.. wah... i cant wait to see ur home once finished... especially when the furniture arrives cos everything everything from expensive places...
  20. ya lor, not sure of quality..or price.. but the stuff quite nice hor... i also need to get drying rails.. not sure where to put in kitchen yet though.. ya know BoConcept.. everything very nice but everything very high price also... how much was ur side table? i still need to get coffee table (small ones cos dun wanna take up too much space), bedside table, office chairs (still need to get to comfortdesign..lol..) and shoe cabinet (prob get from ikea).. any suggestions?