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About danelow

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  1. Workmanship so so. But end of the day, very disappointed with him. Price is ok, but must remember to write everything down on paper. Any defect you raise up, you will get alot of reasoning to desuade you from changing.
  2. The one u circle in blue, you may ask them to do a removable cover to cover that hole. As for the one you circle in red you can ask them do a 45 degree angle.
  3. Hi, may I know your champange colour cabinet is from which series of laminate? Very nice and glossy.
  4. Hi, just to ask, after so many month of usage for your mulitpoint water heater, is the water pressure and usage good?
  5. Hi, can show my more view on your commom toilet with shower curtain.
  6. Hi , May I know Where did you get your mirror cabinet at your common bathroom? Is your master bathroom mirror also cabinet typr? May I also ask how much you pay for the reginox sink and also the dimension?
  7. Hi do you think you can post some photo of your kitchen cabinet? I am interested to know how it looks like when complete. thinking of doing a concrete support too.
  8. seem troublesome to open up and down. But it look nice and neat
  9. Hi Just wonder, your window next to the dryer rack, is it a 2 panel swing window? If yes, do you have difficulty in opening and close of the wndow?
  10. Thank you so much for the pictures.... will ask my contractor to work on this.
  11. I just like to see the interior how it looks with the concrete support. Do you tile up the exterior and then do the laminates? So far most of the kitchen I saw nowadays is all timber except yours. For the concrete support you only allow for the sink area or all of your cabinet? Thanks
  12. kitchen sink support Hi had saw that your sink support is using concrete (refer to the 2 concrete upstand )... would you be free to put up more photo on the interior also... I think end of the day you had used laminate to cover it up right. Also what about the rest of your bottom cabinet, do they also have this concrete support?
  13. danelow

    Bath Tub

    http://mysteamroom.files.wordpress.com/200...-steam-room.jpg you may try this web site again. Thanks alot, will check with the contractor if they ever did this kind of bath tub or not.
  14. danelow

    Bath Tub

    http://67pics.com/view2.php?q=Pictures Of Tile Bathtubs&url=http://mysteamroom.files.wordpress.com/2009/01/tile-bathtub-and-steam-room.jpg Found this on web site... would be something like that. No bath tub require. Just tile the floor and wall will do