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Everything posted by badger

  1. Hi wintergal06, You can paste it on this coming Sun 10 Feb 满日. As for the old charm, just burn it away.
  2. Hi seanchew, Don't believe in such thing as proclaim by others especially it cocnern Bazi, Destiny or Luck ( think logically, where got so simple and easy method ) Mace, you are spot on ! However a more decent way of doing it is by yourself. Destiny can be change, but require lots of effort, time and patience ! are you prepare to invest in it.
  3. Hi fire-ice, It depends, do you trust him or not ? Check his background, character, reputation and so forth. As far as I am concern, I will not reveal my time of birth to anyone unless absolutely necessary, you never know what will happen next or in the future. It your gut feel, however should he do anything against you, rest assure he will not get away with it, it is called Causes & Effect } Retribution. However having said that, you are the first & last line of defence, so think wisely before giving.
  4. Hi greentea, http://www.mandarintools.com/ look at your left navigator, choose calendar converter
  5. Hi TYM, This size ok ? ◎漏財的風水 穿堂風:從前門窗直接可以看到後門。 開門見灶:開門即見到家中的瓦斯爐。 化解法:掛上不透光門、窗簾、架屏風、設玄關。 ◎六芒星圖 效用:增加財運。 道具:再生紙、紅寶石、透明的撲滿。 用法:在再生紙上畫上六芒圓星圖,在六芒星的中心點放上紅寶石,包起來放在枕頭下,每天將圖拿出來放在透明的撲滿前,祈禱錢越多越好,然後存入一枚金色銅板(50元),再將寶石包起來放入枕頭下。 注意事項:施法的時間需在月圓的夜晚,不得超過晚上9點之後。 ◎ 存款加持法 效用:讓手中的財富不斷增加。 道具:自己的存摺、四色金、紅包、七柱香、貢品。 用法:將自己的存摺放進紅包袋帶,準備簡單的貢品與七柱香一起拿到到廟裡祭拜。 ◎財寶寶瓶 效用:增加財運。 道具:小甕、水晶、零錢銅板。 用法:準備各種水晶與168元銅板 ($50*2 + $6*10 +$5*1 + $1*3), 一起放進小甕中,將小甕放在床頭即可。 ◎五色寶盒 效用:以金養金,財源滾滾。 道具:紅寶、藍寶、綠寶、黃寶、黃金、白珍珠、貝殼。 用法:用貝殼作一只盒子盒底畫上六芒星將各色寶石放入,貼在六芒星尖角上,持續十個月圓的晚上到海邊,祈禱海神與月神讓自己財富圓滿收在盒中永不絕斷。 注意事項:施法的時s款?k 效用:讓手中的財富不斷增加。 道具:自己的存摺、四色金、紅包、七柱香、貢品。 用法:將自己的存摺放進紅包袋帶,準備簡單的貢品與七柱香一起拿到到廟裡祭拜。 ◎財寶寶瓶 效用:增加財運。 道具:小甕、水晶、零錢銅板。 用法:準備各種水晶與168元銅板 ($50*2 + $6*10 +$5*1 + $1*3), 一起放進小甕中,將小甕放在床頭即可。 ◎五色寶盒 效用:以金養金,財源滾滾。 道具:紅寶、藍寶、綠寶、黃寶、黃金、白珍珠、貝殼。 用法:用貝殼作一只盒子盒底畫上六芒星將各色寶石放入,貼在六芒星尖角上,持續十個月圓的晚上到海邊,祈禱海神與月神讓自己財富圓滿收在盒中永不絕斷。 注意事項:施法的時s款加持法 效用:讓手中的財富不斷增加。 道具:自己的存摺、四色金、紅包、七柱香、貢品。 用法:將自己的存摺放進紅包袋帶,準備簡單的貢品與七柱香一起拿到到廟裡祭拜。 ◎發粿發貴法 效用:富貴加身、財氣逼人。 道具:七個發粿、七個紅年糕、七個紅龜粿、七柱香、四色金。 用法:準備七個發粿、七個紅年糕、七個紅龜粿、七柱香、四色金,一起帶到廟裡祭拜,祭拜完後貢品帶回家慢慢吃完或分給親友吃,便會增加財運。 !!
  6. Hi Guy, You can try this, choose either Yellow or Red Fortune God. 黃財神心咒 嗡。針巴拉。查冷查那耶。梭哈。 This children' book is to teach your kids about 黃財神 Yellow Jambhala's vow, mantra, mudra, and background! This book also has the coloring pages and games! An excellent educational book for the for the buddhist kids ! Chinese/English with sound http://www.e-daden.com/souvenirs/ebooks/pd...ids-sound-3.pdf Chinese/English without sound http://www.e-daden.com/souvenirs/ebooks/pd...code/kids-3.pdf 紅財神心咒 嗡。嘎那巴底耶。梭哈
  7. Hi deathcoth, Maybe you should buy the 4D as reflected in your membership number ! Hi Mace, Good la, you have reno your house, it like brand new, me, I have to wait 2 year more. Agreed if deathcoth chant, he should be able to achieve it
  8. Hi MaCe, I am back, how are you ? I very low profile, so snoop in if there is a need to write, he he ! Hi deathcoth, It will be good if you chant 不動明王心咒, it is very powerful ! Deathcoth, if you are going to worship 不動明王, make sure it is 開光 Import from Japan, expensive la ! you rich la !
  9. Hi deathcoth, Are you familiar with the history of 不動明王 ? Do you worship 不動明王 at home, if you do, do you chant it 心咒 ?
  10. Enci, Please mind your word ! Buddha never said such thing, you do not speak on behalf of or represent Buddha or neither do you represent the entire world of Buddhist worshipper.
  11. badger

    New Bed

    Hi Mace, Sorry, just one last reply to Enci and I shall end my comment here. Hi enci, Thank you for so much for publishing us “True Buddha School” ! How fake can we be ? with 4 million followers and growing, that is to say we are doing the right thing, if we are true and we are indeed true, we continue to exist, grow and flourish. So how can a condemn singapore criminal sentenced in death by hanging ( a True Buddha follower chanting 真佛經 and 高王觀世音真經 ) can still yield 舍利子, I need not say more. You are read the following article: http://backup.tbsn.org/chinese2/article.ph...e=80&page=0 http://www.tbsn.org/chinese2/article.php?i...age=&page=0 http://eboard.tbsn.org/chinese2/article.ph...age=&page=0 - It only goes to say how little enci know about us and he is correct to say don’t believe enci or myself, don’t jump to conclusion base on what other people say, whatever form of communication. Use your own judgement and wisdom, spend some time to learn about our Grand Master 蓮生活佛, read his book, observe his character, listen to his teaching, attend our fire puja, anaylse and if you can experience yourself, try to be neutral and stay objective ! The truth will speak for itself whether we are fake or not ! Please note } Singapore Buddhist Federation do not register Tibetan Buddhism Organization ! As for you, enci, 你毀謗師母,師尊蓮生活佛和真佛宗, 你要为你所說的話負责, 我劝你最好修懊悔法 ! Hi Opp, Sorry for the distraction, I agree it has sidetrack, my apology, this is my last comment on this thread.
  12. badger

    New Bed

    Hi Air, First of all, enci does not represent or speak on behalf of all Buddhist on planet earth, that’s his definition. There is nothing wrong to pray to Tudi Gong if your house do have one, however having said that, does that mean you throw away your Tudi Gong when you become Buddhist or after you Gu Yi, the answer is no, Tudi Gong can still be worshipped but placed at a lower level than Buddha 佛 or Bodhisattva 菩薩 at your altar. With regards to altar, be mindful where you placed them, it does however affect the Buddha statue If you have to choose an auspicious date to place your altar, go ahead and do it, it is not consider as degrading, disrespect or sign of no faith in you, Buddha or Bodhisattva will not mind. And more importantly, it is highly advisable to 開光 all Buddha 佛 or Bodhisattva 菩薩 statue. Don’t constrain yourself, at the end of the day when you reach the western paradise you will realize that Buddhist or Taoist are all the same. The basic rule have to be observed, but what is more important is, have you done your homework, that is 修行, 守五戒, 拜懺, 懺悔, 佈施, 诵經, 行善 師尊更開示說:要珍惜佛所說「人身難得、中土難生、僧人難遇」的福份,懂得如何修行慢慢的消除習性,業就沒有了,業斷除就沒有輪迴的道路,佛說:「一切眾生如大地土,能得人身如掌上抓起的土,能修行者如按掌黏在掌上的土。」人生最重要是知法、修法、證法、明法、悟法而得到究竟的正覺。 http://www.tbsn.org/chinese2/news.php?id=1237&classid=1 You have to note one thing embracing Fengshui is totally alright, you are not penalize over it nor are you committing a serious sin, the focus is you have to feel comfortable and peace of mind when you pray or chant in the house. If you have to worship other deity, make sure you know who you are praying to, it background & etc, not sure ask, don’t just follow the crowd.
  13. badger

    Dong Tu

    Hi Tien, Do what you think is right for you, it your call.
  14. badger


    Hi ahnah, Oops sorry, shall stop here !
  15. badger


    Hi enci, No I have not forgotten my vow. Each school of thought is different. 你是修哪一個法門 ? 归依佛法僧三宝 correct, the fundamental must be there, however Buddha also show compassion, why 佛法八萬四千法門 that is to say there are more than 1 way to reach the final destination or achieve enlightenment and the Heaven is not just confine to 阿彌陀佛, 觀世音菩薩佛土, there are many level. Depending on what you practice, you will be accorded accordingly. 鬼神等众 is important, they can help you in your 修行 don’t look down on them and vice versa if you achieve enlightenment, they will also benefit as well. 修行路難走, you will need all the help you can get, especially 土地公 / 福德正神 安土地真言咒语 ( 這個咒語,可以改變命運 ) 南无三满哆。毋驮喃。唵。度鲁度鲁。地尾萨婆诃 红财神 or elephant god in Hindu or 印度教的象身 as you mention, it origin 红财神是五姓财神之一,为金刚萨埵之化现,他身为红色,因此而得名为红财神。 Who is 金刚萨埵, find out yourself. 雪域佛教所称的王族萨迦世系祖师们所传承的教诲中,有红财神的密修方法及教言。这种密修教诲由智慧空行瑜伽主布阿巴(八十大成就者之一)首先传给了班智达嘎呀巴拉,此后再传弟子有卓米译师、阿里慧精、吉曲哇、萨欠上师、莲花生、密勒日巴等。藏传佛教五姓财神中,绿财神及红财神是双尊拥抱的形象,其余的三财神是单身象所现。这位红财神是萨迦派密法中的一位功德无比的财神,他有能招聚人、财、食等诸受用自在富饶之功德。 红财神一面二臂,二目善怒面,以各种宝物为饰,五佛冠为首饰。右手拥抱明妃持如意宝物,左手轻抓口吐珠宝灰鼠。左脚内屈,右脚半屈,与佛母双运,以如意姿安坐莲花月轮上。佛母“兴旺母”,身红色,一面二臂。右手持如意宝,表示施给修行者如意财宝,左手持盛满甘露的颅器,表示给众生甘露之成就。双脚左伸,右缠抱父佛,双尊以妙法大乐与智慧光明空性等之妙法智慧二者归於一性而现。 佛经中讲修习此法,持诵念咒,可获得红财神庇佑,能财源茂盛,免除穷困及一切经济竭蹶。佛经中又讲,修此法分为三等,超出一般的至高无上者可获不共成就,介於中间者可获转轮王之成就,劣等者也可获得满足食物的欲望。 開光佛像, 可以召請佛菩萨的靈光降临. Agree that 佛是尽虚空,遍法界 。。。无处不在 however if that 佛像 is not 開光 at all, then it remain in doubt who are you praying to, although on the surface it is 药师佛, but do you know that other than 佛菩萨 , there are others who can also occupy this statue ? Let me ask you why 佛牙寺佛菩萨 need to 開光 ? Well, whatever I say you will never agree with me because 我是修密法的, so our belief & practice is different. 修法不要那麼執著, 要學會變通 ! Let the reader have a choice and let them choose wisely.
  16. badger


    Hi enci, Buddhist should honour the Triple Gems "Buddha, Dharma and Sangha" not chinese, thai, bon, hindu deities Please mind your word ! Buddha 佛 or Bodhisattva 菩薩 will not mind but not the 鬼神 / 金剛護法, 不可得罪 you better repent for what you say. 四面佛是大梵天王, 在初禪的大梵天, 要尊敬 ! I don’t agree to what you say, everyone have a choice to choose who we worship. Does that mean that if I worship to Elephant God ( a Hindu deity, if not sure ask about the deity background ) am I consider weird or wrong ? No, we respect all individual decision and we pay respect & honour all religious higher being. There are some people who have special affinity to certain deity and so they choose to worship, there are definitely valid reason behind it. We are all mortals, we do not know the past life history or connection, so respect individual rights. 佛法八萬四千法門為治眾生八萬四千種病, so let not be restrictive, choose wisely. And in Buddhist concept, there is No fengshui or position that will offend the Buddha, You are right to say Buddha will not get offended but it is more to do with the human, fengshui is just part & parcel of life, a rule of thumb is not to associate fengshui as a sure make money or wealth generating machine. It about maintaining harmony, peace & state of mind. There is nothing wrong in applying fengshui to your house whether you are Buddhist or non-buddhist follower. Pls note tat Taoist statues needs to go thru very proper procedures and positioning wheras Buddhas and Boddhisattvvas statues are not bonded by any taboos. You are wrong, there are procedure for Buddhas and Boddhisattvvas, you don’t just place Buddhas and Boddhisattvvas any place you want, the day is important and more crucial is to 開光, normally done by a monk or someone qualified, this is not done by any people, because if you do it wrongly, you will summon the wrong 神明 or 佛菩薩 Many Buddhists are afraid to honour the Buddha statue at home becos they r afraid that an altar will make their house look odd or the incence, oil lamps etc will make the house stain and dirty.. So let me break this myth, to honour the Buddha, u can forgo the incense urner, oils lamps, fruits or watever u dislike ... for me, my Buddha statue will be incoprated into my design and there r no urners or oils lamps ... only a simple cup of water (oh pls .. mine is a crystal cup not those chinese prayer teacups) and sometimes, i will buy some nic flowers n offer a few tealight candles during my personal prayers ... its really no myth and no taboo and no restrctions Hello if you want to do it your own way by offering a simple crystal cup of water, then do it, let not discourage others, I don’t care what made is yours, what is important here is sincereity. Again each of us have a choice to chose what we want to offer to 佛菩薩, even a broken porcelain cheap cup will still do the job, it the heart that counts. Please offer real thing !
  17. Hi applefreak, 文殊師利菩薩 is number one in Wisdom. 文殊師利菩薩 is also Buddha teacher. More details on 文殊師利菩薩 按照佛經所說,假如有人修此文殊菩薩密法,至心專持文殊菩薩的咒語,能發出一切的大智慧之光。修了一個月,就能得到心的清淨,有妙音出現,自己的容貌也能轉變成善容。凡修文殊菩薩密法的行者,不受一千大劫的輪迴。又佩此咒語的人,到最後能明白過去未來,了脫生死,得宿命通。 師尊講過:修文殊法,你修了十萬遍法,就得大智慧。修二十萬遍,慧根固定,入菩薩的果位,深得陀羅尼密門之法。修了三十萬遍法,能親自到文殊菩薩的佛國,聽文殊菩薩說法,無量劫的罪業都消滅。這時即是文殊菩薩的第二化身。 文殊菩薩曾講:「誦持此咒,若不爾者,沒有感應,則如他造五無間無異,以謊惑眾生故。這是菩薩親在佛前,發如是誓願,行者當至心奉持。」 在過去世中,文殊菩薩曾是七佛之師,早已成佛,其尊稱是「龍種上尊王佛」。左手持青蓮華,表示不染,能斷煩惱之故。文殊是「妙」的意思,師利或室利,是「頭」,「德」,「吉祥」之意,所以也稱為妙德,妙首或妙吉祥。 文殊菩薩的密號是「吉祥金剛」或「般若金剛」,在胎藏界曼荼羅,中台八葉院,位居西南方,是「開敷華王如來的因位菩薩」,於修行門顯現智慧之德。同時也是東方文殊院的主尊,代表智慧、方便、慈悲之德。 http://www.nenang.org/cht/manjusri.htm If 文殊師利菩薩 is your Guardian, it will be good if you could chant or best if you 修文殊法 the above illustrate it benefit.
  18. Hi All, What is important here is to offer REAL thing to Buddha 佛, Bodhisattva 菩薩 or Deity. This is a Mark of Respect & Sincerity on your part at least. “Ming Hao" I agree but only for this life only. Can you guarantee the next life is better than now ? So don’t be too happy, this is definitely not your last life here, be prepared for the next.
  19. Hi ahnah & MaCe, Interested in attending this May ? 日本靜香上師獅城不動明王九字真言大法會 日期 :12/5/2007 (星期六) 時間 :3 - 7 點 晚上 法會地點 :Singapore Expo Foyer 1, Level 2, Conference Halls A - F 新加坡博覽中心 (免費進場), A-F 會議大厛。二 樓 偈: 九字真言大法 威力無窮大 結界兼除魔 一指透天涯 法會另外備有: 1) 三不動明王(青不動、紅不動、藍不動) 破魔卡 報名此令牌者將祈望獲得不動明王加持,免一切惡咒邪法,驅魔除病,斷除煩惱, 所生的一切障礙,施一切欲求如願,使密宗行者的「行願」如金剛般堅固。 2)九字真言祈福許願曼陀羅 報名者可祈以九會曼陀羅功德力的加持,息滅災難,增益敬愛,身心安寧,招財納福, 資糧福慧具足,入世與出世皆得如意吉祥。 有意供奉者,請查訊本寺 獅城雷藏寺 地址︰117 Sims Avenue Singapore 387441 電話︰(65)6741 3438 傳真︰(65)6741 7436 電郵︰dharma@shicheng.org 網址︰http://www.shicheng.org (可下載報名表格) 國外匯票、支票抬頭︰True Buddha Shi Cheng Temple 誠邀各界同門、善信大德踴躍親臨或郵訊傳真報名參加,一切供養隨意。
  20. Hi karen77sg, It apply to all living things, however small. It will definitely benefit you if you chant, even for animal you dont kill. These apply whether you eat in or outside your house.
  21. Hi MaCe, Yes I do go occasionally. There is a Fa Hui coming on 12 May ? at Expo organise by Shi Cheng, you going ?
  22. Hi ahnah, This is from internal, no worry this is a modified version, for those who are not 皈依 弟子 can use this
  23. Hi karen77sg Any form of killing is no good, whether your house worship Buddha 佛 or Bodhisattva 菩薩. To kill is a sin, however small it may be. If you have to kill and have no choice since your hubby love to eat crab, well you can at least chant 文殊師利菩薩往生咒 Here the step: 1) Before eating, we need to do 超度 the dead animal (ie pig, chicken, cow...). Here's what you do: a) Visualize Amitabha Buddha 南無阿彌陀佛 in front of you (mid air), emitting red light shining on the plate of food on the table. b) Visualize your hand symbol ( see diagram) place in front of your chest if you can, if not do the hand symbol under the table so no one can see or visualize it c) Visualize all the chicken, pork, beef or fish (whatever you are eating) form into one complete physical shape. All chicken form into one chicken, all pork form into one pig & etc. d) Chant: 文殊師利菩薩往生咒 嗡。啞貝拉吽。堪渣拉。梭哈 (7 times) Om ah pei la hom gan cha la suo ha Now visualize the animals in complete shape flying toward Amitabha Buddha 南無阿彌陀佛
  24. HaPpYDay, Do you need the Guan Yin to be in procelain (white in color) , bronze or others You can try Fu Lu Shou Complex, 2nd floor and above !! You can also try Pearl Centre ( next to Outram MRT ) There is a buddha shop on the 3rd or 4th floor