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Posts posted by Damocles

  1. For people buying an apartment on the secondary housing market, I think the biggest problem is how to clean up the kitchen area.

    Especially when the previous owner has been doing heavy cooking without having an efficient cooker hood installed or even not installing one.

    So, before the renovators started repainting the premises, how does one really clean up the kitchen, especially the walls and ceiling.

    Your views will be greatly appreciated.

    Thank you.


  2. I am using a Rubine cooker hood at present.

    It is making so much noise when switched on that I am going deaf soon.

    I intend to look for another cooker hood, most probably of a different brand that is very quiet and efficient in sucking up the oily fumes.

    Has anyone any suggestions, please?

    Thank you.


    • Like 1

  3. Well said! Many people are ignorant thinking that pets are causing allergies. Many pet owners give up their pets when they have newborn baby. It's kinda sad ! Irresponsible

    Is each and everyone of those who keep pets, like cats and dogs, so fastidious as to ensure that their pets will never soil the lift or other common areas?

    So absolutely sure?

  4. Hmm..

    which law say so?

    I remember my last condo. Has neighbor keeping dogs.

    My ex-colleague keeping cats at her condo too.

    I was thinking that pets, especially cats and dogs moult and the furs shed can cause asthma.

    Pets can also transmit cross specie diseases not to mention the nuisance of some owners allowing their pets to defecate in the lifts!!!

  5. It's a given that in most average sized apartments, the drying area for laundry is very limited.

    I understand that using a clothes drier may be one option in solving the problem.

    However, not having used one before, I would like to know whether it is still necessary to hang out the laundry for airing after taking them out of the drier?

    Also, wouldn't this defeat the original purpose in the first place?

    And that is not having to hang out the laundry to dry!

    In addition, are there any other ways to handle this lack of space to dry clothes?

  6. In my case, I have seen a huge house lizard eating a live cockroach which was equally huge(presumably the American variety).

    The whole body was eaten except the wings!

    So, it's true, lizards do really get rid of cockroaches!!

    And it's also equally true, they leave big blobs of droppings everywhere!!!

    I have often stepped on the droppings even!!!

    And having lizards dropping on my feet when I watch TV is a common practice.

    In addition, they like to chase each other all over the walls in my house!!!!!

    And created a raucous racket!

    So, finally, I got so fed-up of them that I bought some lizard glue and placed them where they like to roam.

    It was successful and I have sometimes caught four lizards over a few days, both big and small.

    After the lizards were gone, the cockroaches came back!

    Then, I bought some cockroach bait and placed them where they like to frolic.

    Eventually, their numbers were down.

  7. The louvres next to the service yard pipes are nice.

    They are enclosed on all sides.

    The ones I have are still the very old fashioned ones made of glass and two of the edges are exposed.

    Please let me know the following:

    1. what are the panes made of

    2. can the individual panes be removed for washing

    3. which company in Singapore is selling it

    4. wonder whether they are available in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

    5. the price for one set of panes and frame

    Thank you.



  8. My condo unit was bought in the secondary market.

    On moving in, I noticed that some of the ceramic tiles, both on the wall as well as the floor were nicked.

    These could have been made by careless workmen with the electric hand tools.

    Is there any way that I could remedy the unsightly nicks?

    Also, a hole which is about the size of a small coin has been gouged into the wooden floor in one of the bedrooms.

    What can be done to fill this up properly?

    Thank you.


  9. Corrugated Paper (from Favour International)

    The first time I encountered corrugated paper was during a mini renovation for my flat which was featured in the following thread:


    Thereafter, I cannot fail to swear by the importance & the use of corrugated paper in many DIY assignments, ranging from protecting my cute mini sliding doors (made by Han Fong Aluminium) at the recess area below the windows during our DIY sessions on painting of walls, right up to using it to wrap up fragile items such as glass products & even metal wares prior to shipping.

    I've known teenage customers from Favour International who bought the corrugated paper for the purpose of wrapping up their metal or stone sculptures or parts of the bicycle on the spot & shipping them out of Singapore after placing them into boxes.

    These corrugated papers are sold in huge rolls & I've bought them from Favour International on & off when the need arises. e.g. covering my cute-looking sliding doors below the windows to prevent paint from spluttering onto them when we painted our flat.



    For those of you who are interested in purchasing corrugated paper, please visit Favour International at the following website:


    Alternatively, you might want to drop by at their flagship store at:

    302, Ubi Ave One


    Singapore 400302

    This flagship store is also selling many cute stuff (pretty packaging, stickers, etc) which could go into dressing up your gifts or catering for parties & wedding favours too!

  10. Adhesive stain remover : De-Solv-it (from Home-Fix stores)

    To kick start this thread, let's start off with an interesting "appetizer", known as, De-Solv-it.

    De-Solv-it had been a great partner for all of us out there who had encountered stubborn adhesive stains on walls after peeling off stickers, old adhesive hooks, etc.

    This item is sold in Home-Fix stores and I purchased my first bottle of it from the Compasspoint branch.


    The first location I've tried this chemical was on the white ceramic tiles which were directly above my kitchen sink.

    After removing an old dirty soap dish from the wall, there were 2 round-shaped adhesive stains that could not be peeled off as they were stuck fast on the tiles as you could see from the photograph below:


    The chemical is an oil-based fluid which had a very strong pungent smell. As such, I've placed newspapers & kitchen towels just directly below the section where the chemical was going to be applied on.

    After spraying on the chemical, I've set aside some time for it to work on these adhesive stains before cleaning it away with a piece of wet tissue paper. Those old adhesive stains were being soften by the chemical & disintegrated gradually when I tried to scrap it off with a ball of wet tissue paper as shown in the photograph below:


    The outcome is that of spotless, clean & white ceramic tiles that were free of adhesive stains:

    [photograph pending]

  11. My condo comes pre-installed with Orin brand WC.

    It's a good WC except that the toilet seat is perpendicular to the cistern at the back.

    This causes the toilet cover to keep falling down.

    Although there are screws at the bottom of the cover, not much adjustments can be made and the result is disappointing.

    Can someone please enlighten?

    Thank you.

  12. It's common for those living in the tropics to encounter mold or mildew on their bath or hand towels.

    It is not only unsightly but will also damage the towels in the long run.

    Hopefully, someone with experience in handling it can enlighten us on how to get rid of it.

    Thank you.


  13. Hi,

    I'm living in a high rise.

    The grills in the windows are getting a bit rusty and I would like to paint them.

    How do I go about painting the side facing out?

    Also, some ceramic tiles have rust stains due to placing of gas cylinders on them - any practical and effective suggestions on how to REALLY get rid of them?

    Thank you.
