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Posts posted by bleucheeze

  1. hullo both!

    havent received. i cannot wait liao.. just told may to ship out today. still got 1 item (towel rack) havent rec.

    so i will have to buy other items to fill up my 1cubic meter just for that towel rack lo!!!


    will update once i get the products.. should receive them next week (tue or wed)

    Can I check with you - roughly how long did it take between the day you placed order and for most of the items to reach the warehouse? Are most of your sellers located in Guangzhou?

  2. Ok, my contractor checked and reverted. So that vertical "beam" are actually not structural, but they do support the false ceiling. So if we wanna hack it, have to remove the false ceiling AND aircon.

    If we hack them, especially after the right one is gone, i think this adds more "openess" to the kitchen? My kitchen peranakan tile will be visible from the dining area too! In the first place, I want to dismantle kitchen door and change the kitchen entrance position because I'd like more open-ness in the otherwise tiny kitchen.

    Should we hack or not hack? :dunno:

    If we don't hack it, I will extend width of the vertical beam and build my island length to join it. If so, should I use the Peranakan tiles on the exterior of the island facing the dining room? Not sure if it will look weird or not .. hmmm... Otherwise I may use white subway tiles or white 10x10 tiles. I not very keen on wood laminate cos i think it is quite hard to find one of a similar wood grain and colour as my teak table.

    Need to make this decision asap! :bangwall:

  3. These 10x10 shouldn't be that ex right? Anyways we have decided to lay our peranakan tiles this way as Mr E says this is the real authentic way (sounds like Simon says...)

    So our bathrooms will not have so many prints now...

    It's quite cheap from what I remember... and it's actually not exactly 10x10, it's somewhere between 10.6cm or something, but definitely a square lah.

  4. Oh get a matching red toaster like those from Kenwood & a red Kitchen Aid! Then against the white, we see bursts of red!

    :dancingqueen: nice nice!! red and white special.

    but must be discipline lo.. buy other things must keep in cupboard. i think maintenance is the difficult part. for me at least.

    I think Z3phy is right, very hard to be disciplined! I can't imagine keeping the island clutter free :bangwall:

  5. If it is a lighter or different shade of wood laminate, then I think it is ok? Cos if the island has white base & white surface top, would it be too white? Unless you 'break' the whiteness with accessories at the base with hand towel racks etc?

    Hmm... but there will be things (some with colours) placed on top of the island mah. A red nespresso, toaster, breadmaker, hopefully a Kitchen Aid in the future... I think too many things liao.. hurhur :P

  6. If you're someone who collects teacups and such like me, then I think it's a good idea to have something like the Lack shelf to display them. You and your guests will be able to admire them!

    As for your island facing the dining area, I personally like tiles. But the most important thing is to choose something that will blend in with your dining area furnishings/colour scheme.

    Hmm... My dining table n bench are made of teak wood. Opposite the dining area I will have 2 teak book shelves too. If I choose wood laminate for the island facing dining table, no doubt it will blend in, but will it be too "woody"? That's my concern la. If I choose white subway tiles or white square tiles, together with white solid top, it will form a seamless white "frame" when viewed from the dining area :dunno:

  7. P3020174_circle_zps95082ff1.jpg

    I am thinking of ways to dress up that vertical beam/post on the right side. Quite weird to leave it on its own, no?

    Perhaps can increase the width of it, like build a joining extension to its left. So my island will span across the entire length of the space. Then dress up the post with some cooking related art prints? Or fix this Lack wall shelf and display some cooking related vintage items on it? I have already collected a few pieces!


    And for my island side facing outside/ dining area, should I go with the same laminate as the rest of the kitchen bottom cabinet? Or lay tiles on it? Either peranakan tiles (same as my kitchen floor tile), white subway tiles (same as my backsplash/wall tiles) or 10x10cm white square tiles (same tile as my kitchen bottom cabinet base)?

  8. Nice! Initially I wanted something like this too, but the contractor bought me to soon bee huat, which don't have. I think these look nice as backsplash too. Or mix with some plain ones in between for flooring...

    The one i chose is too big to mix with plain tiles.. unless your space is super big. Hehe.

    =( serious? i'm doing white too leh...

    Mayb if very careful n keep dry will be ok for very long? I got a colleague who did white glossy laminate, coming to 3 years, she say didn't turn yellowish. Anyway I also do white juz that its matt not glossy. The contractor say if turn yellowish will look creamy. Btw, he say all color will change, whether its white or not.

    Hmm... :dunno:

  9. Hi Bluecheeze,

    If I m not wrong, there is an improved version of this model that can oscillate left right and up down. Price wise I m not too sure. The outlook of e fan is exactly e same :)

    Glad to know! Where can I buy the improved version? Any idea roughly how much is one?

  10. [..continued..]

    Joseph Joseph Square Colander - small



    again, size-wise is just nice for a 1-2 person household - the ones sold at tangs, bhg etc r the medium to large versions...frankly, even if you do have a 3-4 person household, this thing is pretty deep so should be good enough...and storage wise, of course this is better lah, for those of us with small kitchens... :P

    There is some sort of a feet at the bottom of the colander right? If I throw cooked spaghetti in, do you reckon the pasta may stick out from the hole / touch the sink?

  11. yeh...metallic type...actually someone on renotalk did his whole kitchen in reflective silver laminate and i thought it look gorgeous! especially if you have the right things to reflect (your tiles)...:) anyway, burnt orange is a super cool colour too! complements your tiles. :)

    Wa, i must go find the reflective silver project out! If both the top and bottom cabinet are burnt orange in colour, is it too over?

    Thanks for your tips on beams. I shall go do some research.

  12. Quite disturbing to see this - two vertical beam-like thingy were not hacked. I got a bad feeling that these are beam which are not hackable :(


    The left circled part is right beside where my island is. I plan to have an open shelving next to the island, where I can store my hand-brew coffee equipment etc. The right circle part is not supposed to be there. That is actually my new doorway into the kitchen. If you scroll up a few pix above, there is a photo showing a clearer angle of the doorway.

    These two beams are really an eyesore now. Not sure what can I do with them? And if the right beam is really not hackable, I'd have to build my island all the way across the entire length which I feel is a tad too long. My initial plan is to build the island approximately 3/4 across.

    Now waiting for my contractor to visit the site and advice us accordingly. Keeping my fingers crossed. :dunno::help:

  13. Few more contractors/ID came to see my place for measurements. Now waiting for few more quotes before I can finalise THE ONE.

    While waiting for the quotation, I am doing some research on furnitures, tiles, lights etc etc. Now a days I am regular visitor of Taobao, but I m bit sceptical to buy bulky item like furnitures from them.

    I have been going to Houzz website as well for ideas for kitchen and bathroom design and colours.

    Just saw the below tiles. Thinking of getting something like this for my guest bathroom. I hope I can find this kind of tile in singapore


    Haven't seen subway tile in this colour locally. I think I saw mini subway tile in green colour at An Huat before, they are quite small, perhaps 1-2" in length?

  14. Burnt orange - I know what you mean... Think it will go well with your floor tiles!

    Hurhur, we shall see. I haven't seen any burnt orange cabinets though, wonder if laminate comes in this colour. Found this but hmm... I'm not too sure about it - http://www.lamitak.com/gallery/SCA5126D.jpg

    Guess what? We went down to the place where we got our sofa today, wanted to change our sofa piping colour from grey to burnt orange! The lady has to check with the factory if it is doable. If ok, then it will be turquoise sofa with burnt orange piping! Woot! :sport-smiley-004: :sport-smiley-004: :sport-smiley-004:

  15. I think he means the high-gloss laminate? Like those bright, glossy ones on ikea kitchens? This will add a "pop of color" to your kitchen.

    We inquired about this with K and he agreed but he also said '这个不便宜'... Now testing luck with Alan!

    After reading this, burnt orange cabinet somehow appeared in my head! :sport-smiley-018:
