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Everything posted by sethho

  1. Hope your wife gets better soon Its best to go with your wife, but for first quote, you are just giving a draft plan for the ID for an estimated quote. That is why preparing your own list of 'works' with you wife helps. So for the first "round", just go to as many recommended IDs as you can so that you can refine your list of reno items to be done and get more practical ideas.
  2. Can't wait to see your update! We intend to fumigate the whole house before moving in - I recall seeing those one-use cannister (from Taiwan??) that you can activate in enclosed rooms. Anyone knows where can we get those? No idea where can we rent those industrial type air filter that you leave it on for 2-3 days after reno is completed to help with the dust as well.
  3. When nice people snap - the effect of fierce-ness is double. 不要跟老娘玩哦! (translate to Singlish - dont pray pray)
  4. No idea...lol But this is from the first shop we saw in Jl Besar
  5. I agree with Ader, not only do you have good taste, you must have lots of patience + determination searching everything in your shopping list!
  6. Ok, I found one pendant light that I can IMAGINE it will look nice in a contrasting manner for a minimalist theme. I can visualize the colour effect bring some "warmth" to our home. I leave the aesthetic to Ader - I know I suck at that department...
  7. Ely1 and sleek, if you are reading this, please share with Ader how good cats are with chasing and exterminating cockroaches, lizards, etc
  8. He thinks you are carrot head.... Haulage for $1200...lol Can't comment on items with feature walls as I have no idea what material is he offering. But its obvious the quote is pretty steep.
  9. Congratz on your new place! Yes, having HDB registration is a MUST. It is common to check with the ID/contractor their registration name/no. under the HDB list for verification. If you do not want to have any hassle in designing, you can try an ID. But I have heard that they are not much difference from contractors as you have to choose your own tiles, lamination and painting anyway. The extra service ID provide over contractors is probably just the 3D images. Ultimately it boils down to experience (of what works) and responsibility of the ID/contractor.
  10. Monetary wise, it should not be expensive if you get the seed + pot + earth from any Orchids. Its the time and work required to care for the plant and clearing excess water so as not to breed mosquitoes that may be the true 'cost'.
  11. I just started researching on possible options... Here are some links: http://www.ehow.com/about_5384759_flowering-plants-repel-insects.html http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nepeta I rather have a plant to help cultivate my personality and beautify my house, rather than running around with an insecticide. I remember once my sis was trapped in the bathroom with a FLYING cockroach when bathing... I dunno to cringe or to laugh hearing her scream and spraying water all around If it is specifically to repel cockroaches, best solution is still Pandan plant if you can find it. Not exactly a nice looking plant, but you can definitely use the leaves for cooking Asian dishes or home made kaya.
  12. I have not done any searching yet... just researching for best option. I rather get a plant to help beautify the place than spray insecticides.... Anyway I posted my findings at May's blog. Hope it helps
  13. Another piece of good info from marshmallow! TBH, drilling holes on my ceiling is another concern I have. I manage to get these pics from Woei Lee's site: The remote control type that comes with lighting - parallel to window... Same type but perpendicular to window... Manual type - ceiling mounted... The one that fits our need if it can be 1.5m instead of 2m - wall mounted manual type. We can mount it on the wall above rubbish chute. This gives us ample space switching from sun drying if only using window near the toilet when it rains Extended type for cannon deployment!
  14. Thank you again for your great info and insightful inputs! No worries, I will take them only as a point of reference since you bought your pulley system last year With your permission, I have copied and paste your pm to my blog to share with everyone. All credits goes to marshmallow!
  15. I am considering growing Catnip plant (Nepeta) at my rubbish chute area since its pretty open because it is a natural insect repellant. Years ago, I was chasing and spraying at a cockroach running to the sink/cabinet over chute in my mum's place. It turn out to be the 'home base' for all the cockroaches infesting our home! There must be at least 30 over cockroaches - black, green and whites - some double the size of an adult that came pouring out. Felt like I was playing Space Invader, spraying and lacing the entire kitchen floor while retreating to the living room against some that just refuses to die...lol Morale of the story: find their nest and you will have peace for at least a year...
  16. Thanks for highlighting your signature ~ miss that entirely If its convenient, please pm me the price to expect for my budgeting. Thanks again in advance! No worries, I got the website from Google - http://www.streetdirectory.com.ph/woeilee/
  17. Congratz on a fine and healthy boy! A father with 3 sons = 2 a side soccer or rugby, pools, poker, video games, good old fashion RPG, etc... Many will envy you doing all the guys stuff with your boys!
  18. I can talk about shoes At least I learned just enough to get Ader ladies' boots, since that is her fav footwear in Australia and she looks good in them In Singapore, she only wears them in the monsoon season. The last pair I got her is from Franco Sarto: Edit - key feature: comfortably shaped, soft leather, good balance and the heels are not too tall.
  19. I agree... if this happens to my renovation, I rather tough it out now for a complete touch up. Let your ID know that you are upset and their reputation is at stake here!
  20. I feel 'young' again with you guys! lol First PC game that got me hooked is 'Art of War', first PC RPG - Dark Heart of Uukrul. First Playstation games - FF VII, Metal Gear Solid and Resident Evil. I can still recall the fright from those sudden zombie scenes when playing at night hours Hey RB - its always great to find another Ravenloft fan! When I DM, I always bring them to Ravenloft campaign through the Mist. We have a munchkin in our group that force us to mix-max rather than role play in Faerun (Forgotten Realms). Cyberpunk and Vampire the Masquerade (table top) are some of my other favorites. Though we dabble in other game system like Palladium for Robotech and Marvel superheroes. Let me guess - you have a collection of Knights of the Dinner Table? They bring back so much memories...sigh CCG was a short craze, but I still have some of my M:TG and Legend of the Five Rings cards... sold most of the dual lands though.
  21. Ader is good with nastiness and bargaining, especially since they are all guys... so I will leave that to her...kekeke
  22. I only join when Burning Crusade was launched. Mage (nick - Painforge) was my main and pally to help out for raids when the guild needs one. Never touch hunters and warlocks cos they are OP!! Stopped when Lich King expansion came...realise I have no time for real life edit: BTW, I am old school AD&D player with 4, 6, 8, 10, 12 and 20 sided dice player - 25yrs of experience! I joined 'the online sensation' only cos all my role playing friends went overseas I even bought a set of 'Dragon Warriors' book set from Ebay just to re-live my childhood memories...lol
  23. Alright! Your hubby and marshmallow will be our source of experts now for laundry pulley system First question - any recommendations or can we find them in shops that sell taps, basin, etc. like GR Links?
  24. Thank you gimz We were prepared to pay 40k for 3rm corners in Commonwealth/Queenstown areas. So that savings really help us with the overhaul. We did not consider Clementi at all for 2+ months... with little expectation of the neighbourhood, we were pleasantly surprised with the convenience now Yes, 3 days is the timetable given by Darren, Andrew's project lead. But I am always pessimistic when it comes to 'dead lines'...lol